All Good Things...(Final)

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The wedding started and Alec walked down the aisle with his father and saw the decorations and he was mesmerized. 

He got to the stand with a big smile on his face and hugged Jace who had the same smile on his face.

He waited looking at the pathway and his mother and Magnus walked in and Alec quietly gasped seeing both his mother and love.

They were beautiful and he smiled thinking how once his mother hated Magnus and now how much she loves him.

He took Magnus's hand who after hugging Maryse came and stood in front of him, Magnus nodded and Alec blinked and realized he wasn't breathing and took a deep breath and started looking into his soulmate's eyes.

"The love I have for you...", he started, "Is a love that knows no bounds", Magnus said, "In times of joy as well as sadness..."

"In sickness and in health...", "I will love you as my equal.", "And protect you above all else.", "I will share with you my truest feelings."

"And when you speak, I will listen." "I will catch you when you fall", Alec said and Magnus remembered how Alec was always there for him when he was down.

"And when you soar, I will help you reach your greatest heights", Magnus said and Alec remembered how Magnus helped him reach this level.

"Magnus Bane...", "Alexander Gideon Lightwood...", they said and took a step forwards to each other and held hands.

"I am and will always be your loving husband", both said together, "It is my honor to pronounce you one", Jem said.

Magnus remembered how Jem said once that Some words are too important not to be spoken aloud and realized the meaning behind those.

Jace gave Alec a stele and Alec drew the alliance rune with small changes on Magnus's hand to make it look like the wedding rune.

Magnus then held the stele over Alec's hand and together drew the wedding rune on Alec's hand and the two smiled and kissed as all cheered and an amethyst purple swirl swirled around them and the two smiled brightly .

Izzy and Maryse wiped their tears and the couples walked down the aisle to the hall for their dance and the after party started.

"I'm not stepping on your feet, am I?", Alec asked as they were slowly dancing, "How could you be? It's like I'm walking on air", Magnus said.

"I've never seen my brother as happy as he is when he's with Magnus", Izzy said as she was with Simon.

"I know the feeling", Simon said looking at her with the same love and she blushed and they talked with Raphael.

"So I am sort of immortal now and we also can have kids", Alec said and Magnus chuckled, "So that's why you wanted to keep the last bonding a secret, so you can tell me when you propose, but it got complicated", Magnus said and Alec nodded.

"I am happy, but you are stuck with me forever, literally", Magnus said and Alec chuckled, "I don't want it any other way", Alec said and the two kissed and stopped dancing.

They went to talk with the others and Clary without saying the truth thanked each of them including Jace and left the institute.

She lost her memory of the past half a year and also her soulmate mark and Jace found a letter about where she was and what happened, but he still had his soulmate mark.

He called the others and Alec, Magnus, Izzy and Simon came and read the letter and all were shocked.

"Magnus can you do something?", Alec asked and Jace stopped Magnus before he could respond, "Don't", he said tears in his eyes and all looked surprised.

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