To the Night Children

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Magnus woke up in Alec's bed in the institute, "Sleep okay?", Alec asked wearing his shirt, "Like a rock", Magnus said and drank the orange juice Alec had bought him.

"But, come on, get out of bed. Breakfast stops serving at 9 A.M", Alec said, "Alexander, I appreciate the hospitality, but doesn't the Clave have rules against Downworlders living here?", Magnus asked.

"Oh, they're not rules. They're suggestions. [Magnus pulls a face.] What? You're not living at the Institute. You're just visiting for an extended period of time", Alec said cutely and Magnus smiled.

"And what would your fellow Shadowhunters think of a warlock wandering the halls?", Magnus asked and Alec convinced Magnus to go with him.

"They'd be fine with it baby. Let's go", Alec said and kissed Magnus's cheek, who got up smiling and they left to the cafeteria.

They got a lot of looks but one look from Alec made them look away and they sat with their family.

Magnus and Alec explained what happened and why Magnus was here, "That's great", Clary said, "Absolutely", Jace said.

"Welcome to the Institute, Magnus", Izzy said raising her glass and Magnus smiled, "Glad to be here", Magnus said.

Magnus snapped his finger to change his breakfast and the use of magic made his head ring and he closed his eyes, "Gods!", Alec said holding his head before it stopped as Clary's phone rang.

Izzy looked at him confused while Alec looked at Magnus, "What was that?", Alec asked Magnus, "What was what?", Magnus asked.

Just as Alec was going to answer Clary told about the attack at the Jade Wolf, "We are not done", Alec said and got up.

"Come on Izzy", he said and walked out with her and they found that the whole Jade Wolf was massacred and Heidi came up as a witness.

Heidi outed Izzy by telling Alec about what she did with Raphael and Heidi in return for turning the people behind this asked for a clean plate and Alec agreed reluctantly.

Alec formed a team, "Hold up. You're not going", Alec said to Izzy as the team went out, "What?", Izzy asked surprised.

"You should have told me about Raphael", Alec said and Izzy sighed, but Alec as the head of the institute said he couldn't do anything and had to bring Raphael in.

Izzy said she would alone bring him in and left, when Maia and Simon came in later Alec told about this.

"We're talking about the same Heidi, right?", Simon asked surprised, "She would never do that. Not unless she was getting something out of it", Maia said.

"I did agree to exonerate her for her past crimes", Alec said and Simon felt as if he got poured with a bucket of ice water.

"You're kidding me, right? What did Izzy say?", he asked, "Look, tensions between the vampires and the werewolves are higher than they've ever been. I had to bring the killers into custody in order to prevent an all-out war", Alec said.

He also said if they had proof against Heidi he would take that into consideration, "I think I know someone who can", Simon said and Maia and Simon left.

Underhill was getting Magnus's personal data so he could stay in the institute when Magnus told about how he is staying temporarily.

"I'm sorry. I didn't realize this was a temporary thing. And hey, for what it's worth, I'm glad that you and Alec managed to work everything out", Underhill said.

"Excuse me?", Magnus said, "Yeah, he, uh, told me you were having some differences", Underhill said and Magnus smiled tightly.

"Oh, he did, did he?", Magnus said, "Yeah", Underhill said, "Excuse me", Magnus said and went to Alec's office.

"Hey, how was your first day? You all set up?", Alec asked who was sitting by the fireplace and Magnus sat next to him.

"Hmm. Good to go. Your handsome friend took care of everything", Magnus said and Alec furrowed his eyebrows.

"Underhill?", he asked, "You think he's handsome?", Magnus asked, "I guess?", Alec asked holding his smile back, he knew what Magnus was feeling.

"Is that a problem?", Alec asked, "No. Yes. I don't know if I feel comfortable with you airing out our dirty laundry to the entire Institute", Magnus said.

"What are you talking about?", Alec asked, "You told him we were having relationship issues", Magnus said and told his reason.

Alec apologized knowing Magnus was correct, he barely knew Underhill, "I know. I just feel... Sometimes, I...", Magnus started explaining.

"You're jealous", Alec stated, "First of all, I don't get jealous and second, you knew how I was feeling?", Magnus asked

"You're jealous. You're actually jealous... Maybe", Alec said, "I've never gotten jealous. This is not–", he was interrupted as Alec's phone rang.

It was Simon asking help from both of them and the two left to the hospital, the two arrived and healed the witness.

But again use of high magic took a toll on Magnus and he again heard the ringing, this time louder.

"Magnus!", Alec said holding the bedside, "What's wrong?", Simon asked, "Nothing", Alec said as the ringing stopped and looked at Magnus, who smiled at him innocently.

Maia confronted Heidi, who bit her, but because Maia injected herself with Holy water Heidi died as Simon, Magnus and Alec arrived.

Alec immediately took Maia to his office, "You baited Heidi into attacking you, knowing full well the holy water would kill her", Alec said.

"She killed herself. I didn't technically break any laws", Maia said and Alec looked at her, "You're free to go", he said.

"That's it?", Maia asked surprised as she had expected more of a fight, "Said so yourself. You didn't break any laws", Alec said and she left.

She and Simon had an argument as Simon thought it wasn't right for her to kill Heidi like that and Maia disagreed.

Alec called Magnus, who came, "Alexander, if this is about what we were talking about earlier, I was wrong. You have every right to talk out your problems with your friends, no matter how good-looking they are", Magnus said and Alec smiled.

"This isn't about that. This is about you living at the Institute", Alec said his smile dropping, "Oh", Magnus said.

"Believe me, I want to live with you, but you were right. Having an outsider live at the Institute, that is against protocol. And how can I expect everyone else to follow the rules, if I don't follow them myself?", Alec asked.

Magnus smiled and cupped Alec's cheek, "I understand baby. I'll move out first thing in the morning", Magnus said.

As they were about to kiss again Magnus got the ringing in his head and this time bled through his nose and coughed blood, losing his conscious.

Alec who was also feeling the pain started to call the medic immediately and Izzy came and saw this and immediately called Catarina.

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