Keep Nepping and No One Combusts

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"So... Isn't this the seventy-sixth time this has happened?" ~ "On-screen or off-screen?" ~ "Both, but I've been counting more on fourth-screen." ~ "Fourth-screen?" The monitor on the east wall of the room turns on, revealing the usual flamboyant digital kidnapper. "Hello in there! It's great for us to be together again." ~ "We're getting tired of this, Anonydeath. Can't you just... Chase after Noire, or something?" ~ "I would if I could... She took down all of my hidden cameras and won't answer my Nmails..." ~ "I'm starting to see why..." ~ "Now then, you're all probably wondering why you're here..." ~ "I'm just wondering what I'll have for dinner tonight..." ~ "In this game, you'll have to keep up a conversation." ~ "And if we don't...?" ~ "Then..." Anonydeath snaps his fingers, and the video feed is replaced by a clip of a man's head exploding... "That, will happen." ~ "Did you really just use a clip from Scanners?!" ~ "Anyways, good luck! Tootles!" With that, the monitor turns off. "I really want to kill him." ~ "Same." I guess we should explain our situation. We, or, I guess myself... Are stuck in another of Anonydeath's "games." Due to another time malfunction, I have been reunited with my other self. "So, how are we going to get out of here, me?" ~ "Well, me. He did say we just need to hold a conversation." ~ "All this, me, I, myself, stuff is going to be confusing..." ~ "Then why don't you call me by 'Future.' Because you were the one who saved my future." ~ "Then I'll be 'Rebirth.' Reborn anew, and given a second chance to find my purpose." ~ "Aww... This is so touching!" Shadows rise from my body, electricity rises from Future's. "Shut up and die!" We blast the monitor, completely destroying it. "Alright, let's beat this game." ~ "Right!"

"Slight problem..." I look over to Future, who was checking the outer area. The area he provided us is large in size, but it's still computer generated. For him to be able to program something like this, in the short amount of time that it took him, he must have three times the computers as Vert. Which is saying something, 'cause Vert uses four computers, all at once. "So, what's the problem?" ~ "We've got company..." Outside, an army of fenrirs advanced. "$#!%! Okay, plan B. Prepare for war." I follow Future outside and rip off the bandage around my chest. Future looked at the wound on my back. A deep claw wound, missing bone and flesh, shadows linked together the missing bone and coiled around my spine. "Damn! That looks bad." ~ "It felt bad. But, watch this..." The fenrirs approached. Shadows extended out from my back, in the form of hands. They took hold of my wrists, snapping them. My wrists fall limp, as shadows escape from the broken bone. The shadow morphs into two massive claws. I remove the bandage from my neck, revealing the wound from where I slit my throat. A shadowy flame appears, in the form of a scarf. "I'll handle this." I dash off, in a major burst of speed. The shadows from my back, ripping apart fenrirs, my shadow scarf grabbing hold of fenrirs and absorbing them, I tear through the remainder with my claws. Before long, the fenrirs were defeated. I snap my fingers, as the shadows disperse. "Sorry 'bout that, It's been awhile since I've been able to do that." ~ "I'll have my turn next time, then." ~ "Congrats on defeating my pets!" The monitor turns back on. "I thought we destroyed that!" ~ "It's time for your advancement! Onwards, to the next level!"

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