Original Sin

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Clary, who was alive with Jonathan had learned she was connected to him and if she hurt him she will hurt herself.

Simon and Izzy got to connect more as they tried to find a rogue vampire, who was in the sewers as they had learned.

As they walked, Simon shined on a rat and Izzy hid behind him making him chuckle and tease her, "Really? The fierce warrior Isabelle Lightwood is afraid of rodents?", he teased.

"You know, I'm not afraid. I'm repulsed, which is very different", Izzy said and Simon nodded, "Hmm", he said smiling.

Magnus here, who had gotten up early and gone shopping, opened the curtain of their bedroom and let the sunlight in, waking Alec in the process.

"Come on, Pup. Time to rise and face the day", Magnus said enthusiastically, ""Pup"?", Alec asked.

"Panda?", Magnus asked, "No. Just call me as you usually call me", Alec said, "Okay", Magnus said chuckling, "Why is it so early?", Alec grumbled.

"Oh, with everything going on, sleep has been a bit of a struggle", Magnus said and set a platter food in front of Alec who sat up.

"Why are you dressed?", Alec asked and Magnus raised his eyebrows, "Oh, I had to get up to go to the farmer's market before dawn to get ingredients for our breakfast, which... admittedly, is less than perfect. Do you know how many oranges are required to make a glass of juice? [picking up the half full glass of juice] More than I bought. I used to have magic to do these little errands, but I have to admit there is a certain charm to doing things the mundane way", Magnus explained and Alec smiled.

"Is today a special occasion?", Alec asked and Magnus sat next to him, "It's your day off... and I want to make the most of it", Magnus said.

"That's actually really sweet", Alec said, "Hmm. I thought so", he said and they kissed but Magnus broke it off quickly, "Drink up. It's time for our morning exercise", Magnus said and Alec did silently.

After eating he kept the platter aside and pulled Magnus on top of him, who chuckled as he landed on Alec.

"Alexander!", he yelped, "What?", Alec asked and kissed Magnus deeply, "We haven't done anything for a long time now", Alec said undressing Magnus who let him do it.

"That's a lie, we did two days ago", Magnus mumbled but still let Alec undress him and that led to another hour in bed.

They went to the institute and started training, "Look alive", Alec said tossing Magnus a stick, "Oh! So authoritative. I like seeing you in your Shadowhunter mode", Magnus said and Alec hit Magnus's weapon.

"Don't flirt with me", Alec said and they started fighting, "Oh... I forgot to tell you, I trained with Grand Master Mitsuyo Maeda", Magnus said as he had Alec in a choke hold.

"Is that where you got your black belt in name dropping?", Alec asked, "Oh... low blow", Magnus said and the shadowhunter freed himself and they continued fighting.

"We're supposed to be working", Alec said as Magnus started playing around, "Oh, you're so cute when you're serious", Magnus said and Alec stopped walking.

"I told you not to flirt with me", he said and walked towards Magnus, pushing him back to the wall and kissing him roughly.

Magnus tried to remove Alec's t-shirt but Alec stopped him saying bedroom and left and Magnus ran behind him.

They enter Alec's bedroom, "You know just this morning you said you didn't want to do this", Alec said as Magnus entered.

"Well I didn't say I didn't want it, I just said we did it two days ago and what can I do when my boyfriend is so smoking hot when he trains", Magnus said and kissed Alec pushing him to the bed.

~ Later ~

Magnus and Alec are lying next to each other, "Did you miss my cat eyes?", Magnus asked and Alec rolled his eyes.

"I think it was pretty clear you were enjoying yourself", Alec said, "Oh... I hope you're not offended if I continue my training elsewhere. It's more than a little distracting, wanting to kiss my instructor every five minutes", Magnus said.

"Yeah, I know. That's probably a good idea", Alec said and Magnus got up saying he had made plans for them shocking Alec as Magnus was never a much planner.

"Are you alright?", Alec asked although knowing the real answer and the answer Magnus was going to say.

Magnus told his insecurities and Alec agreed to go with Magnus's plans although he knew there was much behind it.

Jace and Luke decided to find Clary and was on search for here, "Baby, can we just slow down for a second?", Alec asked as they walked through the streets that night.

"Oh, certainly. I have a quick stop planned right before late night dim sum", Magnus said, "No, I just mean, I mean right now", Alec said and Magnus stopped.

"I suppose you're right. It is rather exhausting hopping from place to place without portals. How do you mortals do it?", Magnus asked and Alec pulled him by hand into the pavement as a bike passed them closely missing them.

Alec was getting more and more worried as he felt as if he was losing Magnus, "The thing about moments is that you'll miss them if you're always running after the next one. I'm not gonna remember the trendy gallery or the amazing Greek food we had if we don't slow down... and savour moments like these... when I'm staring into the eyes of the man that I love", Alec explained and Magnus smiled.

"Of course. Everything I need is right here in front of me", Magnus said and Alec smiled and the two kissed when they got a fire message.

It was from Jace saying that they have pinpointed some locations where Clary might be and the two went to the institute immediately.

Magnus explained on ley line grids and all went to work as Simon and Izzy went to the seelie realm to remove his mark of Cain.

In the end they found Clary's location and Luke, Jace and Alec left to bring her as here Simon removed his mark and Izzy realized her love for Simon as he was nearly on death bed.

"Come back to me, Simon. You have so much more to live for", Izzy said crying as she cut her hand and gave him blood.

He was first hesitant but after she insisted he drank and she hugged him and slowly swayed stroking his hair softly.

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