Awake, Arise, or Be Forever Fallen

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Alec and the others were talking about the mortal mirror when Izzy walked in, "Sorry, I'm late. I've been looking everywhere for Max. Has anyone seen him?", she asked.

"Have you tried the armory? He's probably sharpening his blades for his first assignment", Jace asked and Izzy sighed.

"I checked", she said and Alec interrupted them, "We have more pressing matters. Thanks to Dot's help, we now have the Mortal Mirror", Alec said and Izzy dropped it for now.

Izzy stayed back as all left, "What happened?", she asked, "Magnus called me, Luke knows and he said that the Seelie Queen had given them an option to join with her", Alec said.

"What is Magnus thinking?", Izzy asked, "He doesn't know, as a leader he needs to think of his people, but he feels like if he joins with her, nothing much is going to change except new problems will arrive", he said.

"Well he is correct", Izzy said and Alec shrugged, "But what about the others? Vampires are already with them", Alec said rubbing his eyes.

"Luke won't easily join, so let's hope", Izzy said and Alec nodded, "Hey did you sleep yesterday?", Izzy asked and Alec shook his head.

"Magnus is going to kill you", Izzy said walking away to search for Max, "I know", Alec called behind and she smiled.

As Izzy was searching, she found Max hurt and immediately took her to the infirmary and the others came.

"What happened?", Alec asked, "I don't know. I found him like this in my room", Izzy said worried, "Oh, my God, Max", Clary said.

"We should send him to Idris. See what they can do", Alec said and Izzy shook her head, "The medic said that in his condition, he won't be able to survive the transfer", Izzy said crying.

Alec immediately calls Magnus who said he will come there immediately and Alec, Jace and Clary went to investigate.

They found out it was Jonathan and Alec put the institute in immediate lockdown and Maryse and Robert Lightwood arrived.

They said they called Brother Enoch and Alec came in, "Your father and I spoke with Brother Enoch. He says warlock magic can't heal Max", Maryse was saying.

"Our only hope is to allow the Silent Brothers to attempt a procedure that they only use in rare emergencies", Robert said.

"Kind of like a rebooting of the brain", Maryse finished, "Does it involve any risks?", Izzy asked and the parents nodded explaining the risks.

"Can't you call Brother Zachariah?", Alec asked, "We can't Alec, Brother Enoch is already coming", Robert said and Alec went out.

Magnus came as Alec was standing outside leaning on the wall with his eyes closed, Magnus looked at him and saw that the shadowhunter was exhausted.

"Hey", Magnus said softly touching Alec's shoulder who opened his eyes and smiled, "Hey baby", Alec said.

"What happened?", Magnus asked and Alec explained, "I don't think I can heal Max as the Silent Brothers, but I am willing to give it a try for you", Magnus said.

Alec's smile widened, "Thank you baby", Alec said and kissed Magnus's forehead who smiled softly.

"After that, when Max is alright, you are coming home and taking a rest for the rest of the day", Magnus said and Alec nodded obediently.

He can't argue with the point so he led Magnus inside as Izzy left to help Jace and Clary on finding Jonathan.

They came back as Magnus came out after sometime, "His injuries are too severe. Max's only hope for recovery now lies with Brother Enoch", Magnus said.

Alec went to protest but he saw Magnus and understood and felt that Magnus had used most part of his energy trying to heal Max.

Everyone sat down as Brother Enoch went inside and closed the door except Alec and Magnus who held hands.

"Mag-", Alec started but Magnus interrupted him, "I know Alexander, but remember just because we are in hell, well not exactly, we can't stop there, unless we move on we will be stuck", Magnus said.

Alec teared up, he couldn't believe he was this lucky to get such a partner, "I love you so much", Alec said and Magnus smiled softly.

"As I love you, now go be with your family", Magnus said and Alec nodded before going and sitting with his family next to his sister.

They were waiting when Jace came in a hurry and asked Alec what happened, Alec got confused and asked what was wrong.

That's when Jace understood and told to call the alarm and Alec tried but he was blocked out, he nodded at Magnus who immediately walked into Max's room with Robert.

In the end, they found out Sebastian was Jonathan and Alec went to see Max and found out he was alright.

Magnus said he was leaving and Alec walked with him, "So are you coming home?", Magnus asked already knowing the answer.

"I am but before that I need to talk with Izzy and Jace, but I will home soon after that, I promise", Alec said and Magnus nodded smiling.

"But what about you?", Alec asked, "Well I am not joining the Seelie Queen, I am going to tell her that before going home, but we seriously need to do something before she takes total control", Magnus said.

Alec nodded, "I will look into it", he said and Magnus shook his head, "Nope not today, you are beyond exhausted baby, I can see it and more than well feel it", Magnus said and Alec chuckled tiredly.

"Fine fine", Alec said and Izzy walked out, "Alec, Jace and Clary are in your office", she said and Alec nodded.

She left, "I'll be back", Alec said and left after kissing Magnus who nodded and left to the loft, as Alec and the others were talking Clary said something which surprised everyone.

"The water. It's a reflection", she said and all looked confused, "What water? What are you talking about?", Jace asked.

"I didn't destroy the Mirror. These visions I've been having, they're a message from the Angel. The Mirror is Lake Lyn", she said.

"That figures, in all the pictures Angel Raziel is shown as rising from the Lake Lyn", Alec said and the others nodded in daze and fatigue.

Alec noticed this and told everyone to take some rest, that they will continued their works the next day.

He also left home and told Magnus about his day while they were cuddling in their bed and Magnus told about his meeting with the Seelie Queen and how she was upset and made him a bit upset.

"Well she can go-", "Alexander!", Magnus stopped him, "What?", Alec asked and Magnus laughed, "How dare she plan against not only Clave but make you upset?", Alec asked as Magnus stopped laughing.

Magnus traced Alec's runes softly, "Well that's why I love you, you have such a open heart", Magnus said and Alec acted looking offended.

"So that's the only reason?", Alec asked and Magnus leaned in a kissed Alec, "You know I have many other reasons", Magnus said in the kiss.

"Hmm...", Alec said smiling and Magnus pulled away, "Hey!", Alec said, "You need sleep, we can have fun later", Magnus said and Alec groaned.

"So unfair", he mumbled, "Too bad baby you can't convince me, your eyes are already drooping", Magnus said.

"No I am not", Alec mumbled and Magnus slowly stoked Alec's hair and the shadowhunter fell asleep immediately.

Magnus smiled and kissed Alec's forehead before he himself going to sleep...

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