You Are Not Your Own

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Magnus or Valentine arrived to Magnus's loft and started smashing and rummaging things when he heard the voice of Azazel.

He said he will only change valentine back if he returns the cup and here Imogen ordered them to vanquish Azazel since they summoned it without her knowledge.

"Alec are you ok?", Jace asked, "Yeah I am fine", Alec said although he wasn't and he looked distracted.

"Alec, you can't lie to me", Jace said and Alec sighed as they reached the ops center, "I don't know Jace, ever since we summoned Azazel and he attacked, I am not feeling my usual emotions", Alec said and Jace narrowed his eyes.

"What do you mean?", Jace asked, "I mean it's just... I feel like Magnus is there but he is not in his place, this detached feeling I-", he was interrupted by Izzy walking in with Sebastian.

She introduced them and Sebastian offered to help but Alec still had his doubts and told him they will do it themselves and left to his loft.

Alec called Magnus and more of his suspicions were increased as Magnus sounded more disconnected than ever.

He reached the apartment and knocked the door in case he really was with a client and Magnus opened the door but didn't let him in.

"Hello", Magnus said and Alec knew something was definitely wrong but didn't act immediately, "What's going on?", he asked.

"Nothing. Why?", Magnus said and Alec surprised because he couldn't feel whether that was the truth or lie.

"It was just... [entering the apartment] You were acting strange on the phone just now. Terse", he said and walked in.

"I told you, I'm busy", Magnus said closing the door and that's what made Alec so sure that this wasn't his Magnus.

Why? 1) He hadn't called him in any of their pet names nor 'Alexander' 2) He couldn't feel Magnus nor the warlock's soul 3) They haven't kissed as soon as they met.

But he didn't act soon as he wanted confirm 100% that he was right and not hurt Magnus, he turned to look at Magnus.

"Right. It's just, uh... You've never refused to help me when I need it, and I just... Magnus, what's wrong? Hey, talk to me", Alec said touching Magnus's cheek.

His suspicions were now more confirmed because Magnus looked startled and before he could confront, Azazel pushed Magnus aside.

Alec immediately killed Azazel and Magnus immediately jumped to the dust and started looking at it when Alec rushed next to him.

"Hey you ok?", Alec asked and Magnus nodded, "It's alright baby I am here", Alec said and hugged Magnus and felt the warlock flinch.

He immediately told a reason and left to the institute to meet Valentine, half part of his suspicions were true and he wanted to confirm the next half.

Izzy and Simon worked together to stop Raphael from hurting Simon, "I got your message about Raphael. Are you okay?", Izzy asked.

"Yeah, you know, living the Daylighter dream. [Izzy smiles.] What?", he asked smiling, "You got a tan. Looks nice", Izzy said and Simon blushed.

This was a new feeling for him, for both and they enjoyed it, Simon learned about Izzy's addiction and yet she still wanted to help him.

Izzy took Simon to meet Rosa, who Simon didn't know at first, "Simon, meet Rosa Santiago", Izzy said and Simon chuckled and pulled Izzy from the bench.

"Okay. Um, I'm all for creative anti-bullying tactics. But please don't tell me we're here to kidnap Raphael's grandmother", Simon said.

"Okay, first of all, she's not his grandmother, she's his sister. And no one is kidnapping anyone, okay? Relax", Izzy said.

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