Fate's Dimension [Original] Ch.14: Blizzards and Backlash

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Dorian lunges at Trick, slashing across its eyes. Trick regenerates his tongue and violently swipes at Dorian with it. Dorian ducks underneath and avoids multiple tongue swipes.

He grabs Trick's tongue with his left hand, and raises his right hand. A bone rod comes out of the ground, forming a skull at the top, and a massive blade coming out of its mouth.

Dorian slices Trick's tongue off with his Bone Scythe. The tongue flops on the ground before laying motionless. Trick retracts his remaining tongue and screeches in pain. Dorian stomps on the tongue, which results with an amusing looking explosion of blood and tongue. "What's wrong, Pervert. Can't use your tongue anymore? Well, why don't I help you get a replacement."

Dorian raises his left hand, and the ground contorts, spiralling up into a spear. He jabs it into Trick's tongue, causing blood to spill out from Trick's mouth. "Isn't that better?"

While Trick was choking on his own blood, Dorian created another spear, jabbing it into Trick's eye. "Shall I make it match?" He summons another spear and jabs it into Trick's other eye.

"Oh yeah, might be a bad time to say this but, Blanc, you may want to cover Rom and Ram's eyes..." He raises both hands into the air. "Raidea, Saka, Blanc... You may want to too."

A giant ball of darkness appears in his hands. "Pocket Destroyer!" He slams it down onto Trick, massive amounts of dark aura shot across the area. Trick disappeared into the black hole, as the vortex tore apart, sending a wave of dark aura across the land, Jee thanks for stealing my attack. Dorian extended out his claws and stabbed into his own chest, pulling out his sharicite. He dropped out of ADV.

Blood poured out of the wound in his chest, he stuck his dagger into the wound, completely healing it. "Ah, better than goop juice..." Interesting, "Welp, one of the 90 forms Cyan has."

Dorian looks over at me, "Just how many forms do you think I have, cause I'll let you know, this isn't even my final form...", I am having some second thoughts, on whether this guy can really destroy the world or not. "I can" Ok, that clears it up... also please stop reading my thoughts, thanks. Dorian turns to Blanc. "Ok, so about the sharicite..." Blanc sighs. "I guess you did save my sisters..." Blanc, Rom, and Ram, activate HDD and take off towards the basilicom. Dorian turns to me. "I'm gonna head over to the basilicom for a bit, I should be back sometime tonight." I nod, and Dorian pulls out his dagger and takes off with a Hyperspeed.

(At the basilicom)

Blanc deactivates HDD and helps Rom and Ram land safely on the ground. "So, what took you so long?" Blanc turns around to Dorian. "How did you...?" Dorian pulls out his dagger. "Hyperspeed." Blanc sighs and turns to Rom and Ram. "Why don't you two go play with Mina for a bit." Rom and Ram nod, and they run out of the room. Blanc turns back to Dorian and leads him to the sharicite room.

"Alright, that should do it!" Dorian lowers his hand, and grips it with his new found strength.

"Almost there, two to go." Blanc walks over to a chair and sits down. "If that's all you need, I'm going to continue reading my book." Dorian nods and steps towards the door. Glass breaks and wooden splints go flying across the room. Blanc dropped her book and Dorian pulled out his dagger.


Saka hasn't talked much since she saw Dorian activate his ADV, maybe she's as freaked out as I was. The door suddenly flies across the room. "Guys, we need to get out of here, now!"

I turn to Dorian, who has deep wounds and a large cut across his left eye.

"What happened now?" Dorian is blasted back and down a flight of stairs by, what looks to be, a long ribbon. I quickly get off of my bed and Saka follows behind. I summon my weapon and look over to the origin of the attack. The Platinum suit floated outside, a white crystal accompanying the Cyan and Black one. White ribbons surrounded it's arms and legs. A mixture of White and Black streaks across the armor. The mask had a white streak across the top.

A massive black laser shot out of its hand and cut the staircase in half. Saka and I leaped out of the line of fire and out onto the snow. Dorian caught the laser with his dagger, slowly standing up and deflecting it. Platinum aimed a white beam at Dorian, who dodges it, and landed next to us. "We can't fight this thing, we'll have to retreat." I stand up, Saka following "NO, this thing has taken too much power, if we don't act now, it'll be unstoppable.

Saka goes C.O.A, so do I. My C.O.A is a white robe that's back goes down to my legs, straps of ribbon flow down the sleeves. My scythes' hilt turns to gold, the blade a sharp crystal, glowing white as my robe. "Now then, prepare yourself. FOR A LIVING HELL."

Dorian activates ADV, by forcefully jabbing the sharicite into his chest. Aura exploded out from him, as he was demonified. "I'll make this slow and painful!"

(Play "To Hell" Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;birth1 OST)

I concentrate on creating balls of fire, aiming at Platinum and firing.

Dorian leaps at Platinum, his scythe clashing against its white ribbon. Dorian backflips, kicking Platinum and then spin-swiping it with his scythe. Platinum aims both his hands at us and launches off a black and white laser. Dorian counters it with his scythe, which absorbs the laser and changes the scythe's colour to Black. I create red rings with multiple runic symbols inside, it absorbs the laser, transforming it into a massive ice ball. We both aim our absorbed lasers at Platinum launching it off in a spiralling mixture of black and white. Platinum dodges the laser and flies off. Dorian's scythe disintegrates and he rips out his sharicite, deactivating Anti Drive Vitality. Saka and I glow black, we then turn back to our normal selves.

(Stop Playing)

"Dammit, it's probably heading to Leanbox..." Dorian pulls out his dagger, but stops when the device on his wrist goes off. "Um, I'll be right back..." He steps behind the building. "Welp, that wasn't supposed to happen, all we wanted to do was explore some stupid theme park, and what happens, almost get our heads ripped off." Saka agrees, after 5 minutes, Dorian comes back. "Ok, we should hurry to Leanbox, we don't want Platinum to get there first. Let's just hope it's as bad as directions as I am..." With that, we make our way out of Lowee, and head towards Leanbox.

(A few hours later)

"Hey Dorian, where are we..."

Dorian pulls out a map, turns it on all sides, and scans the four nations on the map and looks around at our surroundings. "Halo Forest... Still can't properly read maps, but, that's the closest I'll ever get." Something steps out from further into the forest. "Huh, what's that...?"

*Vrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr* Dorian pulls out his dagger, very unenthusiastically...

"Alright, I can handle this one by myself." Two more step out from the shadows, followed by even more. "They brought an army? Well, this is getting interesting..."

End of Chapter

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