Re;birth Apocalypse [Original] Ch. 14: Phase Two

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Heartz knocks away my scythe, kicking out my leg in the process, aiming her rapier directly at my chest. "Not so fast!" I block the tip of the blade with the tip of my dagger, as Dark Aura starts traveling up the rapier blade. "A little trick I learned." Heartz flies back, flicking the Dark Aura off of her rapier with a swift swing. "Impressive. Spade told me about your 'ability.'" ~ "Flattery will get you everywhere with me. Go on." Heartz grits her teeth, if that is what I'd call that. I let a small smirk escape, just as Heartz goes invisible, as Purple Heart's sword goes straight through the air. "What?!" Heartz appears next to Purple Heart and kicks her aside, as she looks back to me. "You pest..." ~ "Why, thank you~." Her rapier extends as I leap out of the way, barely avoiding its impact with the ground. I grab 'Puma's Rack' and unleash a spray of bullets, that only seem to aggravate Heartz even more. Every bullet that had flown towards her was slashed apart in a quick burst of speed. Landing in a kneel next to her, was the purple bastard himself. "My lady." Heartz smirks, looking down to the purple AC. "Spade, how nice of you to join us." ~ "I wouldn't miss it. A chance to duel against my favorite enemy." Spade deactivates his katana, looking towards me as I return with a glare. "What do you mean by that?" Spade stands up, shrugging. "Why, you happen to have caught my curiosity. Someone who was able to recover after being poisoned by the Queen. That indeed makes you someone who I'd be curious of." ~ "Enough chatting. I'm gonna make you pay for last time." ~ "So be it." Spade immediately disappears, as I feel a sharp pain in my right arm, as a large chunk of the skin had been slashed off. Spade flicks his wrist, the blood on his katana hitting the ground. "Bastard..." I stab my dagger into the wound, sighing as it heals. "I still can't tell which hurts more..." I look back to Spade, as his katana grows longer. He immediately disappears, but instead of a sharp pain, Spade appeared next to me with his katana just inches away from my neck. Heartz had retracted her rapier, and had raised her hand. "Spade. We're leaving." Spade deactivated his katana and nods, as the two of them disappeared. "Well... That happened." Purple Heart flies over to me, as she drops out of HDD. "You okay?" I nod, putting my weapons back on my person. "You know, even with only one arm, that swing was powerful." Neptune puts her hand on her hip, acting all proud. "Of course, I am a CPU, after all." ~ "But what's a CPU without any citizens..." ~ "What's a god to a non-believer." ~ "...Point taken..."

We arrive in Lastation, after what seemed to be hours of avoiding zombie herds and the Apocalypse Caller incident. We enter the Basilicom, which didn't involve me having to break in, since I had sent Noire a message that we were coming. We walk through the doors to Noire's office, as she turns to us. "Hey Noire, we're here..." ~ "Oh, good. That was taking a while, I thought you weren't coming..." She looks to Neptune and notices her missing forearm. "Neptune! What happened?!" ~ "Oh, this? Dorian cut it off." ~ "YOU WHAT?!" Instantly, I'm being held at rapier-point, with some guards around me pointing spears at me. "Uh... I can explain?" ~ "You better..."

(One fade out fade in, later)

"Okay, so let me see if I got this right... Neptune was bit, and you cut off her arm?" ~ "Elbow down." ~ "Right. And now you're here for a mechanical arm..." ~ "And a new bike." ~ "And what happened to your bike?" ~ "Spade happened..." Noire nods, multiple times. More tired of the crap that's been happening. "Okay, I'll get on that. In the meantime, you two can use the guest room, you probably haven't slept in a while." ~ "I haven't slept in five chapters..." Noticing the dark circles under my eyes, and how my mood is basically in the red, Noire hands us the room key. "It's just down the hall... Two beds and a tv~..." ~ "Is it a seventy inch plasma screen tv?" ~ "...yes." ~ "Sold." Neptune and I head to the guest room, as Noire turns to some scientists. "This is why we stay in business."

(The next day)

Noire hands Neptune the mechanical arm, which comes with its own case. Neat. "These have the specifications you asked for. It will also become a minigun when activating HDD." ~ "Perfect." I rub Neptune's head. "See? Everything worked out." Noire crosses her arms. "Should I add this to your tab?" ~ "I have a tab...? And yes." Noire goes back to her desk, as I hand a bag to Neptune. "Vert had some clothes made for you as well, go try them on." Neptune nods, going down the hall to the bathroom. "Noire, we'll need your help, now." ~ "And with what?" ~ "We're heading back to Lowee. I'm gathering the goddesses to help defeat the Apocalypse Callers." Neptune comes back out with her new arm and clothes on. It's her normal Jersey Dress outfit but in black and purple. Her skirt was red and black and the same for her socks. Her D-pad hairclips were now black. "So..." She twirls in a circle. "How do I look?" ~ "Perfect, fitting of a goddess." Noire smiles a little, but then turns her head. "Biased much?" ~ "You're just jealous you don't have a cute girlfriend." I pull out my dagger, as a Dark Aura surrounds the three of us. "Alright, who's ready to go?" In a puff of Dark Aura, we teleport out of the Basilicom.

(To Lowee!)

We teleport right outside the Basilicom, Griffal and IF waiting for us right at the gates. "Took you long enough..." We tap our blades together, as the three of us pass by them. "Griffal, We're gonna need all the help we can get. You up for it?" ~ "Of course." ~ "Perfect." We meet Blanc inside the Basilicom, as she finishes preparations. "Rom and Ram were sent to Leanbox, I managed to contact Nepgear and Uni, but they seem to be far away from the infected areas." ~ "Then it's finally time we finish this." The zombie horde seemed to have gathered outside the gates, their numbers were enormous, but it was nothing compared to the strength of the goddesses. "Then let's go!" We run out through the front entrance, as we start slashing at the zombie horde. Purple Heart activates her minigun arm, as the horde started dropping in numbers. Black Heart skewered through multiple zombies at once, launching them back towards the horde, as they collided with tremendous force. White Heart slammed her axe down on the ground, causing an earthquake that knocked the zombies off their feet. Green Heart sent spears raining from the sky, piercing the zombies on the ground. IF stayed back and helped the group with support magic and Demon Flames every chance she got. Draq and Griffal tag teamed a bunch of zombies, with Griffal slashing them up and Draq barbecuing them. I run out and activate Cyclone, as zombie limbs went flying everywhere. "We're doing good, keep going! Lazer!" I launch a laser out from my dagger, as the horde is immediately cut in half. "Yes!" The zombies' upper bodies started crawling towards us. "Dammit!" White Heart slammed into a pack of them with a Hard Break. "Dammit, there's so many of them!" ~ "Don't let up, if you run out of stamina, get to the Basilicom!" I point with my dagger, as the zombie horde starts to explode. "Explode! Explode! EXPLODE!" Every explosion creates a crater that the zombies fall into, getting them stuck and unable to get out. Spears rain from the sky, but Green Heart was dealing with zombies over near the back. Instead, someone in golden armor floated towards the ground. His visor was in the shape of a Diamond. He had a red cape with white fur at the top. His armor itself was big and bulky, with a large spear tied to his back. To his left, was someone in thin white armor. His visor was that of Clubs, with rectangular light particle wings extending from his arms. He had axe blades strapped to his wrists. Spade floated to Diamond's right and Heartz floated to Clubs left. Appearing in front of them, was a vortex that seemed to lead to a completely different dimension. Their visors lit up, as they began to chant. "Pain. Famine. Carnage. Infection." These words appeared in front of them, each one seemed to symbolize the Apocalypse Caller they were in front of. "Unseal the lost one. Bring forth the Overlord sealed away." Suddenly, my chest started glowing, as energy started flowing into the vortex. "Unleash Betrayal." The energy flowed deep into the vortex and charged up, as it fired out of the vortex in a massive widespread wave. "OH CRAP!" I quickly stab my dagger into my arm, as the wave passes by me. "What the hell was that...?!" A sharp pain shoots through my midsection, as a katana blade rips through my chest. "W-What... Th~..." I look behind me, as Neptune had plunged her katana into my back, her eyes had become dull and lifeless. Her flesh slowly peeled away, as she moaned. "N-Neptune...?" The other three goddesses behind me, started stumbling around. Their flesh was peeling off and they started moving towards me. I quickly stab my dagger into my chest, pulling away from Neptune. "N-No! This can't be happening... It can't!" The four Apocalypse Callers looked down towards me, as the glow of their visors burned an image into my mind. "Phase Two."

End of Chapter

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