A Dark Reflection

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Alec was speaking with Max about his first mission when Jace and Clary came, they told about how they couldn't track Jonathan.

"Someone did. Someone who wanted to circumvent us from tracking Jonathan", Jace said, "And now we have no leads on either of them. We've got nothing", Clary said.

"Actually, we have less than nothing. There's something you should know. [sighs] The Clave doesn't have the Soul-Sword. They never did", Alec said and the other two looked shocked.

"So the Clave has been lying this entire time?", Clary asked and Alec nodded, "Wouldn't be the first time", Jace said.

"The Clave is trying to prevent an uprising. If the Downworld finds out that we don't have the Soul-Sword, there'll be total chaos", Alec said.

"But the Sword's been deactivated. It can't be used on Downworlders", Clary said, "Not in the way Valentine used it before, but it's still a Mortal Instrument", Alec explained.

"If you combine it with the other two Mortal Instruments, the Cup and the Mirror, he could use it to raise the Angel Raziel", Jace also said.

"I thought it was just a legend", Clary said, "All the legends are true. The Angel will grant him one wish. Anything he wants", Alec said.

"The end of the Downworld as we know it", Clary completed and Alec winced, Jace noticed this but kept quite.

Alec was thinking about how to get the sword when Izzy stormed in, "You're not sending our little brother out into the field", Izzy said.

"You know better than anyone how good Max is. His simulation scores are off the charts", Alec explained turning to look at her.

"That's a simulation. I'm talking about the real world", Izzy said, "Max has had his Rune Ceremony. It's standard to get orders after that, just like we did when we were his age", Alec stated.

"It was different back then. We weren't fighting Valentine", Izzy commented back, "Izzy–", Alec started but she cut him off.

"You weren't there that night with Kaelie. He came this close to dying", she said, "Max is a soldier. It's time we start treating him like one", Alec said.

"What would you do if it was your kid?", she asked and Alec looked at her as if she was crazy, "Iz-", he started.

"What would you do if you and Magnus had a kid who demanded he wanted to go on a mission at age 10?", she asked.

"I would send him or her, I won't and can't hide them from the World or hide the World from them", Alec said firmly.

Izzy gave him one look and left and he sighed, he started his doing his paper work and didn't notice the time.

He heard a knock and looked up to see Magnus there, beautiful and glittery as usual, "Lost track of time?", Magnus asked.

Alec closed his eyes in guilt, "I missed dinner, didn't I?", he asked, "Only by a few hours", Magnus said and walked in.

Alec got up and walked towards his lover and kissed him, "I'm, I'm so sorry, really. It's just... it's been so crazy here...", Alec said and Magnus smiled softly.

"I understand", Magnus said touching Alec's arm, "I can't believe I forgot", Alec said leaning onto Magnus who chuckled.

He could feel the shadowhunters tiredness, "It's okay, Alexander. If we can't go to the Cape, I'll bring the Cape to us", he said and magicked their dinner.

"Did you-", Alec asked narrowing his eyes at Magnus, "No I didn't I paid them, don't worry sweetie", Magnus said and Alec nodded smiling. 

They started eating, "Today I told Max that I would send him on his first mission soon", Alec said and Magnus looked at him surprised.

"Clave approved since he got his first runes", Alec said and Magnus nodded, "Well if you think it is the best then ok baby", Magnus said.

"But that's the thing, I need your help Magnus, Izzy came in later and...", Alec explained what Izzy told and what he told her.

Magnus looked shocked and Alec hesitated, "Did I say something wrong? Shouldn't I let our kids on mission that early?", Alec asked.

Magnus blinked and cleared his throat, "No no, whatever you told her was correct, but... uhmm... isn't 10 a bit early, maybe 20?", Magnus asked.

Alec looked at him incredulously, "20? Magnus I met you when I was 18, I was fighting demons when I was 10 itself", Alec said.

"Ok fine but I will put some safety protections before they leave the house", Magnus said and Alec shook his head smiling fondly.

Simon and Izzy were bonding with Max and they had a great time as Jace and Clary tracked the mortal mirror.

"Izzy, we've been at this for hours. I think it's time we take a break", Simon said, "Yeah, Max is fine, okay?", Izzy said.

"It's not Max I'm worried about", Simon said and Izzy smiled and the three went to take a break, where Simon told about how Max was born to do this like her.

This comforted her so much and gave her a clarity on everything, "Thank you Simon", she said and Simon smiled, "Always", he said.

She slightly helped him with Maia, Simon didn't want her to for some reason and when he looked at her he felt different for the first time.

Izzy went to talk to Maia and when she told about Simon to Maia, she felt different, she never thought she would know so much about a man, but she hid it and talked to Maia.

Alec was laying on Magnus's lap on the couch and Magnus ran his hand through the shadowhunter's hair as he told everything about his day.

"I just... can't seem to find an end for this, it's like every turn I take it's a dead end", Alec said finishing and Magnus smiled.

"I know you Alexander, you will definitely find the path", Magnus said and Alec smiled gratefully at him and pulled him into a kiss.

They heard a knock and pulled away Alec sitting up when Jace and Clary walked in with Dot, Alec told them to find the mirror and Jace pulled Alec away to talk.

"Hey what's wrong?", Jace asked and Alec looked confused, "I am fine Jace, why?", Alec asked, "I saw you when Clary said about the end of downworlders", Jace said.

Alec looked the other side, "What is it Alec?", Jace asked and Alec sighed, "You know before meeting Clary and all, you thought me and Izzy were hiding a secret?", Alec asked and Jace nodded.

"It wasn't like we wanted to hide anything from you but I wanted to tell you at the right time and ask your help, then all this started", Alec said.

Jace looked confused now, "Alec what is it?", Jace asked, "I wanted to propose to Magnus", Alec said and Jace grinned.

He hugged Alec, "Oh my god Alec congratulations", Jace said, "No wait Jace, the thing is now if we don't find the sword or the mirror and safeguard it...", Alec paused and looked down.

"Hey I understand, me and Clary will go and find it immediately", Jace said and left with Clary and Magnus after telling Alec left to their loft.

Luke came to Magnus's loft and told about the sword, but Magnus said he already knew it, "Wait you already knew?", Luke asked.

Magnus nodded, "But you didn't bother to tell me or the rest of the downworlders?", Luke asked and Magnus opened his mouth.

"It wasn't my secret to tell Luke", Magnus said and Luke took a deep breath and nodded, "Alec is trying", Magnus said.

"You are right, but in a way the Seelie Queen is also right", Luke said and Magnus nodded, "Alec asked me for some time, they are doing everything in their power to find the mortal mirror and the sword", Magnus said.

"He didn't even look after himself and is working day and night, how about we give them few more days?", Magnus asked.

Luke nodded and left as Magnus sighed and sat on his chair, he knew Alec wasn't coming home that night but he feared the Seelie Queen.

She did have a point, Clave is lying to them and he needs to save the warlocks, his children, no matter what.

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