Day of Wrath

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Aldertree called Magnus to talk and Alec waited for him outside patiently, the door opened and Magnus walked out and jumped back seeing Alec.

"You scared the heck out of me Alexander", Magnus said and Alec smiled and took Magnus' hand and both walked through the ops.

"How'd it go with Aldertree?", he asked and Magnus shrugged, "Well, the man didn't disappoint. In his own charming, inimitable way, he informed me that I will indeed be punished, but the form of punishment is yet to be decided", Magnus said and they stopped working.

"All for trying to save my life", he said and Magnus shook his head, "I will no matter what save you as long as I am alive", Magnus said and Alec smiled.

"Jace may have been the one who pulled me out, but I did feel you there. And it did make a difference. So... thank you", Alec said and Magnus smiled softly.

"Thank you for not dying on me. [They both smile.] How is the blondie?", Magnus asked and Alec chuckled.

"He won't be gone long. Once his hand touches the Soul-Sword, the truth will come out, and prove that he's never been on Valentine's side", Alec said and Magnus nodded.

"We haven't gone on a date for a long time, how about we go for lunch today?", Alec asked and Magnus smiled.

"I would love that baby", Magnus said and they kissed, "Hey, Alec. [Alec turns around.] Demon briefing in the ops center. All hands on deck", Raj said and Alec groaned.

"My dear Raj, you look well", Magnus said and Alec smiled as Raj walked away, "What did you do?", Alec asked.

"Well he said if I can't save you I had to let you go and I just explained in my ways that I don't like being rushed", Magnus said and Alec looked at Magnus in surprise yet with a smile on his face.

"Magnus you need to control your anger honey", Alec said and Magnus shrugged, "When it comes to you I won't mind killing anyone", he said as if it wasn't a big deal.

"Magnus!", Alec said and Magnus chuckled, "Okay okay, now go battle your demons", Magnus said and Alec kissed Magnus's forehead before rushing to ops center.

They had to find a demon and since the three was missing Jace, they took Clary with them and found out some kind of demon was possessing mundanes and killing people.

Raphael who was 'inquired' by Aldertree went to Magnus's and Magnus started helping him with the wounds.

"Aldertree knows how I took you in. How you're like a son to me. That's why he did this", Magnus said.

"He was looking for Camille", Raphael said, "And punishing me at the same time. If Alexander gets to know this he will kill Aldertree", Magnus said.

"Alec can't know this", Raphael said and Magnus nodded as Simon knocked the door asking for help.

Magnus, Raphael and Simon together planned to find Camille while Alec and the others found out that the demon was in the institute.

"But I don't get it. How did the demon get past the wards?", Clary asked as all were strapping their weapons.

"Same way it got in without setting off this. [holds her necklace] It must have some advanced cloaking ability. It hid in that dead body and let us do the rest", Izzy said.

"I didn't know demons could do that", Clary said, "Until now, they couldn't. This new form of possession, cloaking ability, targeting the Institute, it's...", he said and Clary finished his sentence.

"Valentine. His experiments. My mom told me how he was determined to create a super-being that could defeat the Clave. It's what he tried to do with Jace", she said and they separated and went to find the demon.

Izzy and Clary went together while Alec went alone and Lydia and Raj went together where Raj got possessed.

Magnus and Simon got sometime to talk before bringing Camille in and the talk about Camille and Magnus's past came up

"Not too many people know this, but... when I was living in London, in the early 1870s, I was in a bad place. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't see my way out. Then on one particular stormy night, I got as far as the ledge of the Blackfriars Bridge. And if, if it wasn't for Camille, I wouldn't be here right now. She was the only one who cared enough to stop me. She saved me", he said.

"Wow. I always thought you were like the Energizer Bunny of warlocks", Simon said and Magnus chuckled.

"Most of the time I am. But in my moments of weakness, I have my rock just as you have yours", Magnus said and Simon looked at him.

"Clary", Simon said and Magnus nodded, "So now you see why it's not so simple", he said and Raphael came.

He sent Raphael and Simon away to Catarina's saying he needed some things and summoned Camille.

Magnus uses his magic and a cage appears around Camille, "Magnus, let me out of here!", Camille said.

Suddenly he felt empty, "Alexander", he whispered, he knows Alec is there, but not exactly in conscious.

He immediately called Isabelle, "Magnus this might not be good time", Izzy said, "Where is Alexander?", he asked not taking heed of what she said and she started explaining about the demon in the institute and that all were searching for it separately.

"Go find him, something's wrong", he said and Izzy said ok and he hanged up and Izzy found that whatever Magnus said was true.

Alec was possessed and it killed Jocelyn, but before Izzy could confront she was possessed and Alec and Clary had to fight her.

"Don't tell me you're doing the Clave's bidding because of your silly infatuation with that boy toy Shadowhunter", Camille said.

"Leave Alec out of this. This is between you and me", Magnus said, "Believe me, this wasn't an easy decision. But you crossed the line. I won't let Raphael suffer for your bad deeds", he said.

"So this is about one little insubordinate vamp?", Camille asked, "You've sired hundreds of vampires. Your children. But as a warlock, I can have none. The Downworlders I take under my wing, they are my children. My family. I'm sorry, Camille. I'll do whatever it takes to protect him", Magnus said.

"The fear of loneliness... has always been your Achilles' heel", she said, "Don't", he said and yet she continued.

"You don't do well losing those you love, do you? I'm the only one you can count on to be here for you forever. You know that. That's why you love me... and you always will. [trying to encanto Magnus] Choose... me", she said but Magnus wasn't trapped into her words.

"Enjoy Idris. I hear the weather's a delight. Oh by the way I have my Alexander now and forever", he said and sent Camille away.

Izzy was hurt in the fight and Simon felt it as he, Jace and Aldertree came to the institute and the Lightwood sibling went together as Simon and Clary hugged.

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