The Day The Multiverse Collapsed Chapter One: Your Typical Saturday

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"Yeah. I can handle that..." It was around four... pm? Maybe closer to five, Future was taking his daily trip around the nation. Histoire had finally snapped and locked herself in her room and refused to help Neptune until she learned how to be independent. So, high chance she's never coming out... To help with the quest problems, Future decided to handle all of the fetch quests, leaving Neptune to worry about the quests involving monsters, which he purposely moved all of the harder kill quests behind some low ranking dogoo kill quests, just to mess with her. Nepgear was somewhere in Lastation spending the day with Uni, most likely to get away from all the chaos in the Basilicom. With Neptune most definitely busy with an army of slime monsters, Future made a straight charge to the temple hidden deep in Virtua Forest. It was something newly discovered, which made him want to be the first one to explore it, sorta giving light as to why he tricked Neptune into taking the easier quests. It was a major discovery of Planeptune, maybe even all of Gamindustri, which is why all of the goddesses had their eyes on this temple, making it difficult for Future to snag the first look. The temple was buried among the trees and bushes, and was shrouded in overgrowth with vines following down the walls and making the trek down difficult, almost tripping over every vine that adorned the stairs. Deeper in the temple, a small console laid upon a pedestal, obviously being some kind of dark magic or trap of any kind, but Future is a man who really doesn't think about consequences, and grabs the console off of the pedestal.

(Back at the Basilicom)

"Alright. That should do it..." Future had plugged in the console, with Neptune standing behind him waiting in anticipation. The console slowly sparks to life, as a dim glow radiates off of the tiny box shaped relic. Before long, the glow had turned into a massive strobe light, as the entire room was filled with a bright light. As the light faded, several voices were heard as they grew in size. "Holy...$#!%." Several people stood in the room, make that about twenty... They all seemed familiar to Future, a few of them even looking exactly like him. Future walked up to the one with the Dark Aura leaking out of him, as he looked to Future. "Oh goddess dammit..." The Dark Aura immediately returned inside of him as he sighed. "So... What the hell did you do this time, Future?" ~ "I'm not entirely sure myself, Rebirth... Must have been the console." Another person walked up to the two of them, who, surprise surprise, also looked like the two of them. "And I guess this means you're the one at fault, huh me?" Future looks over to the third 'him' who had walked up to them. "Who are you...?" ~ "I guess it'd be easier to call me 'Stardust', although I'm not exactly pleased with that name." Another figure in the back walks up to them, "How do I keep getting wrapped into messes with you @$$wipes?" Future sighs, "Sorry about that, Raidea..." Another figure walks into a wall... eight times. Before Raidea steered him on track. "Why am I always here?" ~ "Kaidea. You're the cannon fodder. You have to be here." Kaidea glares at Future, or at least, glares towards the wall as Raidea moves Kaidea to face Future. "Thanksgiving." Rebirth facepalms as Stardust sighs. A petite girl with pink hair looks around the room. "This place is so cool... I've decided, I want this place to be my new base!" A boy who looked to be around seventeen or eighteen tries to reason with her. "Lady Chou-Chou, what about G-Castle?!" Chou-Chou thinks for a second, "Scrap it." Shocked Servant is Shocked... "W-What?! Scrap it? Lady Chou-Chou~...!" Future walks up to the two of them. "Is everything okay here?" The servant bows. "Oh! Yes. Sorry for the noi~..." Chou-Chou knocks him over as she points at Future. "Are you the strongest person here?!" Future seems taken aback from this, as Raidea, Rebirth, and Stardust lean in. "Uhhhh.... Y-yeah... I am the strongest person here." Raidea, Rebirth, and Stardust all give Future the death glare. "Perfect! Then I'm going to make you my peon!" ~ "Your... what?" ~ "My peon! You know, servant?" ~ "Ah. okay. okay... okay? Okay! Okay...! Okay!!" Behind Future 'YOU @$$HOLE' could be heard. Chou-Chou nods. "Alright then. I'm gonna Moe-kill you!" ~ "Yeah. That won't work..." The servant shakes his head. "I don't think you know what 'Moe-kill' means..." ~ "Also, who are you?" ~ "Oh, I'm Ryuto. The hero of Soil World~..." Chou-Chou pushes him aside. "...Yeah, no one cares. I am the overwhelmingly ultra-beautiful undisputed god that has come to conquer this world! Lady Chou-Chou!" The other 'Gods' in the room look over to Chou-Chou with varying expressions, most of them wanting to kill her. Kaidea cupped his hands over his mouth, and surprisingly, actually in her direction, screamed. "No one cares!" Chou-Chou turns to Kaidea. "How dare you~...!" ~ "Easily!" Future looks over to Ryuto. "So... Is she like this... all the time?" ~ "Yeah. Lady Chou-Chou is the undisputed god after all." ~ "That's the weird thing... What does that even mean? On what level is 'undisputed'... I have a feeling that even Peashy could whoop her @$$..." The sound of a gun going off echoes throughout the Basilicom, as an almost zombie looking person held up a shield made out of paperclips, blocking a spray of blood that a blue haired boy launched out. "Oh! Sorry...! I thought you were a Marchen..." The man lowered his shield. "What's a 'Marchen'?" A girl helps the boy down onto the couch. "Jack, you need to be careful of using your blood..." ~ "I know Alice... Sorry." A bird demon thing sprouts out from Rebirth's neck. "Hey! What's with all the noise?!" Rebirth turns to Future. "That's what I'd like to know..." Future awkwardly laughs. "Well... That's a bit hard to ex~..." A hole opens in the wall, as two figures step into the corridor. The first has yellow and black armor, and a yellow Helmet. It looks towards a figure to the left of it, wearing generic looking fantasy armor. "Siris, where are we?" ~ "I don't know, I don't recognize this place." Everyone looks back to Future as he strugs. "Well~..." The ceiling caves in as a teenage girl falls through the ceiling, landing safely on a couch. "Ow..." Her eyes turn yellow as she patches up her wounds. Future sighs, and then gives everyone a warm smile. "Welcome to Hyperdimension."

End of Chapter

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