The Fair Folk

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Alec woke up to find Magnus missing again in the bed, but he knew he has to be in the institute too and yet went to check on Magnus.

He found Magnus making breakfast and smiled and hugged him from behind, "Morning", he mumbled and Magnus smiled reaching his one hand behind.

He touched Alec's hair, who only loved it when Magnus did it, "Morning", Magnus replied and Alec kissed Magnus's cheek.

Magnus chuckled, cheek kisses were always special for them, "I am tired and hungry", Alec mumbled.

"Why don't you stay home then?", Magnus asked, "I would love to but today is my first day as the head, I have to be there", Alec said.

"Then have the breakfast", Magnus said and took the plates as Alec removed his hold, they ate together happily and Alec got ready to leave.

Magnus sensed his nervousness, "You will do awesome baby", Magnus said and Alec smiled and the both kissed.

"Thank you", Alec said and he left and immediately held a meeting in the ops center where all were present.

"We have lost seven of our own, but we can't allow a single radical Seelie to define the entire Downworld, any more than we can allow Valentine to define all Shadowhunters. So, to restore unity with our allies, I will be hosting regular cabinet meetings here with the Downworld leaders of New York. These meetings will promote...", he spoke and some of the shadowhunters commented on him.

Izzy stopped them and Alec finished and walked towards his siblings, "Look at you. In charge for a week, you're already shaking things up. I think this cabinet thing's a good idea", Jace complemented.

"Yeah, I'm not sure everyone agrees", Alec said, "All the more reason to do it. How can I help?", Clary said.

"Actually, I need you and Jace for a mission. Going to the Seelie Court", Alec said, "Where is that?", Clary asked.

"The nearest entrance is in Central Park. But it's in another realm. Where the Seelie Queen lives", Izzy explained and Alec explained why the Seelie Queen wanted to see them.

"That's what I want you to find out", Alec said, "That would make sense. Those murders weren't exactly Kaelie's style", Jace said.

"How did you know Kaelie?", Clary asked, "Book club", Jace said, "What... you read?", Clary asked surprised and the other two siblings suppressed their laugh.

"Yeah. Why does everyone find that so hard to believe?", Jace asked, "Well if we hadn't got to know what really the book club is, we wouldn't have believed you either", Izzy said.

"Yeah guess whose fault it is?", Jace asked looking at Alec, "Don't blame Magnus, he found you", Alec said and they three smiled before Jace and Clary left.

Alec started the cabinet and talked with Luke and Izzy went to talk to Raphael, Alec called Magnus and told about the meeting.

"It's important this meeting tonight go smoothly", Alec said, "It will. I'll be by your side the whole time", Magnus said.

Alec told about how he wanted Magnus as the warlock representative and not his boyfriend because he didn't want to feel as he had warlock favoritism.

Magnus agreed and said he understood and hung the call when Maryse walked in and they talked.

She congratulated him and they spoke about Robert and Alec told her that she needed to tell Izzy about it.

Maryse nodded and soon the meeting started and Izzy was with Alec as they greeted their guests.

"Okay, you look good", Izzy said to Alec as she prepared him and Meliorn walked in and they two talked and shook their hands.

Next Raphael came and Izzy talked with him and led him to conference room when Alec saw Magnus come in.

"Lovely to see you, Mr. Lightwood", he said and the two shook their hands, "And you, Mr. Bane. Thank you for taking the time", Alec said politely trying to hold in his smile.

"Mmm. I wouldn't miss it. I have tremendous respect for the new Head of the Institute", Magnus said and Alec looked smiling before Magnus walked in.

Finally Luke came in still in doubt, "You won't regret this", Alec said extending his hand, "I hope not", Luke said and the two shook hands.

All took their seats while Alec talked with Sebastian on some shadowhunter things and joined them.

"So, what does this Downworld cabinet even mean?", Raphael started, "It means creating total transparency about all Shadowhunter decisions that involve the Downworld. The goal is to have weekly meetings here to discuss any updates, questions, concerns", Alec said.

"Well, I applaud Mr. Lightwood for his progressive thinking", Magnus said trying to diffuse the situation.

"'Cause you're totally unbiased", Raphael said and both Alec and Magnus looked at him with a look and he stopped.

They had some disagreements, but Magnus and Raphael mostly were supportive and they shared a lot of things.

The meeting soon ended and Luke broke into Valentine's and Alec went to confront him, while Izzy went to talk with Maryse and got to know the truth.

Alec also found out that the Queen wasn't involved in the murders, "What makes you say that?", Alec asked.

"I don't know. Call it a gut feeling", Jace said and Alec nodded, "Okay. Well, I'll have the Clave keep a closer eye on the Seelies", Alec said.

"Right", Jace said, "Are you all right? You seem distracted", Alec asked, "No, I'm, uh, I'm fine", Jace said and went to talk to Clary.

Alec left to his room and found Magnus there, "Hey", Alec said surprised and Magnus turned to look at him with a smile.

"Today you did great", Magnus said and wrapped his arms around Alec's waist who smiled and wrapped his arms around Magnus's waist too.

"I hope so, the start wasn't...", Alec said pausing and sighing, "I know baby, but it is a start and I heard you stopped Luke from doing something regretful", Magnus said.

"I tried, but for some reason I feel like I am failing, I feel like I am failing my family, as the head and I...", Alec paused and looked into Magnus's eyes.

"I feel like I am failing you Magnus", Alec said and Magnus looked surprised, "But you are not baby", Magnus said.

"Why do I feel like there is a part of you that wants to say something to me, but you can't?", Alec said and Magnus laid his head on Alec's chest.

"I do want to talk with you, but not now, not today, but I promise I will tell you", Magnus said and Alec laid his head on top of Magnus's.

Both closed their eyes feeling each other, being in each other's presence...

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