The beginning(The Mortal Cup)

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Alec was hunting a demon with his siblings near the pandemonium, he didn't like hunting the demon here as Magnus was in there and he didn't want him hurt.

Yet, he followed the demon along with his siblings, when both their siblings wrist started burning, their soulmates were here.

"Guys I am happy for you two, but if you don't mind we don't know who is behind this mundane blood drawing and how many are there, so can we find the one and then find your soulmates?", he asked and Izzy nodded while Jace thought about it and nodded.

Everything was going fine until Jace met a mundane who was able to see him and got sidetracked, but aside from that it went fine as they entered the club.

Alec saw Magnus sitting with a group of people with some distances between him and them, if it had been the old Magnus this would have been totally different.

He smiled at Magnus who winked at him and nodded at the siblings and Magnus continued looking through the hosts when he saw Clary Fray pass two circle members.

He got up and went towards them, no one is spoiling his party and especially no one is going to hurt the shadowhunters present, even if Jace is a pain in the ass.

"Circle members aren't allowed in my club", he said, "No worries, warlock, it's all ancient history", said the man and Magnus rolled his eyes internally.

"Really? To me, it was like the blink of an eye", he said and it was true, he had seen a lot and as soon as he said that his cat eyes appeared and blue smoke started coming from his hand. He started choking one of the guys, he hates circle members.

"We've endured worse", said the man choking and Magnus smirked, Right, he thought, "You've inflicted worse. Leave", he said and the circle members scrambled off.

Inside the shadowhunters were getting a pretty good lead and that's when Jace's soulmate came in and messed it up.

She suddenly felt her wrist burn with letters and marks, she had never seen such a thing, she quickly ran out and went home.

The three were a bit irritated since they lost their lead and because of it Alec was going to get punished and also because the mission was not approved.

Alec was ruffling his hair or more like pulling his hair out as Jace left to find the red hair girl and that's when Magnus came in to see the agitated Alec.

He nodded at Izzy asking what happened and she gestured back that they messed up, Magnus nodded and went to Alec.

He wrapped his arms around Alec's waist slowly who smiled softly, whatever it is Magnus makes his tormented soul calm by just a simple touch, he smiled and wrapped his arms around his lover.

"Hey", Magnus said softly and Alec leaned in, their foreheads touching, "Hey", Alec said, "It's going to be alright", Magnus said softly and Izzy left them alone.

"I am scared Magnus", Alec admitted, one thing he never does to anyone else except his boyfriend, "I know honey, but I promise all will be alright", Magnus said understanding Alec's feelings.

Maryse Lightwood, Alec and Izzy's mother was too strict when it comes to her children and Clave rules and Magnus knows about it very well.

Magnus pulled away lightly and caressed Alec's hair pushing the hair behind, away from the blue eyes, "I love you Alexander", he said and Alec smiled and kissed him.

"I love you too Magnus", he said and they both hugged each other, staying like that for some time, "Now go do your job shadowhunter, I'll wait for you tonight", Magnus said.

Alec smiled and nodded again and kissed Magnus's forehead as he left to attend his guests, Alec went out to see Izzy, who smiled immediately seeing him.

"I am happy that you are happy big brother", she said and it was the truth, few minutes before Alec was literally ready to kill someone because he was irritated, angry and scared and now he was the happiest man alive.

Magnus really makes his days happier everyday, they went back to the institute to see Jace in the infirmary with the red head.

Before Alec could protest Jace drew an iratze on her and soon her wound healed, Alec shook his head and went to his room to change his clothes, he didn't want to argue with Jace now.

When he freshened up and came out Jace was waiting for him, "Alec-", he started, "Don't Jace", he said and went out with Jace following behind.

"Alec listen to me", Jace said as they walked towards the infirmary, "A mundane shouldn't even be here", Alec said.

"Where is "here" exactly?", Clary asked but no one looked at her, "She's not a mundane, Alec", Jace said and Alec rolled his eyes.

"How do you know that?", Alec asked, "Because the seraph blade lit up when she touched it and", he indicated her arm where his name was there.

He started explaining to Clary on what this was and the siblings bickering started, that's when Izzy got up and walked Alec out of the room.

"We don't know this girl. There's no such thing as new Shadowhunters", Alec said frustrated and yearning for Magnus's warmth.

"There is now", Izzy said, "You don't find that strange?", Alec asked shocked at the same time exasperated.

"I do big bro, but not irritated as much as you are", she said and Alec sighed, she was right he was irritated for no reason, literally.

"You are right, I am sorry, I just... today was a long day and I want to go home to Magnus", he said rubbing his eyes and she nodded.

"Understood brother, just some more time and you can go back to the one you love", she said and Alec smiled and kissed his sister's head.

She had always been supportive no matter what, maybe not at some matters, but most of the time she is the best sister Alec could ever ask for.

Alec and Izzy were monitoring the feeds for the night checking any unusual demon problems or for dead mundanes as before and that's when Alec saw Clary and Jace march out.

He sighed and texted Magnus saying he might be late for the night and Magnus texted back saying that it was fine and to take care.

Alec smiled, never did he think that he would be as lucky as he is now to have such a boyfriend, maybe even a husband one day.

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