A Heart of Darkness

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Jace or the Owl touched the invisible wall and flinched as Alec and Izzy walked towards him, "It's no use trying to escape. The trap you're in was designed to hold a Greater Demon", Izzy said.

"Well, that's not very nice, trapping your brother in a box", Jace said and Alec scoffed, "You're not our brother. And don't get too comfortable, because we're gonna bring him back", he said.

"You and your undying love for your parabatai. I hate to burst your bubble, but when I was sent to your family in Idris, I was a desperate kid", Jace said and Magnus entered folding his sleeves.

"Pay no mind to him, Alexander", Magnus said and Alec looked into his eyes and nodded before looking back at Jace.

"The only reason I became your parabatai was to make sure there was a roof over my head", Jace said and Magnus felt Alec's doubts.

"He's just trying to get under your skin", Magnus said and Izzy and Alec looked at him as Magnus turned to face Jace.

"Or maybe... I just prefer not to coddle your latest soldier boyfriend", the owl said and Magnus's cat eyes flashed for a second before vanishing as Simon and Luke entered.

They went into Magnus's study and closed the door and they discussed and some left according to the plan and Alec took Magnus outside to their balcony.

"What's wrong honey?", Alec asked and Magnus smiled looking down before looking at Alec, "Now, if we wanna bring Jace back, we have to get through to him using the strongest connection possible", Magnus said already knowing what was coming.

"Which is me. I'm in. Whatever it takes", Alec said, "I don't think you understand. This isn't like the last time we tried to use your parabatai connection to help Jace. If you go in, Lilith could get her demonic claws into your soul as well", Magnus explained.

"I have to do this baby", Alec said and Magnus nodded hesitantly, "Of course. But if I help you, and I lose you...", he trailed and Alec held his hand.

"I know. Hey look at me. It's just if.. If I don't get Jace back, I... Without him, I'm I'm nothing", Alec said and Magnus closed his eyes taking a deep breath.

"If I don't get you back Alexander... Fine then, we'll do this. But you're not going in alone", Magnus said and they went inside to talk with Izzy.

"So I can go with Alec to save Jace, even though I'm not his parabatai?", Izzy asked as Magnus explained and he nodded.

"It's possible, but it would require more magic and give you less time inside", Magnus said and the siblings started to argue with each other, in the end Izzy won.

"What exactly do we have to do?", Izzy asked, "You have to find Jace and bring him out with you", he said and explained how to do that.

They went to Jace and started the connection, "I don't know how long I can maintain the connection. So, find Jace as soon as possible", Magnus said.

"Are you sure you can hold him?", Alec asked, "I don't know Alexander, but I will try till my last breath as I promised", Magnus said and Alec shook his head softly, his eyes softening.

"Why do you wanna save Jace? He's your main competition", the Owl asked Magnus, "Hmm, no doubt", Magnus said avoiding the question.

"You may share your bed with him, but if your precious Alexander could only have one of us, who do you think he'd pick?", the Owl asked.

"Shut up", Alec said, "It's ok baby. He's just trying to distract us. Focus", Magnus said and before Jace could say anything else Magnus charged his magic on him.

He connected the other two and Jace broke the bond and they tried to find a new way to hold the Owl.

Finally they connected again and the Lightwood sibling went into Jace's mind as Clary here was being interrogated.

Izzy and Alec got separated in the process in Jace's mind but in the end they found each other along with Jace.

Magnus could feel his strength slipping and he called out to Alec who told his siblings they needed to go when in the last minute Lilith attacked.

Izzy and Alec fell on the floor unconscious and Lilith tried to attack them but Magnus stopped her.

She started chocking him with her magic, "Go ahead and kill me. But don't hurt Alec and Izzy", he said.

"Tempting offer. If I didn't fear starting a war with your father, I would happily oblige", she said and let him go.

She took Jace and went as Izzy and Alec gained conscious slowly to see Jace missing and Magnus panting on the floor leaning against the wall.

"I'm sorry. I couldn't stop her", Magnus said and Alec pounded on the floor with his hand and Magnus closed his eyes guiltily.

He had failed, he couldn't keep his promise to his love, Izzy saw this and got up clearing her throat and the other two got up as well.

Magnus closed the balcony doors as Alec sat on the couch and the Lightwood siblings told about what Jace asked them to do.

"He begged us. [rising] He begged us to kill him", Alec said and Magnus looked at him, "All the terrible things Lilith made Jace do... He said if she takes him back, she'd make him do much worse", Izzy said.

"Now Lilith has him again, just like he said she would. We promised him we wouldn't let her take him back", Alec said.

"You did all you could", Magnus said trying to be soothing, "We promised him", Alec said and Magnus knows how much Alec values promises.

He also had made a promise and he whatever may happen needs to fulfill it and he knows one final way to help Jace.

He also knew by telling Alec he won't get support so for now he just made the plan and made some drinks for the siblings.

"Alexander, we will save Jace and I will keep my promise and you two will too, trust me", Magnus said and the siblings looked at him in confusion.

Magnus tried his best and blocked his emotions so that Alec won't find out anything yet, "Mag-", Alec started.

"Just trust me in this", Magnus said interrupting his love and going inside his study with the worst plan he could ever come up with.

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