What Lies Beneath

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Magnus and Alec left early to clear and make sure the institute and the ley lines were all angelic and back to normal.

Alec was talking with Izzy about his mother visiting when Magnus came in, "There you are. Good news, the core is off the ley line grid and free of demonic corruption", Magnus announced.

"That's good news. Thank you", Alec said flatly and Magnus furrowed his brow, "What happened honey?", Magnus asked.

Alec sighed, he didn't want to burden Magnus, "We just got a fire message from Mom saying she's "dropping by" for an impromptu "family dinner"", Izzy said air quoting.

"Those are a lot of air quotes", Magnus said and Alec smiled, "You know mom doesn't just drop by for anything", Alec said his smile dropping.

"Yeah, we're thinking it has to do with her and Dad. They're finally making their divorce official" Izzy said.

"My condolences", Magnus said, "It's for the best. Problem is, instead of just being sad like a normal person, she starts trying to fix everyone around her", Izzy said.

"Ah", Magnus said as he already knew it, "Which usually includes grilling her children on everything she thinks is going wrong in their lives", Alec said.

Magnus understood what Alec meant by that, "So, where are you holding this suspenseful dinner?", Magnus asked.

"Definitely not here", Izzy said, "The Institute tends to bring out her inner Inquisitor", Alec said and Magnus smiled.

"How about our place?", he asked and Alec went to protest but Magnus insisted, "Wait, you should be there", Izzy said.

Magnus's smile vanished and he shook his head at her, "Think about it. If Magnus is there, being his usual charming self, Mom won't have time to interrogate us", Izzy explained and Magnus smiled again.

"I am charming", Magnus said, "That I won't argue, but you don't think it's too much?", Alec asked and Magnus smiled.

""Too much" is my middle name", he said and Alec smiled, "Look, clearly this is important to you. Ergo, it's important to me. Hmm?", Magnus continued.

Alec nodded and the two kissed, they broke off as Izzy squealed, "You guys are so cute", she said and Alec rolled his eyes.

"Thank you Isabelle", Magnus said, "You coming home now?", Magnus asked Alec who nodded and the two left saying goodbye to Izzy.

Alec was preparing dinner when Magnus walked towards him and hugged the shadowhunter from behind laying his head on Alec's back.

"What are you doing?", Magnus asked, "Old family recipe, I made it with Izzy when I was 10 or so", Alec said.

Magnus smiled as he saw a radish leaf in Alec's hair, "You are so adorable with radish in your hair baby", Magnus said.

Alec smiled and fed Magnus his recipe and Magnus tasted it, "Is it good?", Alec asked and Magnus nodded chewing.

The phone rang and Alec left, Magnus spit it in his cup and did some of his magic when Alec came back who didn't notice it.

They heard the door knocking, "Okay, remember, my mother is on edge. That means avoid any sensitive subjects, like my dad or that I turned down that job at the Clave", Alec said.

"Or the fact that you're dating a dastardly warlock? Hmm?", Magnus said and Alec closed his eyes guiltily.

"I'm sorry. Am I being terrible?", Alec asked and Magnus smiled, "No, no, no. You're just tense. Here, drink this", he said giving Alec a glass of wine.

Alec gulped the drink down making Magnus shocked, "I'm okay. You're okay? Okay", Alec blabbered and Magnus smiled.

"Oh, I'm okay. You're okay", Magnus said as Alec went to attend the door and opened the door to see a happy Maryse surprisingly.

"My boys!", Maryse said hugging both of them and giving Alec a bottle of wine, "I'm far from being a boy, but I appreciate the sentiment", Magnus said as Alec was in shock.

"My apologies. I should respect my elders", Maryse said, "Can I get you a drink?", Alec asked to make sure his mother was ok.

"How about a round of Magnus' famous cocktails?", she asked and walked inside, "This is your mother on edge?", Magnus asked taking the bottle from Alec and walking in.

He served the drinks and they sat to eat and more surprisingly Magnus and Maryse clicked together and started talking and laughing together.

This made Alec happy yet confusing, Magnus kept his hand on Alec's lap who smiled and held it when the talk about the stew came.

Alec found out Magnus had did some magic and smiled at it, "But Alec cooks well nowadays", Magnus said supporting his boyfriend.

Alec pinched Magnus's hand and Magnus smiled looking down, he hates when the warlock calls him 'Alec'.

"Well if Magnus himself is saying no doubt then", Maryse said and the couple smiled and that's when Maryse told about her banishment from the clave.

Magnus left them to talk, "That's very noble of you, Mom. But if you're not going to fight this thing, I will. Even if that means stepping down from the Institute", Alec said as his mother said it was nothing.

"No. Seeing what you have accomplished as Head of the Institute, nothing has made me prouder. The Clave has always had its faults. My generation nearly destroyed everything in our passion to fix it. Yours will have to be wiser", Maryse said.

"I will Mom", Alec said and Magnus came in after seeing they had talked it out, they had their dessert and Maryse got up to leave and the couples followed her.

"Thank you, again. Tonight couldn't have been nicer", Maryse said and the couples smiled, "You're welcome anytime", Magnus said.

"And, um, I'd appreciate it if you could keep our conversation between us. I'd like to tell Isabelle and Jace myself", Maryse said looking at Alec.

"Of course", Alec said and the two hugged, "I suppose we'll be seeing more of you", Magnus said and Maryse smiled.

"I'd like that", she said and paused, Magnus looked at her, "I may have had my prejudices in the past. But seeing you stand by Alec, it's what every mother wants for her children. Thank you for loving my boy", she said and Magnus smiled.

He hugged, "Always", he said and she left, "Come on baby", Magnus said and pulled Alec to the couch snapping his finger and making the table vanish.

"Magnus!", Alec said chuckling, "Yeah yeah, but now I need to talk to you", Magnus said and Alec understood what it was and his smile vanished.

Magnus sat on the couch and Alec laid his head on Magnus's lap, Magnus started running his hand through Alec's hair softly.

"Are you okay baby?", Magnus asked, he wanted to ask it ever since Maryse told about the banishment.

"I don't know baby, will I change something?", Alec asked turning and looking up at Magnus who smiled and continued stroking the shadowhunter's hair.

"You will honey and I will stand by you each and every step to it", Magnus said and Alec smiled, "I want our kids and grandkids to grow up in a free, fair world", Alec said.

Magnus's smile widened and he bend down to kiss the shadowhunter's forehead, "They will Alexander, we will make sure of it, I know you will", Magnus said.

Alec smiled and pulled Magnus into a kiss, "I love you", Alec said, "As I love you", Magnus said and Alec hugged Magnus's waist who chuckled at the kid side of his lover and continued stroking his hair until he sleep.

Hey guys I am sorry I couldn't update last Sunday, I was shifting house, so here is a late update...

Sorry again!!!

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