By the Light of Dawn

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Alec and Aldertree looked up as the alarms blared and Alec lead a group towards the front where he met with Madzie.

"Madzie... did you...", before he could completer he was thrown into the elevator and closes the door.

She removed her scarf and started sucking the oxygen away from the air and the men started to choke.

Valentine entered after she finished and Jace found Clary along with Dot, they took her to Magnus's and he healed her.

Magnus learned about the vision and got to know that Jace can destroy the soul sword, but he would end up destroying himself too.

There were fight going in the institute and Alec learned that Clary was at Magnus's, Jace went to the institute with Luke to help Simon while Clary stayed with Magnus.

Clary went to the balcony to see Magnus, "I'm not used to feeling so... powerless", Magnus said and Clary held his hand.

She went to reply to him when her phone rang, it was Valentine who said if she doesn't come Simon would die.

He slit Simon's throat open in the video call and hung the call, "Portal me to the Institute", she said to Magnus.

"Clary, we can't", Magnus said but he was ready to portal because Alec was there, "Now!", she said and he nodded and opened a portal.

They jump through the portal, "Well, here we are", he said and looked at the institute, "Magnus, I want you to know I'm not going anywhere near that Sword", she said thinking that was what Magnus feared.

"I don't care what happens to me, Clary", he said fearing for Alec, he had this feeling inside like he was tensed.

He knew part of that feeling was his but mostly it was Alec's and he wanted to make sure Alec was ok.

"Alec's gonna be okay", Clary said understanding, "Simon's gonna be okay. We can do this. You and me", she said.

As they were about to move vampires came in and held them, Raphael leading them, "Let go of my hands!", Magnus said.

"So you can use your magic against us? I'm sorry, Magnus. None of us wanted it to come to this", he said.

Raphael went to hurt Clary when Jace attacked Raphael and they made a deal on letting Jace try once.

Alec and Aldertree were on the roof trying to shut down the power source when Aldertree told about his past with downworlders.

"That's when I realized a Shadowhunter could never be with a Downworlder, no matter how strong our feelings might be", he said.

Alec looked down and tugged his soulmate bond, he felt Magnus but closer than he expected, "No", he said.

"Excuse me?", Aldertree said, "You have to hurry", Alec said panicking since he could feel Magnus inside the institute.

Magnus and Clary were walking through the halls when they saw Madzie, they decided to let Magnus go and talk to her while Clary went to save Simon.

"She's being used, Magnus. None of this is her fault, but she needs to be stopped", Clary said and Magnus nodded.

"I'll meet you in Aldertree's office", he said, "Okay", Clary said and Magnus went to Madzie who was sucking the oxygen from the environment.

But it didn't affect him, "Hello, sweet pea. [Madzie turns around] I'm Magnus", Magnus said softly.

"I know you're scared. You don't have to be. [Magnus shows her his cat eyes.] See, I'm just like you, Madzie. I'm a warlock, too. [Magnus looks at the body again.] These men are using you for your abilities", he explained slowly.

"He said Nana was here", Madzie and Magnus smiled sadly, "He lied. I wanna help you, Madzie. For real", Magnus said and extended his hand.

Madzie thought for a moment and moved into his arms, Magnus smiled and took her with him, he knew he can't portal inside so he went back the way they came.

Alec decided to go downstairs and check when four circle members came in, he was going to fight them when Izzy came in and killed them.

"Izzy, are you okay?", Alec asked and she faints, but Alec catches her immediately, "I got you. You okay?", he asked.

"I'm so sorry, Alec", Izzy muttered guilty due to previous events, "For what, saving our lives?", he asked and she looked at Aldertree.

The three were going to downstairs when they were blinded by sudden light, Jace picked the sword and instead of destroying the sword he activated it.

The downworlders in the institute were killed and Jace was in a shock, Alec looked at his hand and saw the name still there.

But he knows if Magnus is in verge of dying even he wouldn't feel unless the soul starts leaving, he quickly rushed down stairs tugging the soulmate bond.

Magnus please be okay, he thought but he didn't feel Magnus close to him and that terrified him, he went downstairs to see werewolves and vampires dead except Simon who was with Clary and Jace.

"No. [looking at Clary] You did this. You activated the Sword?", he asked and she shook her head, "No...", she said.

"I did it. I thought I was destroying it, Alec, but...", Jace said and Alec felt a light burn in his hand, maybe it was the fear or maybe Magnus was dying.

"Where's Magnus? He wasn't here, was he?", he asked hoping that it was the fear, "I– I don't know", Jace said and Alec's heart was literally beating lower.

"We Portaled in upstairs. We split up...", Clary said and Alec felt his heart stop, "Oh, God", he said and rushed out.

"Alec", Jace called but Alec didn't stop, he started searching the whole institute praying and begging that it shouldn't be Magnus as he sees every dead body.

He saw the sun come up and swore and went outside still searching when he felt a hand on his arm.

He knew the touch and sighed and immediately hugged Magnus burying his face in Magnus's shoulder.

They pulled away, "Magnus, I thought...", Alec said, "I found Madzie. I got her out just in time. I took her to Catarina's. She's safe", Magnus said.

"Look... Magnus, on every mission I've ever been on, I've never felt that type of fear, ever. Not knowing if you were alive or dead. I– I was terrified", Alec said his voice shaking.

"So was I baby", Magnus said and a tear slipped from Alec's eye, "Magnus, I... I love you. Please don't leave me", Alec said.

"I love you, too. I would never Alexander I promise", Magnus said and they kissed and embraced again.

"Come on let's go home", Magnus said, "I have to check on Jace, I'll be back home soon", Alec said and Magnus nodded and left.

Alec talked with Jace and left back home, he saw Magnus on the couch thinking and sat next to him and pulled the warlock into his lap.

Magnus chuckled softly as Alec buried his face in his lover's shoulder sighing, "Hey it's ok I am alright", Magnus softly leaning into Alec.

"I know... but... I... at that moment... I can't lose you Magnus ever... whether you are my soulmate or... not I would always love you and want you", he said looking into Magnus's eyes his voice breaking.

Magnus hugged Alec who kept his head on Magnus's chest while Magnus laid his head over Alec's slowly stroking his hair.

"I know baby I would always want you too and I will always be there for you", Magnus said and they stayed that for some time.

Both in not only each other's embrace but also in each other's whole being...

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