This World Inverted

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Alec came back to the institute on Lydia's order after having dinner with Magnus only to find out that his sister was arrested for treason.

"What? On what grounds?", Alec asked and Izzy smirked sadly as Lydia told the reason, "You know what, Lydia? You're no better than Valentine. But at least he had the guts to tell Downworlders to their faces he wanted them all dead. You hide behind the Law", Izzy said.

Alec was proud that his sister not only to stood up to herself but she defied the law wrong by just few words.

"I don't hide behind it, Isabelle. I simply follow it. Because it guards against one very important thing. Shadowhunters fighting other Shadowhunters", Lydia said.

"If she's convicted, she'll be stripped of her runes and banished. I can't let that–", Alec started and was interrupted by his sister.

"Don't. It's not your fight", she said as Raj took her away and Alec cursed inwards, his life has turned upside-down ever since Clary came, but this was worse.

Alec went to talk to Lydia, "I can't let Izzy be exiled for this", Alec said, "In the eyes of the Clave, she's guilty. I mean, how do you propose we get around that?", Lydia asked and Alec sighed.

He couldn't he was going to do this, "I may have something that the Clave wants. I can give them the Mortal Cup", Alec said.

"Alec, you have it? Why didn't you tell me before? But if you use it for Izzy I can't assure that it will be our bargain chip", she said and it hurt Alec, but he had to do this for his sister.

"I understand and I promised Jace. And there's this thing with Clary–", he said and Lydia said she understood his position.

Alec takes her to the safe and opens it to find mission, "Jace", he said, but a part of him knew Magnus was involved in this too and that's why he was feeling guilty before.

He immediately went to talk to Izzy, "Jace stole the Cup. [Izzy looks away.] Izzy, did you know about this? My God, did you help him? The Cup is the only thing that can get you out of this", Alec said.

"Then what about the bargain?", Izzy asked and Alec shook his head, "Lydia isn't sure it seems, but Magnus was in this wasn't he?", Alec asked and Izzy nodded.

"But Jace and me forced him, he said he wouldn't do it and we said that it was Clary's choice and we couldn't control that", Izzy said and Alec nodded.

He couldn't be angry with Magnus nor Izzy, but he was a little bit angry with Jace, "Not by any of the normal ways", Alec said when Izzy said they can't track the blonde and red head.

"No, absolutely not. You cannot track Jace through your parabatai bond. It will weaken both of you. Or break the bond", Izzy said.

"Jace already weakened it. How does he think I can trust him after what he did?", Alec said and opened the door when he heard Izzy, "Don't say that. Please, Alec. Think about what you're doing", she said, but he left.

"I'm not letting Jace sacrifice my sister for his girlfriend's pointless crusade. We're doing this. And if you don't wanna help, get out", Alec said when Lydia tried to stop him.

"I'll help, but on two conditions", Hodge said, "What conditions?", Alec asked, "You don't let it go too far. Now your bond with Jace can withstand a certain amount of strain. But you have to promise me that you won't let it break. And...", he said and paused as Alec nodded.

"And?", Alec asked, "Magnus Bane will be here to make sure you won't slip out", he said and Magnus stepped in, "Nope", Alec said immediately.

He knows Magnus will feel the pain and he didn't want to see it, "Alexander", Magnus started, "Again, you can't talk me out of this Magnus, I already dabbled between two choices and if I can't use the cup even for one, I will regret it forever", Alec said and Magnus nodded and sat next to Alec.

Hodge activated the rune and Magnus was starting to feel the pain, when suddenly the pain shot up and he held onto Alec's bedside gritting his teeth when Alec screamed.

Magnus tried to pop his magic and help Alec but Lydia stopped him, "Alexander it's ok honey fight it, you can do it", Magnus said through his pain and Alec held his hand.

"Magnus!", Alec screamed before it stopped and Alec panted, Lydia led Hodge outside, "Hey it's ok honey", Magnus said stroking Alec's hair which stuck on his head due to the sweating.

"I am sorry Magnus you had to go through this", Alec said and slowly got up, "It's ok baby, I am happy that I could feel your pain with you instead of watching you go through it", Magnus said and Alec kissed him.

"I need to go find Jace and Clary, but I will meet you later, I need to talk with you", Alec said and left Magnus who nodded.

Alec went to talk with his sister after going after Jace and told about everything, "It's okay, big brother. I know you tried", Izzy said after his explanation.

"I'm sorry", Alec said and Magnus came in and saw the brother and sister sitting together, "Hey", he said softly and sat on the table in front of them.

"Hey", Alec said and Izzy smiled, "Thank you Magnus for helping Alec", Izzy said and Magnus smiled, "Always Isabelle", Magnus said.

"I heard about the trial", Magnus said and Alec nodded, "Alexander I helped Jace take the cup" Magnus finally said and Alec chuckled.

"I know Magnus, I figured it as soon as I saw the cup missing and Izzy also told me", Alec said, "I am sorry I didn't tell you this before", Magnus said and Alec smiled.

"It's ok baby I understand", Alec said and interlocked his hand with Magnus's who smiled, "You guys are so cute", Izzy said and the couple chuckled.

Izzy kept her head on her brother's shoulder as they watched the fire crackle in the fire place, while Magnus saw the siblings and thought something.

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