Parabatai Lost

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Magnus opened Alec's room to find Jocelyn and Izzy bickering with Alec on the bed, he rushed next to Alec's side.

"Alexander! Baby? I told you not to do anything stupid", Magnus whispered, "Shut up both of you", he said to other two.

"What exactly happened here?", he asked and Izzy explained, "Isabelle stay here, Jocelyn out", Magnus said and started working on Alec.

Alec started being delirious, "Jace, I...", he muttered, "It's not working", Isabelle said as Magnus worked on Alec.

"I'm sorry, Isabelle. [He tries to use his magic again.] Parabatai bonds are like a tether that binds two souls. Jace and Alec share emotions, instincts, strength. It's an angelic bond. My magic can only do so much", Magnus said.

"So Jace is like this, too?", Izzy asked, "Not necessarily. It appears that when Alec called out to him, part of his soul never returned. Now he's stuck, lost somewhere between himself and his parabatai", Magnus said.

"Can you feel him?", she asked, "Yes, but not like usual, I feel a huge part of him missing and Jace can only bring him back", Magnus said and Izzy went to find Jace.

He was working on Alec keeping himself together when the door knocked, "Isabelle? Clary's back", Jocelyn said.

Magnus opened the door furious, "Oh, great. Clary's safe. We can all go home now", he said sarcastically and went to close the door.

"Whoa. Wait, Magnus. How's Alec? Is he gonna be okay?", Jocelyn said, "Do you remember the first thing I said to you when you brought a frightened six-year-old girl to my door?", he asked.

"You didn't wanna get involved in Shadowhunter business", she replied hesitantly, "And I should've stuck to my guns. But no, I let you convince me. How many years of memory wipes was it?", Magnus asked.

"Twelve. Look, I owe you. Let me help with Alec", she said, "I think you've done enough", Magnus said, "I was only trying to find–", she said and he interrupted her.

"You were only trying to do what you always do. Manipulate people into helping fix problems that you created. And now Alec is paying the price for it", Magnus said his voice breaking at the mention of Alec.

"That's not true", Jocelyn said, "Then prove me wrong. And also you said you owe me right? Do me a favor, you and your daughter stay out of Lightwoods life, especially Alec's", Magnus said.

He walks away and closes the door with a snap of his magic and Jocelyn left, "Wait, if he and Alec are going through the same thing, we wouldn't be able to swim. He could be–", Clary said as she was talking with Isabelle.

"No. Jace is alive. If he were dead, Alec's parabatai rune would have faded", Izzy said, "So that's good news, right?", Clary asked.

"In a way yeah. But I don't know how much time Alec has left. Jace might be his only hope, and for all we know Valentine and the Circle have already found him", Izzy said.

They went to Alec's room to see Magnus constantly working on him, "Has he been in there with Alec the whole time?", Clary asked.

"He's the only reason Alec still has a chance. But his magic can't last forever. Sooner or later, he's gonna burn out", Izzy said and Jace called.

They agreed to meet at Magnus' and Izzy talked with Magnus as Clary left to help Simon when Aldertree barged in.

"Alec isn't leaving this institute. I'm sure his warlock friend can figure something out. Here", he said.

"This isn't waking Sleeping Beauty with a kiss. Runic power is deep. It requires magic that can't be accessed in the walls of this institute", Magnus said and yet Aldertree didn't allow them and made Raj guard the door.

"No. It's too late. I...", Alec mumbled and Magnus touched Alec, "Alexander?", he called and Alec didn't respond.

Frustrated, Magnus blasted some cups and Raj looked at him, "You know you're gonna have to clean that up? I feel you, man, but I have direct orders. If you can't help him, then you need to go", he said.

"My magic is the only thing keeping Alec from completely slipping away. I won't leave", Magnus said firmly.

"I know you're old, but I didn't realize you were hard of hearing. He's clearly not waking up any time soon, so you can leave now, or I can remove you myself–", Raj said and walked towards Magnus.

Magnus uses his magic to lift Raj up from the floor and choke him, "I'm sorry. I don't like being rushed", he said.

Magnus throws Raj against the wall with his magic, breaking a painting and tried to advance on him when Isabelle hears the noise and comes in.

"Magnus, stop. We need to get Alec out of here, but this isn't helping", she said and they formed a plan.

They secretly took Alec to Magnus' and Izzy said she would cover for them, Alec was lying on the couch and Magnus was next to him.

"Come back. Come back. Please come back. I'm all out of answers. I've tried everything. Except...", Magnus whispered and kissed Alec.

"Alexander you promised me you will never leave me, please come back to me baby. You said we can have kids and all", Magnus said.

"We have to finish our last bonding baby, please come back to me", Magnus said and felt Alec stir but didn't wake up.

Magnus ran his hand through Alec's hair, "Please come back love", Magnus begged and Izzy walked in.

"He can't last much longer", he said to Izzy and turned to see Jace and Clary there, "Alec", Jace said and Magnus gave him the stone.

"Bring him back", Magnus said and Jace nodded, Jace said the parabtai oath and Alec moved and the stone fell from their arm, "What's happening?", Isabelle asked.

"He's slipping", Magnus said feeling Alec's soul slipping and heard Clary say no, Alec breathed one last time and tears fell from Magnus's eyes.

"Ah!", he said holding his hand and kneeling down and Izzy kneeled down next to him, he saw the letters on the name turn white one by one.

"No", Magnus said, the pain unbearable, he wanted to scream but suddenly the pain stopped and he heard Alec's voice and the name started refilling to it's usual gold color.

Izzy got up while Magnus covered his face, his tears running non stop and Aldertree came and took Jace away.

Izzy and Clary went with him, "Magnus?", Alec called and Magnus went next to him and kissed his forehead tears still running.

"Hey I am alright", Alec said, "You are now... but for a moment I thought I lost you... I did lose you and it was painful, not just the soulmate name fading, but feeling your soul leave me... I", Magnus stuttered crying into Alec's chest.

"I am sorry Magnus you had to go through so much because of me", Alec said and Magnus shook his head, "I am just happy you are alright", Magnus said and kissed Alec.

The kiss expressed so much more than any words could describe, they pulled away to breath while their foreheads touched.

"I have to get back to the institute", Alec said, "Alexander", Magnus said, "I know baby, but come with me, you can look after me while I look after Izzy and Jace", he said and Magnus sighed but nodded.

They both left to the institute to find Jace was sent to City of Bones, but Alec still had some work to do therefore they stayed at the institute.

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