Dust and Shadows

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Alec was shooting fireworks arrows on top of the roof as he heard Jace, "Alec", Jace said and Alec turned towards his parabatai, his bow still at ready.

"Move", he said but Jace didn't, "How long have you been up here?", he asked, "I'm glamoured. No one can see me. Move", Alec said.

Still Jace didn't move, "You can't beat yourself up", he said, "I'm not", Alec said and Jace narrowed his eyes.

"Who are you talking to? It's me. I'm your parabatai. I know exactly what you're going through. What happened with Jocelyn, that wasn't you. That was the demon and Magnus is worried about you, he called me", Jace said.

"Get out of the way", Alec said again, "[putting his hands up] Hey. Same side. Remember? [Alec lowers the bow.] Come on, man. Come back inside", Jace said.

"That's the last place I wanna be", Alec said angrily, "Alec, Valentine has the Soul-Sword. He slaughtered the Silent Brothers. We need our best soldiers–", he was interrupted.

"Stop pretending this never happened! I couldn't save you from Valentine. I couldn't save you from the City of Bones. I... She's Clary's mother", he said and looked away.

"Nobody blames you", Jace said and Alec activated one of his rune, "They should", he said and jumped from the building running away.

Magnus who was worried about Alec was visited by Clary asking if dead can be bought back, "Absolutely not", he said.

"Is it possible? Magnus, tell me, can it be done? Yes or no?", she asked, "Sure, there are warlocks who've done this sort of thing. But what you're talking about is dark, dark magic. It's wildly unpredictable", Magnus said.

"Have you ever done it before?", Simon asked, "No. And don't encourage this. [to Clary] Biscuit, I'm sorry. I know how important she was to you", Magnus said and stoked her arm.

"She was my mom. If you were me, if we were talking about your mom–", she was interrupted, "I wouldn't bring her back", Magnus said and the other two looked confused.

"I don't understand", Clary said and Magnus closed his eyes, "I was nine years old when my mother realized what my cat eyes meant. She couldn't live with the fact that she bore the son of a demon. So she took her life. [gesture to the dagger presented on the coffee table] With this very keris", he said.

Simon recognized the keris, "I'm so sorry. I didn't know", Clary said and Magnus explained how it will get easier day by day and to cry it out.

Clary thought before Magnus gave her a picture of her and her mom and she left and went to meet Iris not listening to Magnus.

Simon felt that Izzy was in pain and he was correct, Isabelle wasn't yet fully healed and Jace advised her to go to the infirmary.

But instead of doing that since Izzy wanted to meet the Iron Sisters, she went to Aldertree who gave her the yin fen.

Simon felt Izzy, but since they weren't that closely bonded he let it by and went to meet his mother on Clary's request.

Magnus was walking to his and Alec's room to call Alec as he felt a pain in his hand, when he saw Alec outside in the balcony.

"You okay?", he asked softly, "I can't be in that Institute", Alec stated, "Oh, Alec...", Magnus said leaning against the wall.

"Heard you turned in Camille. How'd that go?", Alec asked changing the subject and Magnus answered him honestly.

"Honestly? It was awful. We had a lot of history, she and I. I'm sorry if that's weird", he said and although Alec knew it before he shook his head.

"It's not weird. You say what you think", Alec said and winced as he touched his wounded hand, Magnus felt and noticed this.

"Too busy to use the healing rune?", he asked giving Alec his space, "I'm fine", Alec said and Magnus shook his head.

"No, you're not. You're hurting. Badly. You hope the pain here will overpower the pain there", Magnus said pointing to his heart.

"I wish it were that simple", he finished, "I let a demon in, Magnus", Alec said, "That wasn't your fault", Magnus said moving front slowly.

"I don't know what to say to Clary. I can't face her", Alec admitted and Magnus took Alec's hand in his, healing the wound slowly with his magic.

"But you will. Because that's what you do, Alexander. It may take you a minute, but I've seen it up close. I went to your wedding. You'll blow up the very ground you stand on to make something right", Magnus said and finished healing the wound.

Alec felt tears drop from his eyes and he hugged Magnus, Magnus knew he needed the push to let everything out and it worked.

"Shh... it's ok honey", Magnus said softly swaying with Alec sobbing in his arms, soon he calmed down and wiped his tears.

"Thank you Magnus", Alec said and Magnus nodded kissing his soulmate, "Now go talk to Clary", Magnus said and Alec nodded leaving to find Clary.

"Hey. Look, I, uh...", he said after he entered Clary's room, "Please don't", she said and Alec looked at the floor before starting again.

"Clary, I am so sorry. I would do anything, I mean anything, to take back those 30 seconds. To get your mom back", he said and Clary turned to look at him.

"Alec... maybe we can get her back", she said, "What?", he asked and she explained, "I found a warlock who claims she can do it. But, there are risks", she said.

Alec knew about necromancy from Magnus and knew it's dangerous, "I don't think it's a good idea Clary, did you ask Magnus?", he asked and Clary nodded.

"Please Alec you have to trust me", she said and he thought about it and agreed, "I'll go with you", he said with a bad feeling in him.

"Okay. Let's do it", Clary said and they went to Iris's together and Alec was more suspicious because he had heard about her from Magnus, but couldn't pinpoint what it was.

As Alec was waiting for Clary he met Madzie and talked with her, but as the time passed his instincts tingled.

Alec found out it was all a plan to capture Clary and went to save her as Jace and Izzy also came in search for them.

They found Alec and together all three found Clary and Jace persuaded her saying that bringing back a life isn't a good idea.

Finally Clary agreed and they held a funeral for the dead in the institute including for the silent brothers.

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