Re;Light Chapter Two: Welcome to Alola

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I dust off my legs as I look around at my surroundings.

I seem to have fallen into another universe, due to the Ultra Wormholes.

"Well, this is just perfect..." A small creature runs past me. "Huh?" I look over to the creature, it looks to be a Mongoose. I pull out a beast ball. "Well, I might as well catch you and see just how powerful you are. Go, Poipole!" I throw my beast ball and Poipole emerges. It does a backflip and seems to be raring to go. "Poipole, use Sludge Bomb!"

Poipole launches out a chunk of sludge, which explodes on impact. The mongoose falls to the ground, poisoned. "Alright, now for the catch." I throw a beast ball at the mongoose, the ball makes contact, but nothing happens. "What?"

I walk up to the mongoose, doesn't seem to belong to anyone, so why doesn't the beast ball work? I pull out a pecha berry and give it to the mongoose. The mongoose immediately stands up and runs around in circles. A few more mongooses step out from the grass. "I guess they're its friends." The mongoose runs off with the others, as I wave.

"Ok, now what do I do...?" I make my way down the hill, finally arriving at a small village.

A sign on the side read "Iki Town"

People and pokemon, working together. I make my way through the crowd, stopping at a building near the shore. As I approached the building, I realised that the roof was recently repaired... Seems as though on multiple occasions. I could hear voices coming from inside. "Ooh, Rockruff, my body is ready!" I don't want to know what's going on in there. Rock shards blast out of the roof and land in the water. "What... the hell...?"

I walk up to the door and knock on it. The door unlocks and I'm greeted by a man in a lab coat. "Yes, can I help you?" I inhale deeply. "Well, blah blah blah, blah blah, blah blah.."

The man nods. "I see, you ended up here after you crashed into an Ultra Wormhole..."

The power of Plot convenience is convenient. "Well, if you want, you can stay here for the time being. My name is Kukui, I'm a pokemon professor." I graciously accept his offer and he motions for me to enter. "Woah..." The room was enormous, definitely looks bigger on the inside. "My lab is downstairs, you can use the loft as your room."

I walk around the room for a little bit, then set up in the loft. "I might as well let Poipole out." My beast ball opens and Poipole enthusiastically leaps out. Kukui glances over at Poipole. "What's that?" I look over to Kukui. "It's my Poipole." Kukui admires the small poison type. "I've never seen anything like it before." I give my Poipole a small pokeblock. "It's an Ultra Beast, where I come from, everyone uses an Ultra Beast." I show him the Beast Ball. "We developed the Beast Balls, so that we could capture these pokemon." Kukui pulls out a pokeball. "I'd like to see what kind of attacks it has, care for a battle?" Poipole and I exchange glances, then break out into a grin. "You're on."

Waves crash onto the rocks near us. The smell of the sea all around us. I throw my Beast ball. "Go, Poipole!" Poipole bursts out of the beast ball. Kukui pulls out a pokeball and throws it. A dog like pokemon bursts out of it. It had tan fur, rocks sticking out of its mane. "This is my Lycanroc. Lycanroc is a special pokemon that has two different forms depending on the time of day it evolves. This is Midday form." Lycanroc growls when it sees Poipole. "Well, if you won't hold back then neither will we. Poipole, use Sludge Bomb!" Poipole launches off a chunk of sludge at the Lycanroc. The chunk explodes, sending a wave of sludge across the sand. "Lycanroc, use Accelrock!" Lycanroc quickly rushes forwards, slamming into Poipole, and sending it flying. "Poipole, recoil!"

Poipole starts flipping in reverse direction. It stops mid-flight. "Great! Poipole, use fell stinger!" Poipole launches out a needle at Lycanroc, who dodges it. "Lycanroc, let's finish this." Lycanroc nods. Kukui crosses his arms, revealing a device on his wrist. "What is that?" Kukui flexes and lunges, which seemed to power up Lycanroc. "Continental Crush!" Lycanroc jumped into the air and formed a giant rock, as big as a mountain, throwing it down. The rock slams into Poipole, causing a massive explosion.

"Poipole!" The smoke clears, and Poipole slowly floats up. "Good."

Kukui returns his Lycanroc. "I think that's enough for today." I nod in agreement.

I return Poipole to its Beast Ball.


Kukui hands me a red device. "This is a pokedex, newest version actually. Oh, and one more thing..." A small electric bolt appears next to him. "This is Rotom, it's a pokemon that can control appliances. So..." Rotom flies into the pokedex. Suddenly, the Pokedex turns on and flies around me. "It can possess the pokedex." Rotom lands back in my hands. "It'sssss nice to meetcha." Kukui hands me another device. "This is a Z-Power Ring. It allows you to use Z-moves, like the one that I used." I equip the Z-Power Ring on my right wrist. "How does it work?" Kukui shows his. "To use the Z-Ring you need a Z-Crystal. And to use a Z-Crystal, you need a pokemon with a move that matches the type of the Z-Crystal. There are multiple Z-Crystals for every type." Rotom pulls up an image of multiple Z-Crystals. "So, what do you plan on doing now?" I stare at the crystals. "I'm going to collect all of the Z-Crystals, and catch all of the Ultra Beasts. Then I can save everyone." Kukui hands me a slip of paper. "Then try heading to this location, There have been sightings of a Totem Pokemon there." I glance over the paper. "Totem Pokemon?" Kukui shows me a picture of two rats, side by side. Although, one is bigger than the other. "Totem Pokemon are pokemon that carry the Z-Crystals, they're usually bigger than normal pokemon." I nod and head outside. It's time to collect all 18 Z-Crystals, and I won't stop until I collect them all. I will be the one to defeat Necrozma.

And save everyone.

End of Chapter

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