Re;birth Elementals Chapter Two: The Land Of Purple Progress

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A futuristic city presented itself to Kenton, giant tubes circling around the enormous city. Citizens made their daily commute through those clear glass tubes, vehicles passed by underneath. A tower stood at the center of the city, it seemed to pierce the clouds themselves. Kenton walks up to one of these tubes, stepping gingerly onto it. A small platform made of light forms under Kenton's foot as he steps into the tube. "Oh, just like flying except only horizontally." He says, as a passing stranger looks at him quizzically. The light platform carries Kenton through the city, buildings passing by as he traverses the nation. He gets off at the first exit, making his way towards a large building in the distance. "God, this place is strange. Totally unlike home." He says, gazing at the scenery. Someone bumps into Kenton, who looks back as they run past him. "Stop right there!" A girl with long brown hair ran past Kenton, she was wearing a blue trench coat with several phones strapped to her belt. Kenton looks back to the girl as she chases after that person. "Umm... Ok." He mutters under his breath. He approaches the building in front of him, the word 'Guild' was strung up on a wooden sign. He walks towards the doors, thinking that they were like home. He slams into the door, falling back as he holds his head. "Ow... Whatever happened to insubstantial doors?" He starts pounding on the door. "It says that you're open!" He yells, as the door opens. Everyone inside stares at Kenton, as the door proceeds to break off of the hinges. Kenton slowly lowers his fist, picking up the door and propping it back up on the frame. The door slips from the frame and falls inside the Guild, "Sorry, but my dimension has better doors." One of the Guild members mutters 'jack@$$' as they go back to their work. "Hey! How do I get a Quest?" He yells at everyone, the receptionist facepalming. "Who the hell are you?" The receptionist deadpans, holding out a purple card and a quest sheet for Kenton. "Just take this and get out." Kenton takes the sheet and card and walks out, stops, and notices the writing. "My people don't even have a written language...So, why exactly can I understand this...? Virtua Forest, huh?" Kenton asks himself, walking back into the tube, heading towards Virtua Forest.

(Location Update: Virtua Forest)

The forest was vast, trees as far as the eye can see, 'cause that's what a forest is. Kenton walked across the field of grass, making his way to the quest's destination. A blue slime leaps in front of Kenton, blocking his path. "Dogoooo~!" Kenton tries to squash it with his foot, the dogoo bending as his foot goes into the gelatinous body. Kenton removes his foot as the dogoo barks, slime covered his shoe. "...I hate this world..." he says as he blasts it into the abyss. The dogoo turns into EXP as Kenton feels himself getting stronger. Kenton looks down to the quest sheet in his hands. "So...I need to kill four more of these...?" Kenton asks, putting the sheet away. He walks deeper into the forest, just as a hraesvelgr crashes into the ground. Kenton arrives at a clearing, where a group of dogoos were happily bouncing around. Kenton blasts them to pulp each. "I feel like this is entirely pointless. Isn't there a stronger enemy around?" Kenton asks as a massive dragon crashes into the ground in front of him. "NOW WE'RE TALKING!" The dragon falls over as a flash of yellow light appears next to it. "Awwww c'mon! I was going to take that!" Kenton exclaims as the Neo-Cyber suit looks down to Kenton, then back to the dragon. Neo summons a sword to their hand, as they charge it up. "Execute Sp Skill: Grand Divide!" Neo leaps into the air and slashes the dragon down the middle, turning away from it and deactivating the Neo-Cyber suit. The dragon explodes into EXP as Neo walks away from it. They walk past Kenton and continue into the forest, Kenton following. Neo looks back to Kenton and sighs.

(Location Update: Planeptune Basilicom)

Neo steps into the Basilicom, Kenton following. The girl from outside the Guild looks to Neo. "Oh, you're back. How was the mission?" ~ "Oh, you know...99.9% done..." The girl pulls out her phone. "That's unusual...he got away?" Neo nods, taking a can out from the fridge. "IF. This is Kenton, please keep him away from my stuff." Kenton looks to Neo. "How'd you know my name?" Neo takes a sip from the can. "That's classified. Is Histoire back?" IF nods. "She just got back." Neo motions for Kenton to follow, as they step into a dark room. A small power button looking crystal floated in the center of the room, there was a fairy on a book floating next to it. "What in the nine hells?" Kenton exclaims upon seeing the fairy. Neo ignores Kenton and turns to the fairy. "Histoire, do you have any more intel on the situation with my mother?" ~ "I'm afraid not, we still don't know where they are. There was a missed call from Nepgear's N-Gear, but there was no voicemail or location." Neo nods, pulling out their IPod Touch. "I've just got confirmation of where the boss is hiding. I'm heading out." ~ "One moment, Neo." Neo stops and turns to Histoire, as she looks to Kenton. "You must be Kenton, you came to this dimension through the rifts, correct?" ~ "Ay, but not of my own volition." Kenton responds. Histoire turns to Neo. "Neo, I'd like to learn more about Kenton and his world. So, I want the two of you to work together from now on." ~ "What...?" ~ "I can sense overwhelming energy from Kenton, I believe he may be able to help save Neptune and Nepgear." Kenton looks to the two of them. "Who the hell is Nepta...Neplu...Neptyaaa..." Kenton struggles as Neo facepalms. Neo pulls out two photos, one of them showed a girl with long purple hair and a sailor type outfit, and the second one was a girl who looked exactly like Neo, but with purple hair and a white hoodie and skirt. " I'm assuming you're her twin sister?" Kenton asks as Neo goes silent. Histoire looks over to Kenton. "Neo, is male." Kenton looks back to Neo as sparks form around him. "You're male?! With that body?!" ~ "I'll give you three seconds to rephrase before I shoot you between the eyes." ~ "With what gun?!" Kenton exclaims as Neo points his finger towards Kenton, something whizzing past his head as a hole appears in the wall. "Oh... nevermind." Kenton said. Histoire snaps a look at Neo. "Neo! How many times do I have to tell you to not use your powers inside?!" Neo glares at Kenton, then looks back to Histoire. "I'll never work with this guy, you know I've never had a partner before, and I've never needed one!" ~ "I know that, but maybe it's time for a change. Besides, I believe now is the best time to give you this..." Sparks generate in front of Histoire as a golden pistol appears in front of her. "This was your father's gun, and a family heirloom. It's known as the HyperVolt. And after being kept safe for the past thirteen years, it will now be handed down to you." Neo takes the HyperVolt as the faded etchings in the gun gain colour. Black lines light up the gun in cybernetic markings as the gun becomes engulfed in dark electricity, before being absorbed into the gun. Neo looks at the gun, tilting it as he inspects the gun's form. "So, this is all he left me...?" Neo turns to Kenton, walking past him. "C'mon...we've got work." Kenton follows after Neo as they head off back to the streets of Planeptune.

End of Chapter

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