Murderous Intent Chapter One: The Protagonist Dies?! Wait... Nevermind...

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The moon casts a dim light on the lakeshore of the Planeptune beach, sparkling in the sand stained red. On a dark night, five people stood around a dead body. A time traveller from another another dimension, which was a dimension from another dimension which was mixed with another dimension that dimensional coordinates got mixed with another another dimension. Neptune knees dramatically next to the body. "Yea, noise? Then I'll be brief. O happy dagger. This is thy sheath. There rust and let me die." Future looks down to Neptune. "Don't you go killing yourself now..." Rebirth slips his dagger into his coat pocket. "She's not getting my dagger." A random door appears, opens, and Raidea enters the scenario. "Ah, the good ol' interdimensional door. So, what'd I miss?" Rebirth looks over to Raidea. "Well, blah blah blah, yada yada, this and that..." Raidea nods in understanding. "Hmm... I see... So, the 1,729,467th Dorian was murdered..." Future gives Raidea a disapproving look. "T-There's... not that many..." Raidea kicked Arno off a cliff, cuz he can "Now then, what were you b!tching about?" Future inhales deeply. "Rebirth and I, found this body on the ground here, Neptune came over and started quoting Shakespeare. Nepgear and Uni ran off in fear of the murderer being around, Noire went to get the authorities, she probably went off back to Lastation though. Blanc was passing by and noticed the three of us here, so she may have gotten the wrong idea. But, I think the weirdest part is..." Raidea leans in. "Yeah...?" Future looks at Raidea with a deadpanned stare. "Some weirdo came through an interdimensional door, and is now trying to impress me like I'm his alcoholic father." Raidea starts to comprehend what's happening. "You're not Alucard." Raidea looks to Future. "So, what's ya story?" Future looks up into the air, seemingly to start a flashback, but that only happens in movies and tv shows, and this is real life. "You see... My story began as most stories do. A teen is sucked into a computer and is dropped into another dimension..." Raidea cuts him off. "No. I mean, as of thirty minutes ago... preferably earlier." Future looks back to the sky. "Well, I was walking along the beach, it was raining, on a cold winter day, in the middle of the night, the sun was shining brightly, it was a thursday on a tuesday, it was my birthday on valentine's day, yada yada yada. Anyways, I was walking along the beach, and I came across this dead body. This dead body." He takes the hand of the deceased and waves it around. "I then noticed that Rebirth was here." Rebirth looks over to Future. "You did, eh?" Raidea looks over to Rebirth. "Being Canadian again, huh?" Rebirth turns to Raidea. "Stop being so American for once." ~ "Oh yeah, stop being so Canadian." Neptune looks over to Raidea and Rebirth. "I'm Planeptunian, so what does that make me?" ~ "Fine!" Another Raidea appeared. "Well, I'm an idiot, so what am I?" Future looks over to the other Raidea. "The @$$hole's b!tch." Another Blanc appears from the interdimensional door that the other Raidea came from. "Who you callin' an @$$hole?!" ~ "Blanc. Blanc. Blanc. I didn't call you an @$$hole... I called you a donkey." Blanc kicks out Future's shins, breaking his legs in the process. "$#!%!" The other Raidea laughs. "Ha! He called you a bird." Rebirth shot the two with his gun and they flew back into the interdimensional door, disappearing. "Well, now that that's taken care of." The remaining people all decided to get back on track, forget where they were, lose the track, Neptune break the track, Raidea tries to fix the track breaking it more in the process, they all give up and live in a trailer. Rebirth looks to Raidea. "Future won't be giving you any useful information. I'll take over." Future slowly raises his hand in protest, only for Rebirth to shoot Future's hand with his gun, adding a hand wound to the broken legs that'll keep Future in the hospital until we learn who the murderer is, only for it to be too late... "Like I was saying~..." ~ "SHOTS FIYERD!" ~ "Okay, as I was saying, I was exiting a wormhole after visiting the 1,729,467th timeline, and I had found the body on the ground. Future came over and thought it was a ragdoll... And you can tell what happened after that." Raidea nods. "Okay, we should probably head out then. It's late at night and we should probably get Future to a hospital..." Rebirth looks down to the body. "What about him? We gonna bury him?" ~ "Hmm... nope." Neptune activates HDD and takes Future as they head off towards the hospital.


Raidea sat in a chair, breaking his limbs, and repairing them cuz he has nothing better to do. Rebirth looks over to Raidea. "Doesn't that hurt?" ~ "Depends, does it hurt you?" ~ "Touche." Raidea looks over to Future, who was asleep on the hospital bed. "Anyways, the surgery went well. How did you get him to calm down?" ~ "I used something I found under the sink. I think it was called... Chloroform...?" Future was foaming at the mouth. Raidea looks over to Rebirth. "So, what'll you do now?" ~ "I'm gonna head back to Planeptune, check around." ~ "I see... I'm also going to head back there. I need to ask around about the murder." ~ "What are you, Sherlock Holmes, now?" ~ "No, I'm better than that. I'm Raidea Dumpster!"

End of Chapter

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