Thy Soul Instructed

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Alec was watching Morgan and interrogating her on the cell downstairs when, Izzy walked in, "Any luck?", she asked.

"There's no breaking through. What do you got?", Alec asked, "Sarah's her twin sister. They share an apartment in Queens. If the Owl's MO is consistent with his previous victims, Morgan is being driven to kill someone she loves", Izzy said.

"It's the 11th mundane this week who's become possessed", Alec said rubbing his face, "The Owl is busy and unique. In a typical possession, the body cells wouldn't be affected", Izzy said.

Alec furrowed his brow, "But Morgan's are?", he asked, "Her cells are no longer mundane. They're demonic", Izzy stated.

"So there's no way we can save her?", Alec asked shocked and Izzy looked at him silently, Alec sighed and left to his office.

He called Clary, "I got your alert. Another Owl attack?", she asked entering the office and Alec shook his head.

"No. Blood unit hit downtown. Most likely a rogue vampire. I want you on this with Jace", Alec said.

"How about Izzy?", Clary asked and Alec leaned back in his chair, "Well, why not Jace?", Alec asked.

Clary walked to his desk, "He's exhausted. He's been hunting the Owl 24/7. He hasn't slept", Clary reasoned.

Alec knew better he had been on mission with Jace since he was 11 and he knows Jace doesn't go without sleep.

"Are you sure this is about sleep? [leaning in] When you and Jace were at Lake Lyn, my parabatai rune disappeared. There's a reason for that. What was it?", Alec asked for a millionth time.

"I told you. I don't know", Clary said and Alec stood up, "I would have believed you if my parabatai rune didn't disappear and an 800 year old warlock didn't tell me that something really did happen", Alec said and Clary looked away, Alec sighed.

"Look... I know how much you care about Jace, how much you would do to protect him, and I appreciate that. But if there is something wrong with Jace, something serious, you'd tell me about it, right?", Alec asked and Clary nodded.

"Izzy and I can handle a rogue vamp", Clary said and left, Alec sighed and sat down, he did some work for some time and left to find Jace.

He found Jace staring himself at a mirror, "Too pretty for your own good?", he asked and Jace turned with a smile on his face.

"Are you jealous?", Jace asked and Alec smiled and shook his head, he explained about Celine and her condition before her suicide.

Jace argued with Alec and left, which worried Alec more who quickly finished work and left home.

He knew he was going to get scolded by Magnus for not having lunch or drinking anything at all the whole day, but still he wanted Magnus.

He opened the door and walked in, "Magnus?", Alec called, "Alexander, hey... you look awful, what happened?", Magnus asked approaching Alec who hugged him.

"Hey, what happened honey?", Magnus asked and Alec explained the whole thing that happened that day.

"We will figure it out, I promise, but you not having anything is not a figuring thing", Magnus said and Alec smiled.

He always makes the shadowhunter smile, "Wait here", Magnus said and made some drinks as Alec watched outside the window.

Magnus offered the drink and Alec shook his head, "Alexander, baby you haven't had anything to eat or drink all day. Do I need to force-feed you?", Magnus asked and Alec smiled.

"No. Look, Jace is my parabatai, so I should be able to help him. But this, I just... I don't know how", Alec confessed and Magnus kept the drinks down.

He touched Alec's arms, "I know you're scared, but we don't know for sure if Jace is going down the same road as Céline. Don't lose hope", Magnus said and Alec smiled brighter.

"Thank you", he said and took one of the books he was researching, that he bought from the institute.

"What's all this?", Magnus asked seeing the books, "I need to stop these mundane murders. We have no idea who or what the Owl is and hit a dead-end on testing Morgan. Digging for clues", Alec said and Magnus sat on the edge of the chair and picked a book.

"Not to be an overeager warlock boyfriend, but, need a hand?", he asked and Alec looked up with a smile and shook his head.

"You help me all the time. If I came to you every time I had a problem–", Alec was interrupted as he was explaining.

"We'll spend more time together. Ugh, the torture", Magnus said putting the book down and Alec chuckled.

"Look, after I get some food in you, I'll come down to the Institute and examine Morgan. See if my magic can shed some light on things", Magnus said and hope bloomed in Alec.

He nodded, "It's just... I know Clary is lying and it hurts more knowing that she is lying about Jace's safety", Alec said and Magnus walked to Alec who got up.

"We'll make it through this baby. Okay? One step at a time", Magnus said stroking Alec's back neck.

Alec held Magnus's waist, "Yeah, I know. Thank you", he said and Magnus kissed him, "Now food", he said and walked to the kitchen to make something.

The two went to the institute after having dinner and while looking for ways to help Morgan the powers went out suddenly.

"What's happening?", Clary asked, "We're not sure", Magnus said, "How long's the system been down?", Alec asked looking at Underhill and the powers came up.

"Less than ten minutes", Underhill said, "Hopefully it was just a glitch", Lindsay said and Clary and Alec looked at each other.

The three walked to the basement and Magnus softly did his magic and found out that Morgan was back to normal without any sign of demon cells in her body.

"How is it possible?", Alec asked as he and Magnus entered their office, "I am not sure Alexander, I am as surprised as you are", Magnus said.

"Can you find the reason behind these?", Alec asked softly and hesitantly and Magnus smiled, "Of course baby, I will look into it immediately", Magnus said.

Alec smiled and the two kissed before Magnus left home and started doing some researches when a client came.

Unknown to him was that the client was the mother of all demons herself, Lilith...

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