Familia Ante Omnia

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Magnus with the Lightwood siblings were in the institute the whole night. Magnus, looking for ways to help Jace and the siblings to find out what happened to Clary.

"You're the Head of the Institute. Can't you demand to know what happened with Clary?", Izzy asked and Alec shook his head.

"I've tried. The Council is freezing me out", Alec said and they heard a knock on the door to see Magnus who entered strutting a little.

"Sorry to interrupt", he said and Alec looked at him weirdly with a smile on his face, "Magnus", he said and Izzy looked amazed.

"Looks like someone needs a coffee", she said, "Oh, no thank you. I already had six", Magnus said and Izzy raised her eyebrows in surprise while Alec's jaw dropped.

"You had? Six? Magnus!!!", Alec said, "Yes, yes, yes", Magnus said and Alec shook his head fondly at his warlock.

"So, I was up all night researching the dark magic that Lilith has been using on Jace. I may have found a way to free him", Magnus said and the other two looked expectant.

"What? How?", Alec asked, "Based on your descriptions, it seems Lilith has Jace locked in some kind of a mental cage, and the only solution is breaking that cage by blasting Jace with enough magic to eviscerate her presence", Magnus explained.

"Do you have the power to do that?", Alec asked a bit hesitant, he wants to save Jace no matter what, but he can't lose Magnus also.

Call him selfish, he doesn't care, "No, but I will. In the Book of the White, I found a synthesis spell that'll allow me to temporarily channel – the magic of other warlocks", he said.

Izzy asked how many and decided to help him as she could and left, "You need rest", Alec said and Magnus smiled.

"I will, after we free Jace", Magnus said and before Alec could protest Magnus moved towards him and kissed him.

"Please don't fight me in this", Magnus said and Alec sighed and nodded, "Thank you baby", Magnus said and left to contact Lorenzo.

Alec also had some talk with Lorenzo who said he will think about it but in the end rejected Magnus.

He also told the other warlocks that no one should help Magnus which froze Magnus from all sides to help Jace.

But Catarina suggested something, "We both know if the warlocks can't give you the power that you need, there's someone else who can", she said.

"No. No! His help always comes at a price. I'm not that desperate", Magnus said but this was his first plan from the start.

"So what are you going to do?", she asked, "I'm going to talk some sense into the High Warlock of Brooklyn", Magnus said and left.

Simon who was made to drink his sister's blood was stopped by Izzy at the correct time, "I tried to live a normal life. But there's nothing normal about me anymore. The way my mom looked at me... She was right. I'm a monster", Simon said as they were outside.

"No, you're not. You're a good man, Simon Lewis. [Simon shakes his head.] And we're gonna get through this. Together", Isabelle comforted him with tears in both their eyes.

Magnus was talking with Lorenzo when Lorenzo said something he shouldn't have, "I don't care if you have to watch the man you love wither and die", he said.

Magnus blasted him with a ball of angry and strong magic and the fight started and the end Lorenzo left saying he will never help Magnus.

Magnus was in the balcony when Alec walked in, "You okay?", Alec asked leaning against the wall, "It's been a day", Magnus said.

"Yeah. We have no leads on Lilith or Jace, no word on Clary. Is something burning?", Alec asked and Magnus touched his hair.

"It's me. Things got a little bit heated during my talk with Lorenzo. I'm afraid the warlocks are not an option", Magnus explained distracted.

"So that's it. Jace is trapped in his own personal hell, and I can't get him out. He asked me to kill him, and I was too selfish to listen", Alec said and Magnus held Alec's arms.

"Oh, Alexander, baby, stop", Magnus said and Alec looked at him determined, "I have to kill Jace. And I'll be damned if I let anybody else do it", he said and walked in.

"There's still a way for me to obtain enough power to cure him", Magnus said closing his eyes and Alec walked back.

"What? What is it?", Alec asked, "My father", Magnus said, "Asmodeus", Alec said and Magnus nodded.

"There is a way to channel his power or more like help me increase my power", Magnus started explaining.

"Which is?", Alec asked searching for some sort of feeling from Magnus which was weird since he felt nothing.

"My father can increase my power, or he might help me increase my power for a certain price", Magnus said.

"And what would that be?", Alec asked getting worried, "Don't worry Alexander, he won't ask my life, at least I think he won't", Magnus said.

"'You think he won't?' No and you can feel I am worried, but why can't I feel anything from you?", Alec asked.

Magnus looked away, "I cast a charm for you to not feel anything for some time, till I finish my work with Asmodeus and also for you to not feel anything on what I feel on this plan, I am sorry Alexander", Magnus rushed.

Alec held Magnus's waist and turned him to face him, "Release that charm", Alec demanded and Magnus shook his head.

"Alexander, no please", Magnus said holding himself together, "I said remove that charm", Alec said and Magnus closed his eyes and flicked his fingers.

Alec felt a mix of emotions crashing into him and held on to the ledge with his one hand while still holding Magnus with the other.

He especially felt guilt and pain and... fear?, "Magnus, honey why am I feeling these emotions I have never felt from you, especially fear?", Alec asked and Magnus looked down.

"Uhmm... meeting Asmodeus has some consequences", Magnus said and Alec waited for the rest of the reason.

"Well how about I make some dinner for us?", Magnus asked changing the subject but Alec didn't budge.

"Trust me Alexander, I will tell you later not now please, I promise", Magnus said and the vulnerability in his voice made Alec falter.

He has never seen Magnus like this unless it's a talk about his past, but this..., "Ok fine, but I am making the dinner", Alec said.

Magnus smiled and nodded and the two went in, one knowing very well what to do, while the other clueless.

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