City of Glass

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Asmodeus bought Magnus a pretzel and asked to go home to the warlock's loft when Magnus told about the deal and how he had lost his home.

Asmodeus asked about Lorenzo and asked Magnus to take him there and Magnus did while Jace and Izzy went to find Clary and Jonathan.

Alec and Maryse were walking down the ops center as Alec noticed Maryse looking at Luke, "How'd it go with the Seelies?", she asked.

"Better than expected. That said, I need to start gearing up for mission right now. [sees Maryse's face change as she makes eye contact with Luke] Something wrong?", Alec asked.

Maryse stopped walking and looked at Alec, "I was hoping you'd tell me. I hadn't heard from you since you asked for the family ring. Or from Magnus since Halloween", Maryse said and Alec looked away.

"Mama, I can't talk about this right now", Alec said, "If I did or said anything to offend the two of you–", she started and Alec stopped her.

"Mom. Stop. It's not something you did or didn't do. I broke up with Magnus", he said and quickly stopped as his voice shook.

"What? Why in the name of the Angel would you ever do that?", Maryse asked shocked, "Because I had to. This is the only way he's ever gonna become whole again. I should never have asked for this in the first place", he said giving her the ring and leaving.

Maryse was confused by Alec's words and left to see Lorenzo, Magnus came back to his old apartment with his father.

"Bursting through my door unannounced... I thought that was reserved for your better half", Lorenzo said and Magnus looked directly into Lorenzo's eyes with all the anger from the past few days.

"Alec and I are no longer. Not that that's any of your business", he said and Asmodeus came and made Lorenzo into a chameleon.

Maryse arrived there and knocked the door and was surprised to find Magnus instead of Lorenzo, "Magnus, what are you doing here?", she asked.

"I would ask the same of you", Magnus asked and Maryse tried to enter, but the warlock gently pushed her to the hallway.

"I was hoping Lorenzo would know where to find you. I just want to understand why Alec did what he did", she said and Magnus snapped his finger and closed his apartment door.

"Then you should talk to him", Magnus said to a surprised Maryse, who was looking at the door where Magnus did his magic not even a minute ago.

"Wait... Your magic... You're "whole" again", she said understanding what Alec had said and Magnus furrowed his brow.

"And that's to say what? I was lesser without my magic?", Magnus asked and Maryse shook her head.

"Stop. You know I love you. And despite what he might say to the contrary, Alec does too. Not three days ago, he came into my shop asking me for this", she said and showed the family ring to him.

"Is the Lightwood family ring supposed to mean something to me?", he asked confused, "It would if he had given it to you the other night at dinner when he planned to", Maryse said.

Magnus realized what she meant and his cat eyes popped, he doesn't want to know the reason why his father was here anymore.

His Alec had gone through all the hurting and sacrificial for him and he had had enough of his 'father caring for his son' talk.

He thanked Maryse taking the ring from her and went inside calming himself down, he looked at the chameleon with his back turned to Asmodeus.

"Did you really think I wouldn't find out?", he asked, "You can't blame a father for trying, can you?", Asmodeus asked.

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