Of Men and Angels

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Magnus heard frantic knocks and the bell ring in his apartment door and rushed to open it and found Clary and Simon with Luke who was hurt, he quickly felt for Alec and felt the shadowhunters heart still beating well.

He quickly allowed them in, "What happened?", he asked as they rushed in, "He was attacked!", Simon said, "He needs a warlock. He needs you", Clary said, both of them holding Luke.

"Put him here", Magnus said gesturing the couch and they did and suddenly Luke started calling to Jocelyn and Magnus understood what was happening.

As Clary talked to Luke, "Was he bitten by an alpha?", Magnus asked, "Yeah, why?", Simon asked and Magnus cursed inwards since he didn't have every medical ingredients he needed.

"Three, two, one...", he said and Luke's eyes changed as he growled, Magnus immediately moved to the other room where he kept his medicines.

"Where do you think you're going?", Simon asked, "Hold him down. [Magnus grabs something out of another room.] We don't have a lot of time. [Magnus puts medicine in Luke's mouth.] It'll take a few moments to take effect", he said.

"What's happening to him?", Clary asked, "Random werewolf transformation. It's a side effect of the poison in the alpha bite", he said.

Magnus had seen much worse than this, but he didn't have the all the medical ingredients now and he needs it immediately.

As he said that he needed the ingredients Jace walked in with blood from his nose, "I'll go", he said, "Jace, what happened to you?", Magnus asked with a smirk on his face.

"Ha ha very amusing. Luke's car may have found its way onto a pole when I was stashing it. I don't do mundane driving", he said and Magnus chuckled before continuing his work while telling the ingredients.

Simon and Jace started bickering, "One more thing. I need Alexander", Magnus said, "Uh, why do you need Alec?", Jace asked wanting to know the real reason.

"Virgin Shadowhunter energy", Magnus said with a smirk avoiding the real reason and Jace sighed while Simon thought it was true and said that explains a lot.

"I can't even get a simple answer out of you sparkles", Jace said and Magnus's smirk widened as he worked on the potion.

"Thanks blondie", he said, "But I can't", Jace said and Clary stood up, "Jace, just ask, please. You guys need to talk", Clary said.

"Trouble in paradise?", Magnus asked playfully and Jace stared at him with a serious expression, "What did you do blondie?", Magnus asked all the fun going out of his voice and into something dangerous.

Jace looked the other side and pulled Simon with him, "What did he do?", Magnus asked Clary, "I don't know Magnus but I think Jace said some hurtful words to Alec after I was taken", Clary said.

"Oh that blonde is dead", Magnus said and Clary stopped him, "Hey first of all save Luke then we can deal with that later", Clary said and Magnus nodded.

Alec was in the institute when his brother and father came in and his father ordered to bring back Clary.

He sighed and called Jace, "You need to get back to the Institute", Alec said, "You need to help me first", Jace said.

"No, I'm not messing around", Alec said thinking that Jace was asking for something else, "Me either. I need your help", Jace said.

"You okay? Is Magnus okay?", Alec asked, "I'm fine. It's Magnus. He needs your Virgin Shadowhunter energy", Jace said with a hint of a laugh in his voice.

Alec covered his face blushing, "Oh really?", he asked, "Yep Alec are you really a virgin?", Jace asked straightforward even though he knew it was not true.

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