Lost Souls

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It has been a week since Clary's... disappearance and all were affected by it, especially Simon and Jace who was more confused since his soulmate mark didn't remove.

But Simon thought it was because of the Lilith's hold on him and Clary was dead because the explosion was huge.

Magnus said that it was impossible unless Clary was alive somewhere and all were searching for her.

The Lightwood siblings were on a mission and Jace was really angry at himself since he couldn't find Clary and showed it on the bad seelie.

Alec and Izzy were able to control him but all were in hard places themselves and Alec went home to see Magnus on the couch thinking.

Alec knew what he was thinking and sat next to Magnus hugging him, who curled into Alec, "We will find her Magnus", he said softly.

Magnus smiled softly and hugged Alec tightly embracing the warmth...

~ The Next Day ~

Magnus was trying to wear his eyeliner manually as Alec entered, Alec smiled and bowed next to Magnus.

"AGH! I don't know how people do this every day. It's taking me an eternity to make myself halfway presentable", Magnus said frustrated.

"Oh, I don't know why you think you need it. You're beautiful the way you are", Alec said and Magnus smiled and kissed Alec's cheek.

"Thank you, but... [standing up from the chair] it's not about beauty. A tiger has stripes. [turning back to Alec] I have eye-liner", he said and Alec smiled fondly as the bell rang.

"You expecting someone?", he asked and Magnus thinks for a second, "Ah! I am. I almost forgot", Magnus said and went to open the door with Alec following him behind.

It was Madzie and Catarina, "Thank you so much for letting her stay with you. Especially considering all you're going through", Catarina said.

"Oh, don't be silly. It is my unbridled pleasure", Magnus said and Madzie saw Alec and ran to him who lifted her in his arms.

Alec took Madzie with him to play and Magnus smiled at it, "He is going to be a wonderful father", Catarina said looking from Alec who left to Magnus.

Magnus smiled and looked at her, "He is", he said and Cat left and Magnus left to play with Madzie along with Alec.

That's when Izzy called Alec, "Baby I need to leave to institute, I'll be back soon, call if anything", Alec said and Magnus smiled and nodded.

Alec kissed Magnus and said bye to Madzie and left where he met Izzy at his office, "Alec... during my interrogation, the prisoner said he was being tortured at the Gard", Izzy said and Alec was surprised by this.

"Tortured? The Clave outlawed torture over years ago", Alec said, "He's a Seelie. He can't lie", Izzy said.

"That would be a direct violation of the Accords", Alec said, "Exactly. Downworlders have rights, even if they're prisoners. You have to bring this up with Jia", Izzy stated.

"Consul Penhallow isn't exactly our friend after our little trip to Alicante", Alec said, "You're the head of the Institute. She'll listen to you", Izzy said and Alec agreed and asked about Jace.

Izzy said she hadn't seen him since the previous night and it worried Alec and Izzy went to check on Jace. 

By night Alec left home and was in the bed tucking her to sleep and Magnus was on the doorway watching it with a smile on his face.

""So... be your name Buxbaum or Bixby or Bray or Mordecai Ali Van Allen O'Shea, you're off to great places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting, so get on your way."", Alec finished reading.

"One more?", Madzie asked and Alec smiled, "We can read as many as you like in the morning", Magnus said entering the room.

Alec smiled and got up, "Can you make a night-light like the last time?", she asked and the couple looked at each other and Alec felt Magnus's sadness.

"I can't right now, Madzie, but... I can leave the light on if you want", Magnus asked and Madzie made her own night-light which surprised Magnus.

The couples left her and Alec held Magnus's arm, "Hey, you ok?", he asked and Magnus looked at him with a sad smile.

"Yeah. I suppose this... new, powerless reality is gonna take some time to get used to", Magnus said and Alec cupped Magnus's face.

"Hey... Of course it is. But I'm always here for you. You know that, right?", he said and as he was about to kiss Magnus, the warlock pulled away.

"What?", Alec asked and Magnus gestured the bedroom behind, "She's right behind the door", Magnus said.

"So I can't kiss my boyfriend?", Alec asked, "Oh, you know how we get. How about we watch a movie? I've been meaning to introduce you to the work of my friend Baz Lurhmann", Magnus said and they heard Madzie's scream.

They saw Iris trying to take Madzie away and Alec sent her away as Magnus didn't have magic anymore.

They discuss in the institute and decide to find Iris and all goes to get ready but Alec stopped Jace, "You're gonna listen to me. Clary is missing or dead. Magnus gave up his power. Simon and Luke risked their lives. And this is how you're gonna repay them? With some kind of a death wish?", Alec said.

"You should have killed me when you had the chance, and Clary would still be here!", Jace said, "Yeah, but she's not. And the way that you're acting... it's a disgrace to her memory. If I lost you... I'd be lost too", Alec said.

"I'm so sorry. You're right. I didn't... I didn't think of it like that", Jace said and Alec nodded, "If you ever feel like this you have to come to me. Okay? Talk to me. All right?", he said.

"Yeah...", Jace said and Alec left with Magnus and Izzy to find Iris, who took Magnus away with her.

Alec, frustrated went to the institute angry at himself when he felt pain in his whole body, "Ah!", he screamed and Izzy who entered ran next to him and held him.

"She's torturing him", Alec said grimacing and Izzy gave Alec an idea and they decided to try it out.

In the end it worked and they gave Iris back to the Gard and Magnus was in his study when Alec entered.

"You know, I'm proud of you", Alec said, "For what? For being so powerless that I was able not only to get kidnapped, but injured as well making you feel the same along the way?", Magnus asked.

"You were powerful enough to hold your ground and to keep your memories of Madzie's true location from Iris", Alec said.

"That's not power", Magnus said, "Yes it is, Magnus. Your power doesn't just come from your magic. It comes from your inner strength... which you are overflowing with", Alec said and kissed Magnus who wasn't still feeling like himself.

"Having you and Isabelle rescue me, and... healed by Catarina. I hate that feeling of having to rely on others to take care of me", he said when Alec asked the reason.

"You've been taking care of others your whole life. Sometimes, it's okay to let others take care of you", Alec said and Magnus smiled slowly.

"Well, I'll tell you one thing. This is the last time I plan on getting beaten up. It's time I learn how to fight without my magic", Magnus said and Alec smiled brightly.

"Well, I know a thing or two about fighting. So, what do you say I help you out?", Alec asked and this time Magnus smiled brighter.

"I thought you'd never ask", he said and Alec chuckled and hugged him tightly knowing that Magnus was putting up this face for him.

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