Stories That Changed Gamindustri: What Happens When We're Not Writing Chapters

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Raidea- No uX1000000000 I win no matter what you do gg no re.

Dorian- Nani?!

Raidea- hmmmmmmmmmmmm. The only insults I've done is in improve so... I'll take random clips from that.

Raidea- You make my cheese melt. Just like my heart...

Dorian- I think you've got this backwards... Just because I can't make you a good grilled cheese, doesn't mean you shouldn't eat my moldy cheese bread.

Raidea-understandable have a great day

Dorian- Understandable, put moldy cheese bread in your mouth.

Raidea- go outside and talk to a tree. Make friends with the tree. There's nothing wrong with having a tree as a friend

Dorian- Lose your common sense and get an afro!!!

Dorian- Let that kid alone!

Dorian- People die when they're killed.

Raidea-no shit

Raidea-can I leave yet?

Dorian- When Neptune does her job...

Raidea- (opens clip from re;birth 3 of her doing her job)

Dorian- Without any ulterior motives... That's what I thought.

Neptune- Nepu!

Raidea-Neptune. Your good at insults you take my place. I got better shit to do

Neptune- Raidea can't work for a day in his life, he can't even enjoy a good moldy cheese bread.

Raidea- ok Neptune how many colleges did you get into?.. Exactly

Neptune- Uh... The college of pudding?

Raidea-Neptune that is bullshit and you know it.

Neptune- You're right... It was the "University" of pudding!

Dorian- (Facepalms)

Raidea-better, anyways let's see how much paperwork you've filed. Let's see it

Neptune- Here ya go...

Dorian- Why is this a recipe for coffee pudding?

Neptune- Those are the files... To finish them... You need to make coffee pudding.

Raidea-(pats Dorian on the back) you got this buddy

Dorian- Yeah fine... Raidea, I'll need the ingredients though.

Neptune- Ooh, ooh, I'll go with him!

Dorian- It'd be best if you stayed here. We don't need another incident on our hands...

Raidea- uuu I have coffee powder?(reaches into backpack and pulls out barrel of coffee powder)

Neptune- Only the purest of coffee beans can go into my pudding.

Dorian- (Slams bag of ingredients onto table.) Show time.

(Cracks knuckles) (Spreads out ingredients on table) (Slams the ingredients with his hand)

(Slamming intensifies) (Lemme Smash) (Smashes a few eggs onto the table) (Throws raw chicken on the ingredients) (Starts stuffing the chicken with a watermelon) (throws everything off of the table) (Pisses on it) (Puts it into a bowl) (Throws bowl into toilet) (Scoops it up) (Puts it into plastic container) (Slams it in front of Neptune) Your pudding, madam.

Raidea-(slowly backs away)

Dorian- Hey! You're not leaving...


(Suddenly, a laugh track plays in the background)

Dorian- What the hell?!


Dorian- Raidea.


Dorian- You stay here with Neptune, bye!

Raidea-(waits till Dorian leaves)(slams Neptune's face into pudding)(jumps out window)

Dorian- Jesus Croire Raidea?!

Neptune- Nepu!

(Neptune suddenly eats her own face and disappears)

Iro-can I play?

Dorian- No!

(Tactical Nukes)

Dorian- I think we're done here...

Raidea-you think.?

(End Scene)

Clap clap clap.

You're free to go... See you tomorrow.

Raidea-(drop kicks Iro out window)(jumps off cliff)

The end

Raidea-Hold up that's not how I remembered it.

Neptune-that's how I remember it

Dorian- Neptune you wouldn't remember a Nep-Nepped Nep, that Nepped up and Nep-Nep, Nep, with Nepped Nep-Neps and Neps with Neps...

Raidea-what did you even just say?

Dorian-I don't Nepping know, but to top it off. I sawed this boat in half


Neptune proceeded to turn into a motorcycle.

Neptune-All of you can ride me at once! Ooh, people are gonna screenshot the crap outta that last frame...

And... We're done!

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