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Jonathan was growing more powerful by the minute and Clary was guilty about it, Alec was determined to get Magnus back and was trying to find a way to do that.

He was at their apartment looking through the books when Maryse came, "Have you eaten yet?", Maryse asked keeping the food on the table.

"No", Alec said not looking at her, "Sweetheart, it's okay to take some time to mourn. Magnus' bravery saved Alicante. His sacrifice is the only thing that allowed the Clave to successfully banish those remaining wraiths", Maryse said and Alec swiftly looked at her.

The determination in his eyes surprised Maryse as she has never seen him like that, "Magnus is not dead. He is in Edom", he said calmly.

This scared Maryse because if Alec had been angry she would have understood, but this determined calmness was different.

"We both know that he can't ever come back home. The rift would reopen and all of Edom would come back with him", she said trying to convince him.

"I'm going to find a way. And I'm going to get him back. I have a wedding to plan", he said and Maryse knew she can't say anything else and left.

Magnus in Edom was sitting on his throne looking at the ring in his finger and the scar on his hand, when Lilith came.

She started talking with Magnus like normal people do and Magnus knew something was behind this.

"While I do enjoy the chitchat, I do wonder, are you here to finish off what you started in my apartment?", he asked.

"Oh, no. Let bygones be bygones, Mr. Bane", she said and Magnus asked her why he should believe her and she told that as a mother she did what she did.

Magnus started circling her, "Just a tiny opening in the rift that you're holding closed, just large enough for me to fly through", she said, when Magnus asked why she was here.

"Mmm. And why would I ever do that?", he asked and she told she wanted to kill her son, Jonathan.

"And what's to stop your thirst for vengeance from extending past Jonathan to my friends, hmm? To the rest of humanity?", he asked.

"My word", she said, "Your word. [They both chuckle.] Right. That's enough to jeopardize everyone I love and cherish", Magnus said.

"If your friends really cared about you, they wouldn't have let you leave. Are you sure they're really worth all that trouble?", she asked trying to turn him against his loved ones.

Magnus walked backed to his throne and sat down, "You want me to open the rift for you? The answer is no", he said.

She angrily threw magic at him and he easily deflected it and she walked out in anger and Magnus sighed.

Izzy, who was in the lab was going to call Simon when he came running into the room, "I was just gonna call you. What are you doing here?", Izzy asked.

"I was thinking... Life is too precious to waste any more time on stupid things, like pinky swears", Simon and Izzy slowly walked towards Simon.

"What are you trying to say?", she asked and Simon extended his hand towards her and she took it.

The two kissed forming a red swirl around them and suddenly Simon felt Izzy's skin burn up and she literally started burning, Izzy quickly went to check in the infirmary.

Alec who had fallen asleep on the table woke up to a scratching sound and saw 'Help' written on the glass box holding a chameleon.

He was confused as Magnus hated reptiles and immediately called Catarina who came and did some magic turning the chameleon back to Lorenzo.

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