A Kiss from a Rose

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Alec woke up next day with Magnus in his arms and smiled to himself, after this Sebastian/Jonathan finding, their life has been hectic and they never had time to be on a proper, real date where he could propose.

He felt really bad and ominous since however he tried, the proposal always seemed to skip and he felt like he wasn't helping Magnus too.

He looked at Magnus again to see the warlock already awake and looking at him, "Morning overthinker", Magnus said and Alec smiled.

"I don't overthink", Alec said although he knew it was not true, "Your overthinking woke me from my beauty sleep", Magnus said.

"Oh I am sorry Mags, I didn't mean to", Alec said and Magnus chuckled, "I was just joking baby", Magnus said.

"What's wrong?", Magnus asked and Alec shook his head nothing and kissed Magnus's head getting up.

"You can't lie to me", Magnus sang and Alec smiled, "I am not, it's just we haven't had a proper date and now this Heavenly Fire thing has popped and Clary with the twinning rune, my mother with the de-runing", Alec said.

"Ok yeah that's a lot, you have all the rights to overthink", Magnus said and Alec smiled, "Come on today I'll make breakfast", Alec said and Magnus got up smiling.

After breakfast Alec left to the institute where Luke came with some books from Elliot's bookshop.

After he left Izzy came in telling she wanted to cut open the dead guard's body to which Alec hesitated at first but then agreed.

Well he can't argue with his sister's made up mind, it just results in Izzy trying and doing something illegally.

Magnus here was making the stupidest, but fair decision where he went to Lorenzo asking for help in his magic.

Lorenzo in return asked for Magnus's apartment, which Magnus gave without a second thought and Lorenzo in exchange gave him the powers.

As Magnus got his powers Alec felt it too, Magnus!, he thought as energy flowed in him and before he could call Magnus Underhill came with the books for the research.

Alec went to help him search when suddenly there was magic and Magnus walked in waving his hand, directing the magic.

"I can help speed things up. [Magnus creates a tornado of pages, picking out certain ones.] Hmm. All the pages referencing the Morning Star Sword", Magnus said and Alec looked surprised.

"Magnus, how did you get your magic back?", Alec asked as they walked to the next desk, "I got some help from Lorenzo", Magnus said and Alec's eyes nearly budged out.

"Lorenzo? Why would he help you?", Alec asked, "He's the High Warlock. It's his job. Will you help me look through these?", Magnus asked.

"I feel like there's something you're not telling me", Alec said and Magnus paused for a second before smiling and looking at Alec.

"I thought you'd be happy for me, baby", Magnus said, "I am, but–", Magnus interrupted him, "A-ha! Here it is. A list of transactions involving the Morning Star sword. And according to this ledger, it ended up in the hands of Liam Janssens", Magnus said.

The two found where it was and left to Belgium through a portal, Alec still worried, Clary was with Jonathan who was shapeshifted as Jace.

As soon as Clary found out she called Izzy who said she will come after finding Jace and Magnus and Alec arrived at their destination.

"New York to Antwerp in seconds. There really isn't a better way to travel", Magnus said and they entered the mausoleum.

"Let's just grab the Sword and get out of here. Don't touch anything you don't have to", Alec said and Magnus looked at him funnily.

"Alexander, surely you're not squeamish about seeing a dead body", Magnus teased, "Haha very funny. No. I'm squeamish about disturbing a man's grave", Alec said and Magnus nodded.

"Mmm, I believe you", Magnus said and magically slid the lid off the stone grave and Magnus looked at the sword, taking it out.

"So, it's the Morning Star sword?", Alec asked, "Nope", Magnus said shocking Alec, "What?", Alec asked.

"The sheath appears to be authentic. Onyx-plated silver. But the blade, not so much. It's a fake. Someone beat us to it", Magnus said and gave the sword to Alec.

"Jonathan?", Alec asked, "I don't think so. Judging from the cobwebs, it's been at least years", Magnus said and Alec took the sword out of the sheath.

"There's an inscription", Alec said and read the Latin words loud, ""Sword of Lucifer, whose might will drive the fallen..."", Magnus translated.

""From the many realms of Hell."", Alec completed and they looked at each other as if they had seen a ghost, "With the real sword, Jonathan can summon an army of demons", Magnus said.

"He is not going to move the heaven, he is going to raise the hell", Alec said and the two left to their loft and Magnus started packing immediately.

When Alec asked why and Magnus told the reason, "Why?", Alec asked again, "I wasn't in a position to refuse", Magnus said.

"I'll kill him", Alec said, "Alexander, no", Magnus said and explained how he gave this up himself, "I don't understand", Alec said.

"I've had many, many happy memories in this apartment. But at the end of the day, it's just a thing. But my magic, it makes me feel alive. Yes, I can do fabulous tricks, jet around the world, help the people I love. But more than that... magic connects me to everything around me. Without magic, I feel like a stranger. The world keeps on going... and it's like... It's like I'm not a part of it. It's like, suddenly, I don't matter", Magnus explained.

"Magnus, of course you matter", Alec said hoping his voice wasn't shaking, "I know. I know, Alexander. Everyone does. But without magic, I can't feel it. This apartment is not important. I have you and I have my magic. Truly, that's enough. [holding Alec's arm] Please, try and be happy for me. Hmm?", Magnus asked.

Alec nodded smiling weakly and hoping, for the first time, that he could block Magnus from sensing what he was feeling.

Magnus left to his packing and Alec closed his eyes, he felt as if he was holding Magnus by their hands and their fingers were slipping.

He was scared as he felt that he was losing Magnus, because never in his dreams did he think Magnus would ever give away their apartment which had a lot of memories with them together, 3 or more years of memory.

But now Magnus had given it away, their apartment and now Alec was finding a hard time on whether he will get his Magnus back from this war inside him.

He was scared, terrified of thinking of losing Magnus and left to talk with Lorenzo which didn't go well.

Magnus who was in the bar opened a portal to the institute and blood trickled down from his nose as his body was rejecting Lorenzo's magic.

But he didn't take heed of it and left and Alec, who prayed to the angels for this to get better got back to his work about the sword with Jace.

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