Major Arcana

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Magnus left Alec to sleep and went out to see Clary, Jace and Luke waiting with information, "Glad that you were able to join Magnus, where is Alec?", Jace asked.

"He is asleep, why?", Magnus asked and Jace looked at Clary, "I know where the Cup is", Clary said, "Come again?", Jace asked.

"The tarot cards. My mom, she must have painted them years ago, but the Mortal Cup has to be hidden inside the Ace of Cups. The card looks exactly like it", Clary said and Magnus and Jace shared a look.

They figured they needed to find the card, but didn't know where it was when Luke said he has the cards in the precinct.

They finally decided to got to the precinct in the morning and all went to sleep and Magnus went to see Alec sleeping peacefully.

He smiled and changed his outfit before slipping into the bed next to Alec and moving into the shadowhunters arms who wrapped his arms instinctively.

Magnus smiled before drifting off to sleep in his lover's chest...

~ The Next Day ~

Jace, Clary and Luke left earlier, Alec woke up to see his soulmate sleeping on his chest and kissed his forehead.

"Mhmm", Magnus said snuggling into his shadowhunter, "Baby I need to go to the Institute", Alec said and Magnus slowly opened his eyes.

"But...", Magnus went to protest, "I will have my breakfast in the institute and come home back by noon if I can or at least by dinner I promise", Alec said and Magnus smiled.

"Fine", Magnus said and Alec kissed Magnus before getting up from the bed, "You said you wanted to tell me something", Magnus said and Alec's face fell.

"I do, it's just", Alec couldn't get the mind to tell it but took a deep breath as Magnus looked at him patiently.

"Mom and dad are going to make me marry", he said and looked at Magnus who had a shock look in his face and Alec immediately sat next to the warlock taking his hands in his.

"But I don't want to, I want to ma-be with you, only you", Alec said and Magnus smiled and kissed the shadowhunter.

"Me too Alec, me too, but you have to get back to the institute now", Magnus said and Alec smiled but still looked at Magnus unsure.

"Are you sure honey? I can stay with you", Alec said and Magnus cupped Alec's cheek, "100% Now go do your job Shadowhunter, love you", Magnus.

Alec chuckled, "Love you too", he said and kissed Magnus once more before changing and rushing out to go to the institute.

"Slept at your place?", Izzy asked even though she knows that Alec had moved there a long time ago.

"Didn't do much sleeping. I was helping treat Luke's wounds. That's all", Alec said trying to keep his sister from teasing but she didn't buy it.

"I believe you", she said and Alec understood she did not believe him at all, "Okay, Magnus made cocktails and we might have done some things, are you happy now?", he asked and she nodded happily.

He then only noticed her attire change and asked what happened and she explained, "Izzy, I realize that you're trying to take some of the family heat, and I appreciate it, but you can't change who you are", Alec said.

Izzy smiled, "Really? And you can?", she asked as they walked, "I know who I am. I'm a guy who's about to be disowned when Dad finds out that Jace and Clary are still out doing God knows what", Alec said and Izzy commented on what they might be doing and Alec rolled his eyes before walking away.

They got a call from Jace telling them to come to the police station and they left together and found the other two outside.

Clary said that they found the cup and had a hard time retrieving it from the precinct, "What about a glamour?", Izzy asked.

"We tried that. Anyone working with Valentine will see right through it", Jace said, "Can we ask Magnus Bane to portal us inside?", Clary asked.

"No", Alec said since he knew Magnus needed the rest, Magnus had lost more energy than he showed the previous day and Alec only knew it.

"That'd be awkward. Magnus can only portal us to places he's been to before", Izzy said and Alec glared at her.

They finally decided to do it themselves and Izzy and Alec entered through the front, "Okay, I'm guessing you're the distraction?", Alec asked Izzy.

"Nope. I've decided to grow up, remember? No more distracting for me. Besides, I don't think I'm her type", Izzy said gesturing the receptionist.

"Oh, crap", Alec said adjusting his jacket, "Don't worry, it's good practice", Izzy said and Alec looked confused.

"Huh?", he asked and Izzy looked at him, "You know, to propose Magnus?", Izzy said and Alec blushed, "Shut up", he said while she chuckled.

Alec had only told Izzy that he wanted to marry Magnus and propose to him and ever since that day she had been blackmailing him.

"Izzy, this is not really my department", he said, "Come on. You do this sort of stuff all the time", she said and Alec groaned.

"You do, I don't. Maybe with Magnus", he said, "It's easy. Come on", she and he without any option walked towards the receptionist and started the distraction.

As soon as the siblings finished their work they went outside and Alec cursed seeing it was turning dark soon.

"Not a word about this to Magnus", he said to his sister and smiled coyly, "You already did", Alec stated and she nodded smiling and that's when the other two came out.

"Did you get it?", he asked, "Theoretically", Clary said, "Theoretically?", Alec asked confused, "Yeah. I found the card. I just have to figure out how I reached into my notebook before. It's... It's not an exact science", Clary said.

"Can't you just pull the Cup out?", he asked, "I can, theoretically. I just... It's not as easy as it looks, Alec", she said and Jace interrupted them.

"Listen, you two can discuss theory as much as you want when we get back to the Institute. But right now, considering we just stole from the cops, I suggest we get home", Jace said and Alec nodded.

"Guys... [her necklace is pulsing] I think the mundanes might be the least of our worries", Izzy said, "At least we know the demon necklace works", Alec said to diffuse the tension.

"Never a dull day. Let's go", Jace said and they shared a quick smile before walking and Clary lead them to the electrics room and Alec takes his bow and arrow.

"Holding them off. Take Clary back to the Institute", he said when Jace asked what he was doing, "No, if you're staying, I'm staying. We fight together", Jace said.

"Don't be stupid. If the demons get the Cup, we're dead anyways", Alec said and Izzy nodded behind them.

Izzy finally said that Alec had saved Jace many times and it won't be the last, "Also he had promised Magnus he would go back to him alive, so don't worry I know Alec will keep that promise", Izzy said and Alec smiled at his sister gratefully and the other three went away.

He had to kill some shax demons and finally Luke came and they went through the corridors and found Clary and took her back to the institute.

As soon as they went to the institute Clary and Jace shared their first kiss and a silver and red swirl enveloped them.

"Congratulations, your soulmate bond has been bonded through the second and third step", Alec said and Jace and Clary looked at him confused.

"Each intimate moments you have together for the first time, your bond will deepen, the last color is said to be purple, but even me and Magnus don't know what to do to get that", Alec explained and the other two nodded understandingly. 

"The first one is gold when you touch each other for the first time and the second one is silver when you have your first hug and the third one is red for first kiss, fourth is pink for first date, fifth is blue for first I love you and sixth is green for your first time and the seventh one is the purple which I don't know for ", Alec explained and patted Jace's back before going to watch the monitor.

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