Fate's Dimension [Original] Ch.16: Syntax Error

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It was a total bloodlust, we couldn't even put a dent in the thing. I felt really bad for Saka to be honest, she couldn't do anything if she wanted to right now. The suit charged at me, I hopelessly dodge it, "Man, you know what would be great right now? The opposing robot that is easily capable of traveling universes and can help us out so much right now? Would be nice to have Gilden here right now, eh Saka?" Saka thinks for a moment, then nods, " yup that would be most helpful, try to use that little thing you have on you." Do I have it?..... nope "Don't have it, they took our stuff away when we entered remember?" Dorian looks at us, " Who is Gilden anyways?" If you don't know go look on my series he's described there in more detail. "He's a robot me and Kaidea made a while back to fend of a disease, though now it just eliminates threats." Dorian, looks back at cyber, "Bad plots a b!tch." 'Oh for crying out loud' look Equip-item<Raidea>Robot_Caller.

Raidea was given the robot caller item, "huh that works. Thanks I guess?" I smacked dat button, a red portal appeared in the sky, out came a small metal box.... which after a few seconds unfolded into Gilden.... but he has the U.T.C drive enabled, Gilden has four arms, 2 of which have lasers, and chainsaws, the other two are just hands, his face now having a scanner in place of his left eye, was painted white, with black streaks going down the eyes. He had 2 sets of wings going down his back, uhh you imagine the rest there's not much else to say. "Looks like you need a bit of help eh.?"

This certainly is better, the cyclops- cyber hit Gilden in the back..... to bad for him I decked out his defense. Gilden and cyber have a bit of 1 on 1 action Gilden, fires lasers at him, yet cyber dodged them all. Dorian looks over at Gilden. "Why does that look like Bulletcon activated CPU and was given a makeover by Vert." Cyber's crimson arm extended, slamming the ground beneath us. Dorian flies into the air all, zero gravity like. "Hey, Raidea... Got any, game-breaking item, or some sort of Gameshark or something...?" I think about it..... ah, if only I did, "Don't you think I would've used it already?!" ~ "Doesn't hurt by askin'." Cyber slams into Dorian, sending him crashing to the ground. "Gah! That's smarts!" Dorian reaches back and pulls out another knife, stabbing Cyber in the visor. The mask cracks and shatters, revealing a shadowy figure. A bloody eye from where the knife entered. Dorian kicks Cyber off him, and side-steps over to me. "So, what can Not-Bulletcon, do?" I look to Gilden, he looks back, we both nod fully knowing what to do. "See for yourself." Gilden then proceeded to beat cybers broken visor into a pulp, then finished by mowing his face down with his chainsaws, blood poured down the mountain like a river. Dorian watches with a sadistic grin. "Now, that's what I call, finishing a man off..." The area pixelates, and we're in the next level. On a table in front of us, was a gun. Above our heads, was a massive saw. The timer was ticking. OH WAIT I THINK I KNOW THIS ONE! Saka looks at me. "Don't.You.Dare" I reach for the gun, Saka glares me down. "No." I grab the gun, Saka's stares intensify. "DON'T." I point up. "DO.NOT" I pull the trigger... Nothing happens. I look up at the gun, but it wasn't in my hand. "Ahem." I look down at Dorian, who was holding the gun. "Before you make the wrong choice." He puts the gun to his head. "Number 8" And pulls the trigger. The area pixelates, and we're in the next level. Really man, ah well. "So what's next?" Dorian looks clueless, "Another new one..." I look over and see Gilden ruthlessly cutting down everything in sight, "Y-you ok there?" He looks at me, "If I know anything from playing games. If you break stuff you win. It's that simple." As he says that a massive rock fell on him and he died... Dorian tucks the gun from the last level in a holster that appeared on his leg. "I'm gonna hold on to this. And now we need to find out how to beat this level..." He proceeds to move massive boulders from the side of the mountain. "If I know anything about Anonydeath, is that he'll put secret areas in his levels. A-ha!" He moves a boulder aside, revealing a massive iron door. "So, shall we open it?" That was pretty cliche but we have to continue, "No, we're gonna look at it." Dorian snaps the lock with his knife. "Be my guest." He walks inside the room. "H-hey! That was a joke!" I run up to the door, only for it to close. A new lock appears on the door. Whirring sounds come from the room, and what sounds like a... kangaroo..?

The door bursts open, and Dorian leaps out, inside of a massive Kangaroo Mech Suit. "All hail your lord and savior, Kangaroo!" He grabs us and leaps into the air, as the area pixelates.

We find ourselves in a room, like every other level in this stupid game, a room. Dorian sets us down and walks over to a massive door at the end of the void. "Want to see a trick?" Do I? He punches the door and the area proceeds to pixelate spastically. "This is what's known as a Virus. Someone from outside must have left it here for us. Anonydeath would have made level 9 impossible to beat, so this is the only way to level 10." The area re-pixelates, and we're inside of a Cybernetic room. Anonydeath seems taken aback, by our sudden appearance. "Oh, poo! I knew I should've made an extra boss." Dorian walks up to Anonydeath, still inside of the hilarious Kangaroo Mech Suit. "I'm going to smash your head in with my legs reminiscent to a kangaroo." ~ "Actually, if I'm going to get smashed, I'd want Noire to do it..." Dorian sighs and walks back over to us. "I'm not dealing with this today. Gilden, do your thing." Gilden aims the lasers, "With pleasure!" They both start spam firing lasers at each other... it's pretty blinding to watch. Gilden's laser pushes further, striking Anonydeath. "Oh, deeeeaaaaaaarr!!!" The area pixelates, and we're back on the grass. Dorian brushes off his legs. "Sad I couldn't finish him off like I wanted. He's never around after the games."

Gilden seems to have left, guess he was only there in game. Smoke rises from Leanbox, A familiar Platinum suit flies out from the smoke. "Dammit! We're too late." Dorian stands back up and activates ADV, guess we'll have to hurry to Planeptune." We take off towards Planeptune, so we can warn Neptune and the others, and so I can beat my speed run record.

End of Chapter

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