Stronger Than Heaven

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Magnus served tea to Lilith, "I would have sworn I knew every warlock in the city", Magnus said a bit suspiciously.

He was able to detect a strong demon presence from her but it was hard for him to focus on it solely.

"Oh, I'm not from around here", she said and Magnus furrowed his brow, "And how is it that you heard about my services?", he asked.

"A friend spoke of you. The late Ragnor Fell? I'm no slouch, but what I do need is beyond my level of expertise", Lilith said sensing his doubt and Magnus relaxed and nodded.

He asked what she needed and she explained that it was a potion to fall out of love and Magnus hesitated.

"I can... but I don't recommend it. You see, heartache, in all its bittersweet torture, is almost always preferable to the alternative. My elixir would erase everything you've ever felt for the other person. It would be almost as if you've never loved at all", Magnus explained.

"Well, it's actually not for me. It's for a former lover. A soldier. I've tried to get him to move on, but he's still madly in love. And his obsession is starting to distract him from his duties, and... Well, I worry what could happen if he can't focus on the task at hand", she explained.

Magnus nodded understandingly, "In the rare case, I suppose erasing love is actually an act of compassion", he said and made the potion.

"An hour before he drinks this you must add one last ingredient: a tiny sliver of your soul", Magnus said before handing her the bottle.

"My soul? Why?", Lilith asked, "Well, you are the object of his affection. In order for the elixir to work, it must contain a trace of you. You do know how to perform an extraction, don't you?", Magnus said and she smiled.

"Of course", she said and Magnus gave her the bottle, "One more thing, if he is your soulmate, this will be only temporary, it will only last for about 10 days maximum maybe more", Magnus said and Lilith smiled.

"That's enough", she said and Magnus's smile vanished, "I mean he is not my soulmate, he died long before", she said before thanking Magnus and going out.

Magnus ordered some dinner for the night because he was exhausted and Alec came in, "Hey", Alec said and saw that Magnus was distracted.

Alec hugged him from behind and Magnus snapped out, "Hey Alexander, I didn't see you there", Magnus said leaning into Alec.

"I saw, what is running in your mind?", Alec asked and Magnus turned and hugged him and told about Lilith.

"Normally I can sense the parent of the warlocks, but I couldn't for her, what if she was a demon?", Magnus asked.

Alec pulled Magnus away to face him, "A shapeshifter?", he asked and Magnus shook his head, "Not a normal demon", Magnus said and sat on the couch.

Alec saw how exhausted Magnus was and decided to change the subject, "We will fight whatever demon it is, we have you", Alec said and Magnus smiled.

"Now come on let's eat and sleep", Alec said and Magnus nodded and they had their dinner together and slept.

~ The Next Day ~

Alec woke up and got ready to find Magnus in his study, doing some potions, and saw the green box in the shelf, "You haven't taken that box in a long time", Alec said adjusting his sleeves.

Magnus looked up and smiled, "Good morning to you too baby", Magnus said getting up leaving his potions.

Alec smiled and pecked Magnus's lips, "Sorry honey, good morning", Alec said and Magnus looked at the box.

"Well I used to look at it to remind myself that I was once able to love fiercely but now no offense to any of them, but I have never loved any of them like I love you and I don't think I ever will", Magnus said and Alec smiled waiting for the warlock to finish.

"I know love differs from person to person, but true love doesn't and I am thankful to each them for being there for me, but now I am with you and I should and want to give you all the attention", Magnus smiled.

Alec smiled and scooped Magnus in his arms and kissed him hard, Magnus chuckled and held on to his shadowhunter.

"I love you too", Alec said after breaking the kiss, they had a serious argument the first month Alec saw Magnus looking at the box.

Alec thought one day he will die too, but now he knows there is a way to keep Magnus and him forever alive together.

Alec and Magnus had their breakfast and Alec went to the institute when Underhill came in and thanked Alec after talking about the work.

"For what?", Alec asked, "For paving the way for Shadowhunters like me. I've been on the frontlines for over ten years, but I've always had to keep my private life separate. [approaching the desk] If it wasn't for you, I don't know if I would have been able to come out at the Institute", Underhill explained.

"Oh", Alec said, "Your courage... Sir, it's inspiring. I mean, here you are, in this committed relationship, with a warlock, no less. It's loving and it's trusting. It's amazing", Underhill said.

Alec smiled proudly and unconsciously stroked his arms where his soulmate's name was, "Yeah, it is", he said and Underhill left.

Alec finished his work and left home, he called Magnus before and the warlock didn't pick which worried him.

"Magnus?", he called and saw Magnus working in his study and Alec sighed, "Hey Alexander", Magnus said cheerly.

"I was so worried you didn't pick my calls", Alec said and Magnus's face softened, "Sorry baby, I was busy the whole day and I think I didn't charge my phone", Magnus said.

Alec rubbed his forehead and nodded, he hugged Magnus and he received a text from Jace saying he was going to the silent brothers.

He showed it to Magnus, "I f something did happen, the silent brothers will know it won't they?", Alec asked.

"Mhmm... but for your wish I will send Brother Zachariah a fire message, wait here", Magnus said and went to send the message.

Alec smiled and followed Magnus and saw Magnus send the message, "Now rest and drinks", Magnus said.

Alec chuckled and took the drink from Magnus as he handed him the glass and the two drank, had dinner and slept.

Jace lost his connection with Clary due to Lilith here and turned fully into owl...

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