A Window Into an Empty Room

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Simon, who was staying with Kyle tried to figure out what the mark of Cain was, when the talk about Maia came.

Kyle immediately dismissed the talk by saying he needed to go out on praetor work and Heidi visited Simon.

Magnus woke up to see Alec missing but heard cooking and light music from the kitchen and smiled.

He got and up and went to the kitchen to see Alec swaying slightly to the music and cooking intensely.

Magnus smiled and trudged towards his lover and hugged him from behind and Alec stopped swaying.

He looked over his shoulder and smiled as he saw Magnus, "Good morning", Alec said and Magnus mumbled something.

Alec turned to face the warlock, who moved into Alec's bare chest, who wrapped his arms around the warlock.

"What was it? I couldn't hear you?", Alec said and Magnus looked up at him, "Why did you wake up early?", Magnus asked and Alec chuckled.

"I wanted to make you breakfast, you always make me breakfast and today I wanted to make you some", Alec said and Magnus smiled softly.

"Love you", he said and Alec kissed him, "Love you too now come on, let's eat, I tried something new", Alec said.

Magnus made a face playfully and Alec glared at him, "I am kidding baby, I know it will be good", Magnus said and Alec smiled.

He took the plates to the table and served Magnus and himself and sat down with Magnus who started eating it.

He poured them coffee in their cups as Magnus took his first bite, "Mmm. This is delicious. I haven't been this enamored of French toast since...", Magnus started.

"Since Julia Child made you petit déjeuner, yeah I know", Alec said and Magnus smiled softly, he usually doesn't bring up his past much these days.

Especially to compare Alec in any ways, he would never do that, but sometimes he does it and when he does Alec always finishes his sentence.

"Do you remember when we had our first ever fight?", Magnus asked, "Please don't remind me of that", Alec said.

Magnus chuckled, "I am sorry, but that day you thought one day you would be a burden on me, but today I am again telling even if you won't have immortality with you, you will never be a burden to me", Magnus said and Alec smiled softly.

"I know, I asked Izzy for help and she messed it up at first but later when she said about what we have is real made me realize no matter what happens I won't let you go", Alec said.

Magnus smiled and pulled Alec by his hand to stand and hugged him , "I am sorry nowadays also I talk about my past sometimes and I know it hurts you inside", Magnus said.

Alec hugged the warlock tightly and kissed his head, "Knowing the truth doesn't hurt much and you sharing and speaking what you think makes me happy, so don't be sorry", Alec said.

The two looked at each other smiling and shared a beautiful kiss when Alec's phone rang, he answered it and found that he was needed in the institute.

He hung up, "I have to go baby, I'll meet you later", Alec said and tried to leave but Magnus stopped him.

"Finish at least one toast", Magnus said and fed Alec who smiled and ate the toast quickly and left bidding bye to Magnus.

He went to the institute and was walking with Izzy talking about the owl when his mother came and they talked.

Maryse left with Izzy and Alec left to do some work and went to get some coffee when he met with Jace who acted differently.

But Alec dropped it because he knew he won't get anything out of Jace nor Clary so they both left to the institute.

Clary felt as if Jace was withdrawn and in pain, but didn't know why and left to Magnus's to find about the demon.

She showed him the drawing, "This energy signature, it's the same one that corrupted the ley lines. It seems that we're chasing the same demon", Magnus said after checking for the signature.

He quickly sent a fire message to Brother Zachariah asking for help who agreed and they left immediately to meet him.

Magnus quickly messaged Alec who replied back to be safe and Magnus and Clary jumped out of the portal at their meeting place.

Alec also put a message saying to meet him at Hunter's Moon after the work as they were having a dinner and Magnus said ok.

Magnus and Clary got their sources and found out Jace never visited the Silent City and Magnus went to the Hunter's Moon.

He entered to see the family there, "Magnus!", Maryse said excitedly and hugged him, who smiled and hugged everyone and pecked Alec on the lips.

He sat next to Alec and felt a demon presence close to him, a familiar one and scanned the surroundings as he talked with the others.

Alec saw this and held Magnus's hands and asked what was wrong through his eyes and Magnus shook his head nothing.

Soon Izzy's current date joined them, "So, what kind of doctor are you?", Alec asked, "Pediatric surgeon", Charlie said.

"You work with children", Jace said a bit differently and Magnus noticed it, "Yeah, well, kids love to break their arms, run into coffee tables. And not everybody heals as fast as Isabelle", Charlie said and Magnus smiled.

"Yeah. [feeling her forehead] The magic of make-up", Izzy said, "Anyway, Isabelle's told me about the family business", Charlie said and Magnus's eyes nearly popped out.

"What exactly did she tell you?", Alec asked and Magnus kept his hand on Alec's thigh, "Is the jewelry thing a secret?", Charlie asked and Magnus chuckling thinking Alec as a jeweler.

He knows Alec's body and him doing jewelry made it more funny and Alec pinched Magnus's hand and smiled at Charlie.

"Oh. Jewelry. She told you we're jewelers", Alec said and Maryse cut in, "We prefer to think of ourselves as artists", she said.

As Lucian came they all left the table and as Magnus walked with Alec passing Jace he was sure it was the same familiar presence.

Alec saw Magnus getting distracted, "Baby what's wrong?", he asked, "Nothing Alexander, I will tell you later I promise", Magnus said and Alec nodded.

They had some drinks together and left bidding bye to the others and Simon and Izzy had some small talk and bonding where he helped her.

"I heard about your mom. Must be tough", Simon said, "You know, I wish there was something more useful I can do. Being a Shadowhunter, it meant everything to her", Izzy said.

"When my mom was going through her issues, I felt powerless, too. But I realized that sometimes a parent just needs to know that you're there for them. And you are, 'cause you're an awesome daughter", Simon said and Izzy smiled and kissed his cheek

An off white swirl formed around them and the two smiled at it, "That's new but what was that for?", Simon asked, "For being you", Izzy said.

She left and Heidi attacked her when Simon heard it and came stating who Heidi was and Isabelle felt a tiny bit jealous, but let it be. 

Magnus and Alec went home and Magnus explained about the whole day, "And I felt the same presence when I was next to Jace", he finished as Alec was thinking.

"And Clary said...", Magnus said and paused suddenly, "Magnus? What's wrong?", Alec asked, "Clary said Jace was detached and", Magnus explained about the visit from Lilith.

"We need to find him immediately", Magnus said and he left immediately with Alec and Clary and he and the owl fought and he was overpowered.

But as Alec shot the arrows the owl turned to his original face making the three of them shocked as it was Jace.

The owl left and Clary followed him and Alec ran to Magnus's side and helped him, both deep in their thoughts...

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