How Are Thou Fallen

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It has been 2 weeks since the previous events and Alec and Magnus went on a 9 day trip, they jumped out of the portal.

"I mean, how would they feel?", Alec asked and Magnus chuckled, "Well, I'm glad you didn't ask in front of the sushi chef", he said.

"Well, seriously, why do they call it fatty tuna? I mean that's a little degrading", Alec said and they kept the things down.

"Hmm, well, I don't think obese tuna sounds any better", Magnus said and turned towards Alec, "You know, as much as I love Tokyo and Prague, a bacon burger from the East Village isn't that bad", Alec said.

"The world is your oyster, Alexander", Magnus said wrapping his arms around Alec's neck, "I got you something", Alec said.

"Me?", Magnus asked surprised, "Yes, you. [gives Magnus a little bag] Open it", Alec said holding Magnus's waist.

Magnus opened it to find a luck charm, "It's supposed to bring you luck and protection", Alec said and Magnus looked at him surprised.

"Thank you, Alexander. You continue to surprise me", Magnus said and Alec smiled, "In good ways, I hope", he said and they went to kiss when they heard voices from Jace's bedroom.

Alec sighed, "I haven't had a roommate this brazen since...", Magnus started, "Since Casanova, yeah I know", Alec said and Magnus chuckled.

"I'll talk to Jace. He can't stay here forever", Alec said and Magnus stopped him, "No, no. Nothing a little magic can't fix", Magnus said and snapped his fingers.

Gentle, but loud music started playing and he turned towards Alec, "All good?", he asked and Alec smiled and nodded and circled his arms around Magnus's waist.

Magnus wrapped his arms around Alec and they started swaying softly looking into each other's eyes.

"After all this nonsense finishes, I am going to complete our last bond", Alec said and Magnus smiled, "And what would that be?", Magnus asked.

"It's a surprise, you will know it, now you only need to know that I love you", Alec said and Magnus smiled softly and both touched foreheads.

"I love you too Alexander", he said, "Did you like your trip break?", Magnus asked and Alec nodded.

"The best and it was with you", Alec said and Magnus chuckled, both still swaying until they got tired and went outside and was looking at the stars.

"What happens if Valentine wins and I-", Magnus started and Alec shut him up with a kiss, "I will protect you no matter what", he said and Magnus smiled.

They started kissing again which turned into a full on make out session and Alec's phone suddenly beeped breaking them off.

Alec checks the message, "Damn it. I need to go", he said looking at Magnus, "Go do your job, Shadowhunter. I'm not going anywhere", Magnus said.

"All right", Alec said and got up kissing Magnus on the head before leaving to find Jace, "We have orders. Let's go", he said to Jace looking the other side.

"I'm a little tied up", Jace said and Alec rolled his eyes when the seelie said he was also welcome to join them.

"He's fine", Magnus said walking in, "I thought you were going to get some rest baby", Alec said and the seelie left after rolling her eyes.

"I am, I just wanted to make sure everything was alright", Magnus said and left glaring at the way the seelie went.

Alec chuckled and turned to Jace and they had an argument before Alec left not wanting to fight and found out that one of the Iron Sisters was killed.

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