Salt in the Wound

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Simon got to know that Kyle was Jordan, the werewolf who turned Maia into one when he got a call from Clary asking for help.

He went to help her to find her hurt and he took her to the institute immediately and they healed her with Magnus's help.

They were in the weapon's room discussing when Clary told them that Jace was the Owl, "Jace is the Owl? How is that even possible?", Isabelle asked.

Alec nodded, "This whole time, it wasn't his mental health. He was possessed", he said as he told about Jace's last night change and all.

"By an extremely powerful Greater Demon, who gave him the ability to turn mundanes into demonic killers", Magnus continued.

"We defeated Greater Demons before. We'll do it again and free Jace", Alec said trying to comfort himself.

Magnus shook his head, "This is not just any Greater Demon. Clary was able to draw an image of the beast. [touching another image on the table] And it matches this image from the Silent City archives. The demon is Lilith. Queen of Edom. Adam's first wife", Magnus said and Alec closed his eyes sighing.

"Adam, as in Garden of Eden Adam?", Izzy asked shocked and Magnus nodded, "The one and only", he said and Simon looked confused.

"So, what does that mean?", he asked, "She's the mother of all demons", Magnus said and a silence passed over the table.

"It makes her more powerful than anything we've ever encountered. Of all people, why Jace?", Alec asked and all started thinking.

Clary looked up from the table with tears in her eyes, "Alec... what you felt that night, when your parabatai rune disappeared... you and Magnus were right. Jace did die. Valentine killed him", Clary said.

Alec looked at Magnus who sighed, "I knew it", he said and Simon asked how he came back and Clary told about the wish.

"You made the wish?", Izzy asked shocked, "I had to. I had to. It was the only way to bring him back. But it... it made him vulnerable. To Lilith. To... this beast that's powerful enough to murder Ithuriel", Clary said and all looked shocked except Alec who was still thinking silently.

"What?", Izzy asked, "Because of me. Because I summoned him. Because I was trying to help Jace. Alec, I am so sorry. I should not have kept this from you. I know what position this puts you in with the Clave. So if you wanna send me to the Gard, I understand", Clary said.

"Clary, no–", Simon stopped as Alec gave him a look and Magnus turned the other side, he knows he can't put his personal wishes into Alec's work.

Alec circled the table towards Clary and hugged her surprising everyone, "I would have done the same thing", he said and looked at Magnus.

Magnus smiled softly, "Ok first we need to find Lilith", he said and Luke came and told about the death of Ollie's mother.

They planned to trap the Owl so they can release the possessed people at the same time find Lilith and free Jace.

Izzy said they could do it using the Malachi Configuration and they planned to leave soon, "I'll go and try to find a cure for Jace", Magnus said and left with Alec following him behind shortly.

"Magnus. Hey. Magnus", Alec called and Magnus stopped, "What a fool I am. If I hadn't given her that elixir, Jace would still be Jace", Magnus said guiltily.

Alec knew about this and that's why he followed his boyfriend, "Magnus, baby, Lilith would've gotten to him with or without you. You can't put this all on yourself", Alec said and hugged the warlock.

"I will fix it. I'll use the last drop of my power if it's the death of me", Magnus said and Alec pulled away and smiled.

"We will fix this", he said and Magnus smiled and both kissed before they parted ways to do their work.

Somehow the Lightwood siblings and Clary got the Malachi Configuration and trapped the Owl and left except Clary who stayed back and took the blame.

The blame of digging Valentine's grave, Magnus here with the help of Catarina was making an anti-dote.

But he was blaming himself despite what Alec had told him and Alec felt that, "The past is the past. But you and I both know you're powerful enough to reverse this", Catarina also said.

"Well, that's the problem. I'm too powerful for my own good. Too powerful for anyone's good", Magnus said and the potion began to smoke.

"The elixir's irreversible", he said and Catarina approached his table, "Jace was already comprimised before your elixir ever touched his lips. It's not gonna be easy, but don't act like you're a helpless 40-year-old warlock. You're Magnus Bane. Now I've gotta get home to Madzie. Babysitter must be exhausted. But don't give up. Do what you do best. Think outside the box", she said and left.

Magnus sighed and went to get some drinks when Izzy and Alec transported Jace to Malec's loft and Magnus looked up surprised.

"Well, this is certainly a surprise", he said and kept the glass down, "You really think that this thing can contain me? You're even stupider than I thought", the owl said.

"We're gonna save you, Jace", Alec said and the owl chuckled, "Good luck. It's only a matter of time before Lilith finds me. Finds you. You'll all be dead by sunrise", he said.

Magnus prayed silently that it should never come to that because if it will he will stop Lilith with everything he has including his life to save Izzy and Alec.

But if Lilith overpowers him and kills any of the others leaving Magnus he would never forgive himself for anything including giving the elixir.

Alec pulled Magnus to a side and hugged him, "I believe you Magnus everything will be alright, we will fight out of this", he said and Magnus melted into the hug.

"Thank you baby, but what if something happens and I lose you in this fight?", he asked and Alec kissed his head.

"You won't baby, trust me I am not going anywhere, but are you sure you want to do this?", Alec asked and Magnus nodded.

Alec didn't ask whether Magnus can because he knows he can, but whether he wanted to do it and that made Magnus happy.

"I want to, I made him like this I want to help him back to normal", Magnus nodded and both looked at where Jace was in each other's arms.

"At least he's safe from the Clave", Alec said, "For the time being", Magnus said and both pulled away and walked towards Jace.

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