The Beast Within

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It's Halloween and the shadowhunters are doing extra hunting as most of the demons come out on this night.

"I hate Halloween", Jace said and Izzy smiled and they continued their hunt, Alec was in the institute with his work when Magnus came.

"Good morning. Or good evening, I should say. A good 15 hours of sleep was exactly what I needed after last night's little hiccup", Magnus said and Alec got up.

"It was more than a little hiccup. You said some things", Alec said, "That was the bourbon talking. I'm fine, Alexander. I'm just sorry I ruined the fabulous dinner you had planned", Magnus said.

"It's not the dinner I'm worried about", Alec said and the door knocked and Jace and Clary came in.

"Is now a bad time?", Jace asked, "Actually...", Alec started but Magnus interrupted him, "Not at all", he said and Alec asked what was it.

"On the hunt, we came across a Drevak demon", Clary said, "Yeah, which is weird, right? They usually keep to the sewers", Jace said.

"Maybe the holiday noise is drawing them out", Alec said, "Yeah, it could be. The streets are packed with idiots in costumes", Jace said and Alec smiled.

"Hey, I used to be one of those idiots", Clary said, "Shocker", Jace said and Alec chuckled, "What... I love Halloween", Clary said.

"So do I. Every year, I would use my magic to decorate an entire city block in Brooklyn. Fond memories", Magnus said and Alec smiled.

He remembered the memories, "Brief ops on the demon", Alec said and the other two shadowhunters left.

"My mother has been dying for somebody to help her decorate her new shop. Now, I know it's not a Halloween block party, but what do you think?", he asked turning to Magnus.

"I suppose I do have an eye for design. Will you be joining us?", Magnus asked, "Maybe later. Yeah, I have this meeting I can't miss", Alec said.

"With who?", Magnus asked, "Clave business", Alec lied for the first time, "Hmm", Magnus said and left.

Alec left to his meeting and went to a Vera shop and met with the Vera, "Who would you like to commune with, my dear? A long-lost relative? A fallen friend or–", she asked and he interrupted her.

"Asmodeus. Prince of Edom", he said and she looked surprised, but he said he knew she was a warlock and she summoned Asmodeus.

Asmodeus came and asked about Magnus and Alec told him how miserable he was and to return the warlock's power again.

"He told me that he'll never be happy again without his magic. So, please, if you ever cared about Magnus, return what you stole", Alec said.

"What I stole? My son gave me his powers willingly... to save his lover's parabatai. Pathetic", Asmodeus said.

"It's not pathetic. It was a selfless act", Alec defended, "And one he already regrets. Immortals aren't meant to grow wrinkled and grey. In time, Magnus will come to resent you, until the bitter end", he said.

"I'm here to prevent that future. To get him his magic and his immortality back", Alec said determined.

"Fine. I'll restore both. Under one condition. End your relationship", Asmodeus said and Alec looked shocked.

"You are the source of all his suffering. You make him vulnerable, weak. With you, he'll never reach his full potential", Asmodeus said.

"You're wrong. We love each other. He is my soulmate and I wouldn't just abandon him", Alec said.

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