Re;birth Remnant Chapter Two: A Spark in the Emerald Forest; part one

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The platform we're standing on unhooks and launches us off the cliff. Raidea, Draq, and Neptune prepared themselves. Draq extended out his wings, allowing Raidea and Neptune to grab his legs. I raise my Railgun Cannon to the sky, activating an electromagnetic forcefield around me. I point my Cannon to the ground, as I am negatively pushed away from the cannon, which was exerting a negative charge. I aim the cannon behind me and launch off a railgun, which launches me across the sky, tearing through a few trees. I point it to the ground to slow my descent, landing safely on the ground. I look up and see Yang, blasting through the sky. "Well that's a thing..." I look around at my surroundings. "Why does this feel like generic forest B? Whatever, I need to find Neptune." I create an electromagnetic forcefield around my feet, negative on the bottom and negative at the heel, causing my feet to propel myself forwards.


"Are you sure we're going the right way?" ~ "I'm positive, it's this way... I mean, this way." ~ "It's official, you have no idea where we're going." ~ "Can you two stop fighting!" Ruby and Weiss look over to Raidea who has lost his patience. Weiss looks over to Draq. "And why are you two following us." ~ "We're both going to the same place." ~ "And where would that be?" ~ "The forest temple." ~ "So, you're lost too, then...?" ~ "Yup." Raidea sighs. "We need to find Dorian and Neptune, quick." Ruby looks over to Raidea. "They were the ones who were with you last night?" ~ "Yeah." ~ "Why do you need to find them? Are they in danger?" ~ "Not quite... It's Dorian that we should be worried about..."

(Speak of the devil...)

I come across an open field, sunlight shining in from above. Nevermores, Beowulves, and Ursa... "Well if Raidea ever taught me anything, it's that butchering spelling can make good in conversations... Now to deal with this..." I raise the Railgun Cannon to the Nevermore. Gears begin to whirr, the light bulbs light up, static electricity flows through the cannon. Blood leaks from the cannon. A massive ball of electricity forms inside of the cannon. High pitched sounds emanate from the cannon. "Systematic Desolation!" I release the electricity in the form of a laser, which pierces through the Nevermore, striking another one behind it. The laser wraps itself around the two Nevermores, as they fall, and makes contact with the Beowulves and Ursa below. The lasers form an electromagnetic wave, repelling away from each other, causing the Nevermores to rip apart. The Beowulves and Ursa are electrocuted by the waves. The lasers reconnect and trap the bodies of the grimm inside of an electroweb cage. I raise the cannon once more and launch off a small bolt, piercing into the cage, and resulting in a massive explosion. The force of the electromagnetic waves being scattered around, causes the trees in the area to light on fire. Nevermores drop from the sky, all around. "Oops..." I tap the Railgun Cannon on the ground, and it converts into an arm. "Well, that feels much better." I test the grip. it's definitely better than a normal arm, worth me having to ditch my old arm to make this. I look back to the crater that was left and head off towards the forest temple.

(Meanwhile, at the forest temple...)

Yang looks around at the chess pieces sitting on the pedestal. "How 'bout a cute little pony?" Blake shrugs. "Sure." ~ "That wasn't too hard." ~ "Well, it's not like this place is very difficult to find."

(Over in a cave, somewhere in the forest...)

Jaune looks into a dark cave on the edge of the forest. "Think this is it?" Jaune takes up a torch and Pyrrha follows. "I don't think this is it..." ~ "Pyrrha, I made the torch. Could you at least humor me for five more feet~ uaaah!" Jaune trips and the torch goes out. Pyrrha looks around the cave, as Jaune slowly gets up. "Do you feel that?" ~ "Soul crushing regret?" ~ "No, it's... warm."


Raidea, and Co. pressed on through the forest. "Welp, we have no clue what to do, may as well add some comedy." Raidea reached into his pocket, and takes out a huge book named "extremely TEARible puns." And there was a picture of a torn piece of paper on the front. Draq looks at the book and slowly eats a potato. "That looks amazing! But the real question is, are the jokes PULPular?" ~ "I feel like we're gonna be best friends." Weiss looks back to them, "Will you two take this seriously?" Ruby snickers as Raidea reads off some of the puns. "Not you too, Ruby." The sound of rustling tree branches, alerts everyone. "Hey guys. Raidea, nice book. Draq, keep the forest fires to a minimum. Ruby, gotta go fast." I look over to Weiss. "Ice Queen." ~ "Why does everyone keep calling me that?!" ~ "You gotta stop being so cold, Weiss, It's not very ice of you." ~ "Are we really doing this?!" ~ "Weiss, chill out. I'd love to keep you guys on ice, but as it snow happens, there is a pack of grimm coming after me. The frost wave will be easy, but there will be smore." ~ "That wasn't even an ice pun!" ~ "Anyways, I may have sled myself on the wrong direction. I've been keeping my eyes white open for Neptune... There's snow way anyone has seen her, right?" Raidea leans in front of me, "If I were with Neptune. She'd have 6 bullets in her head." ~ "If you were with Neptune, I would have killed you the moment you laid eyes on her." ~ "So we're at an agreement?" ~ "Yes, Chevy Chase is an @$$hole." I leap back into the trees and continue my way towards the temple. Weiss looks over to Raidea. "Did he say there was a pack of grimm after him?" ~ "We SHELL be there dinner if we don't prepare ourselves. If we don't SEA our way to an exit. This will get a bit CRABBY!" A loud "Ha!" echoes throughout the forest. "Wow... His hearing is amazing... On that note, let's get back to the bo~..." Shredded paper flies into the air, as a beowulf rips the book in half. "Man, they really were TEARABLE, welp. If Saka's taught me one thing, if you ever hate someone, KILL THEM WITH KINDNESS!" Raidea pulled out his double barrel revolver, and inserted his core into the gun. The revolver split into two, the left one dubbed 'Kindness' and the right one dubbed 'Reaver.' Raidea blew the head off of the Beowulf, and stabbed a Beowulf rushing behind him, flipping him over on the ground. And beating its face in with his foot. Raidea raises his revolvers to the sky, as the barrel extends. He grabs hold of the barrels, as the blades on his pistols extended into scythe heads. "Have at me!" Raidea threw the revolver like a top, as it started spinning around the Beowulves. He walked in the circle, caught the revolvers. Shot at the ground, and the Beowulves exploded. Another pack of beowulves run past Raidea, allowing Draq to have his turn. Draq raises his sword, expelling a massive amount of smoke, covering the area. Draq turns to Ruby and Weiss. "Hurry on to the temple, we'll hold them off!" They nod and head off through the woods. Draq and Raidea stand back to back, the horde of beowulves surrounding them. "Hey Raidea, you remember what Dorian said?" ~"Nope." ~ "Let's start a forest fire..." Draq raises his sword to the sky, as lava fills the meter. Steam expels from the tube lining the blade, which catches on fire. The tip of the flamethrower tube opens, and charges up heat, forming a massive fireball.

(Meanwhile, back at the cave...)

Jaune and Pyrrha walk up to a bright glow. "That's the relic!" Jaune reaches for the relic, but the relic moves away. "Hey. Bad... relic." He reaches out again, it moving away. He reaches for it once more, and grabs hold of it. "Gotcha!" Pyrrha looks over at the relic. "Jaune...?"

(Back at the forest temple...)

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah!" Yang turns to the forest. "Some girl's in trouble! Blake did you hear that?"

(Meanwhile, at the cave, again!)

Pyrrha runs out of the cave, the screaming still coming from the cave. The cave entrance is blown open and a massive Deathstalker comes out, Jaune hanging on to its scorpion's tail. "Pyrrha! It's not the relic! It's not! Do something!" ~ "Jaune! Whatever you do, don't let~..." The Deathstalker swings its tail and Jaune goes flying through the air. Pyrrha looks over to where Jaune went flying. "...go..." Pyrrha turns back to the Deathstalker, as it clamps its pincers together. Pyrrha quickly turns around and runs off.

(Meanwhile, in the sky... Somewhere...)

"Ruby! I told you this was a terrible idea!" ~ "We're fine! Stop worrying!" ~ "I am so far, beyond worrying!" ~ "...In a good way?" ~ "In a bad way! In a very bad way!" ~ "Well, why don't we just jump?!" ~ "What are you, insane?!" ~ "..." ~ "Oh, you insufferable, little rat!"

(Back at the temple...)

"Blake, did you hear that? What should we do?" ~ "Hazaaaaaaaaaah!" Yang and Blake look up to see Ruby falling out of the sky, only to be hit by Jaune, flying by. The two of them crash into a tree. "Ugh... What was that...?" Ruby looks over to Jaune, who was hanging upside down from a tree branch. "Hey Ruby..." Blake looks over to the tree where Ruby and Jaune hit. "Did your sister just fall from the sky?" Trees start falling over, and a wild Ursa appears. A blast goes off and the Ursa falls to the ground, dead. "Yeehaw!" Nora rolls off of the Ursa's back. "Aw... It's broken..." Ren walks up behind the Ursa, out of breath. "Nora... Please... Don't do that again..." He looks up to see that she's gone. "Nora picks up a castle piece from the pedestal. "I'm queen of the castle, I'm queen of the castle." ~ "Nora!" ~ "Coming, Ren." Blake looks at Nora with disbelief. "Did that girl just ride in on an Ursa?" Pyrrha runs out from the forest, being pursued by the Deathstalker. She ducks a swipe and continues towards the tree that Jaune hit. "Jaune!" ~ "Pyrrha?!" Ruby stands up. "Woah!" ~ "Ruby?!" Ruby jumps off of the tree and rolls next to Yang. "Ruby?!" ~ "Yang!" They go in for a hug. "Nora!" Nora pops out in between them. Blake looks over to Pyrrha. "Did she run all the way over here with a Deathstalker on her tail?" An explosion shakes the ground, as a large flame shoots up into the sky. "Woohoo!" Raidea and Draq land on the temple grounds. "Did they get here by rocket propelling an explosion?" A massive burst of electricity shot through the sky. "I found her!" I land on the ground next to Draq. "Did he launch himself with a cannon?" Yang's anger bursts. "I can't take it anymore! Can everyone chill out for two seconds before something crazy happens, again?!" We all wait two seconds, giving Ren enough time to catch up to the group. Ruby taps Yang's shoulder. "Um... Yang..." Everyone looked up to see Weiss hanging on to a Nevermore's talon. "How could you leave me?!" ~ "I said jump..." Blake continued to watch the bird. "She's gonna fall." ~ "She'll be fine..." ~ "She's falling..." Jaune recovers from the head trauma and leaps out of the tree and catches Weiss. "Just, dropping in." Weiss looks down to the ground below, prompting Jaune to do the same. "Oh god..." They hold each other as they fall to the ground. Jaune lands first, and Weiss lands on Jaune back, cushioning her fall. "...My hero..." ~ "...My back...." Pyrrha is sent flying by the Deathstalker, landing beside the group. "Great, the gang's all here. Now we can die together." ~ "Not if I can help it. Yaaaaaah!" Ruby runs off to fight the Deathstalker. She boosts herself with a gunshot, and charges towards the Deathstalker. She's smacked away and gets up turning back to the Deathstalker. She shoots it and starts running back to the group, just as a Nevermore sends off feather projectiles, catching on her hood. Yang starts running towards Ruby, just as the Deathstalker raises its stinger. It brings it down, just as it's cut off by a saw. Multiple saws circle around the Deathstalker, digging into its armor. Grenades fly into the air, filling the area with smoke and damaging the Deathstalker. A massive saw drops into the Deathstalker's tail, cutting it off. The saw continues and slices through the Deathstalker's body, cutting it in half. The Deathstalker disintegrates. Ruby looks over to the four who had saved her. Yang reaches Ruby and frees her from the feather. I walk out onto the field, and form my cannon back into an arm. "So, you did find your way here." Standing on the rocks, was Uzume, Anonydeath, F-Bomb, and their leader... "I just took the same portal, you did." The saws turned into small orbs, as they went back into his gloves. "I guess that means we have one more rival. It's good to see you... Griffal."

End of Chapter

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