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Simon and Izzy who were in hospital after admitting Simon's sister were waiting outside when Simon finally decided what he needed to do and left to meet his mother.

Izzy waited outside when Simon came, looking rigid with tears in his eyes and she understood what he had done.

He had encanto'ed his mother on thinking he was dead and Izzy quickly hugged him, who hugged her back tightly and a silver swirl formed around them.

"It's alright, Simon, I am here, we are alright", Izzy said with tears in her eyes, she was feeling his emotions too now as they connected more, and Simon sobbed into her shoulders. 

Magnus was getting the pentagram ready when Alec came in, "It's been hundreds of years since you banished your father. What makes you think he'll even listen to your request?", Alec asked.

"Let's just say he owes me one", Magnus said, "For what happened with your mother", Alec stated and Magnus nodded.

"That and for everything in the years that followed. I was living on the streets. I didn't know who or what I was. Asmodeus took me in. Nurtured my darker impulses. And taught me the "proper" way to be a warlock", Magnus said with bitterness in his voice.

"And why'd you listen to him?", Alec asked, the question he never asked Magnus as this topic never arised.

"Because he was the only one in the world with eyes like me", Magnus said and Alec went to protest but Magnus continued, "He was my father", he finished.

"Look, at least give me the time to call in back-up from the Institute. We don't even have Lilith under control. Another Greater Demon gets loose, it could put the whole city at risk. And I can't risk losing you", he said and Magnus smiled and got up from the crouch.

"Fortunately for the good people of New York, my father won't be traveling top-side. And don't worry about me Alexander", he said.

Alec scrunched his eyebrows, "That's it, what aren't you telling me?", he asked and Magnus sighed.

"This pentagram isn't for summoning Asmodeus to Earth. It's for sending someone to Edom. In this case, me", Magnus said and Alec felt lightheaded.

"Absolutely not", he said and Magnus started to protest, "We need my father's help. And the cell service down there is terrible", he tried joking.

"This isn't funny!", Alec said nearly losing his control, "Would you prefer I act as terrified as I feel right now?", Magnus asked and Alec softened a bit.

"This is insane. You are not doing this", Alec said and walked front to dust the ashes off but Magnus quickly walked in front and held him.

"Please baby, let me do this for the blondie, for you", Magnus said and Alec stopped struggling and looked into his love's eyes.

"But I can't-", "You won't, trust me", Magnus completed, "And I did something", Magnus said and Alec looked at him with question in his eyes.

"I know what it is like to lose a soulmate or nearly lose them when I nearly lost you and going to meet my father in another dimension will completely cut off our connection", Magnus explained and Alec held his both hands behind his head and turned taking deep breaths, this was way too much for him.

"So you may lose conscious that's why I called your mother", he said and the said person emerged.

"Fine, just get it over, you are giving me a heart attack", Alec said and Magnus chuckled as the woman smiled sadly.

"You're gonna make it back. You hear me?", Alec said pulling Magnus's arms who smiled and cupped Alec's face.

"Why wouldn't I? Look what I have waiting for me", he said and the two kissed, "I love you, Alexander", he said and stepped into the flames.

"I love you too", Alec said already feeling the pain of the flames and the couples screamed as the flames engulfed Magnus.

Maryse let out a sob and rushed to Alec's side, "MOM! IT HURTS!!", he shouted holding his arm, "It's ok Alec, let it out sweetie", Maryse said holding back her tears.

"MAGNUS!", he screamed before losing his conscious and Maryse saw the name Magnus Bane fade slowly into a light white scar.

Maryse sobbed and took Alec to the couch and laid him, she waited with him when he woke up 5hrs later.

"What happened?", he asked slowly and remembered everything, "Magnus", he whispered and tried to get up.

"He will be alright Alec", Izzy said, who had arrived from the hospital and explained how they found out where Jace was and she had Clary also.

Alec agreed to go to the institute and was there for some time as his family along with Luke and Simon went to where Lilith was.

Alec called them to ask what was going, "Lilith's hiding in a mundane building?", Alec asked feeling not surprised.

"Yes. The trail led us here", Maryse said when Luke asked, "Any word from Magnus?", "We might be on our own", Alec said.

"I'm sure Magnus is just waiting to make some sort of dramatic entrance", Maryse tried comforting although failing desperately from the way her voice shook.

"Yeah... Let's hope so", Alec said numbly tracing the scar where the bright colored words used to be and closed his eyes praying to Raziel for strength.

Soon Alec also got himself involved as for one he was needed and two by just being in the institute doing nothing reminded him of Magnus.

He and Jace had a fight in which he got a broken wrist *cough*the owl broke it*cough* and finally, never in his dreams he thought this would happen.

Or even Jace would have thought this, but Alec decided to relieve Jace of the pain and took one of his arrows and went to stab him.

The two were equally good, so the fight went for some time and Jace in the end stabbed Alec and that's when he felt his wrist burn.

The burn he felt nearly 6-7 years ago and Jace or the owl was blasted with a powerful energy and Alec finally felt the wanted and familiar presence next to him.

Magnus lifted Alec's head and held him, "Stay with me!", Magnus said with tears in his eyes and Alec smiled with pain.

"Mom said you'd make a dramatic entrance", Alec said and Magnus chuckled softly, "Wise woman", he said.

Jace, the real one, came and asked Magnus to help Alec and Magnus shook his head saying he couldn't because he traded his power to Asmodeus.

Jace quickly activated Alec's iratze and went to find Clary and Magnus shared his strength to Alec who healed quickly.

"Oh God! You are okay", Magnus said hugging Alec and two shed some tears, "It's ok I am alright, but you are not", Alec said.

Magnus looked at the floor, "You traded your powers and I can feel how empty you are feeling without it", Alec said.

"We can talk about that later, now we need to go, we are not done yet", he said and they heard a blast.

"Clary", the two said and ran as much as they could to hear the bad news, worst one, Clary was dead.

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