Stay With Me

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Catarina came in and helped Magnus, but he went into a short coma and he went into a dream, where he and Alec were having breakfast.

"Mm... These waffles are unbelievable. Even better than your French toast", Magnus said, "I've been getting good, aren't I?", Alec asked.

"Mm-hmm", Magnus muttered, "I'm thinking about taking the next step. [Magnus leans in, interested] Crêpes", Alec said and Magnus smiled.

"Ooh... Careful honey. A man can get used to this type of treatment", Magnus said and Alec smiled and got up extending his hand.

"Oh, you haven't seen anything yet. Care to dance? [Magnus smiles and leans back in his chair] What?", Alec asked.

"Oh, I'm just remembering Havana. [Alec rolls his eyes.] Salsa dancing at the Tropicana? I still have nightmares of your two left feet", Magnus said.

"Oh, it wasn't that bad", Alec said, "Hmm...", Magnus hummed, "I've been practicing", Alec said and Magnus looked impressed.

"Really, now? OK", Magnus took Alec's hand and he moved the furniture out of the way and they started dancing.

That's when Magnus started feeling different and he started feeling dizzy, their hands slipped and Magnus plunged into darkness.

Here Magnus is in the infirmary and Alec is next to him, "Magnus, I... I don't know if you can hear me. This is my fault. I was selfish. When you first lost your powers, and you said you were okay with it, I... I didn't think twice. I sensed how you felt and yet decided to ignore it. I guess I was just so happy that maybe we could... grow old together and have kids and all. [sniffles] I guess I just didn't realize... deep down, how much you were suffering. Baby, I love you... more than anyone in the world, and... [taking Magnus' hand] I'm... I'm so sorry. I'm sorry. Please come back to me baby", Alec said and he heard the door open and wiped his tears.

Catarina walked in and told Alec on how to save Magnus and Alec well... he nearly decided to kill Lorenzo.

"You need to settle down. What's the Shadowhunter saying? "Emotions cloud judgment"? You lose your temper with Lorenzo, he'll have less incentive to help. Like it or not, Lorenzo Rey is Magnus's only hope", Catarina said and Alec looked at Magnus one more time before nodding and leaving.

Izzy had told everyone else and they waited outside, praying for Magnus to get better and Clary nearly lost herself again.

The four decided to summon Lilith and hold her in the Malachi configuration and Simon and Izzy went to talk to Cain.

Alec went to Lorenzo's and asked for help who didn't agree at first, "You've never been in love, have you?", Alec asked.

"I'm over 300 years old. Of course, I have. More times than I care to admit", Lorenzo said, "Well for me, it's only one. Magnus. He is my world, and if he dies... [pause] Look, Lorenzo... he's no threat to you. Okay? He doesn't have his powers. [tears in his eyes] Just... please. Please, help him", Alec begged and Lorenzo agreed.

Simon and Izzy were back in the tunnel, "Cain should be right around here. Hold on", Simon said, "What is it?", Izzy asked.

"All clear. Not a rat in sight", Simon said and Izzy smiled, "My hero", she said and they continued walking.

They talked about Raphael, "You know, after seeing what Jace went through when he thought Clary was dead... watching Alec fall apart over Magnus... I'm not sure I want love in my life. Not if it hurts like that", Izzy said.

"Hmm...", Simon said and Izzy apologized as he and Maia have recently broken up, "It's fine. Maia is where she should be: with Jordan, at the Praetor. Besides, I don't know if this whole love thing is really for me. I mean, no matter how hard I try, I just can't seem to make it work. You know what? Let's make a pact. [holding up his pinky] Single for life", he said and Izzy looked confused.

"What is that?", she asked, "It's a pinky swear. You've never done one of these before?", Simon asked surprised.

"No! But it looks, uh... serious", Izzy said trying not to smile, "It's very serious. I mean, the consequences of a broken pinky swear could be dire. This is the most sacred vow anyone can make", he also said holding his smile.

"I love sacred vows. Let's do it", she said and he showed her how to and they went to find Cain and somehow convinced him.

Magnus slowly woke up, "Oh. Well, you got very sick, but everything's gonna be okay. [Magnus tries to sit up; Alec helps adjust the pillow so he can.] Just hold on. Here. Let me get that for you", Alec explained.

"Ah. A man could get used to this type of treatment. Oh, but definitely not this wardrobe", Magnus said.

"Right. Let me get you a change of clothes", Alec said, Magnus went to do his magic and Alec jumped in holding Magnus's wrist and stopping him.

"No!", Alec said, "Alexander, what... [he notices Lorenzo standing by the door.] What's he doing here?", Magnus asked.

"Using Lorenzo's magic is what got you sick. Catarina says that if you use the magic again, even a little bit, it could go horribly wrong. The only way for you to get better... is for Lorenzo to take the magic away", Alec explained.

"Oh... No, Catarina's just being overly cautious. Trust me, I feel fine", Magnus said and Alec talked with him alone.

"Magnus, you stopped breathing. Your heart stopped. I thought you were gone", Alec explained, "I'm so sorry for scaring you. I was clearly adjusting to Lorenzo's magic, and I must have overextended myself. I promise I'll be more careful from now on", Magnus said carelessly.

"It doesn't matter how careful you are. As long as you have Lorenzo's magic, you'll be living with an ax over your head", Alec said, trying his best not to mind Magnus's tone.

Alec asked whether Magnus was ready to sacrifice himself for magic and Magnus said maybe and Alec hoped he was in a dream as he felt all the air go out of his lungs.

"How can you even say that?", Alec asked hopelessly, "I am nothing without my magic. You fell in love with Magnus Bane, the High Warlock of Brooklyn. Can you honestly say that you don't feel differently about me? Look at me! Can you honestly say you like this?!", Magnus asked.

"Yes! Your powers were incredible. But that's not why I fell in love with you. I fell in love with you because you're wise, and you're generous, and you're brave, and you're incredible! I just... When you walk into a room, there's a spark in you, magic or not, that lights up everything and everyone around you! And... and... [Magnus starts to turn away but Alec pulls him back.] Hey! I won't lose you! I can't", Alec said, unable to believe that this was what Magnus thought he loved the warlock for and Magnus looked into his eyes.

He reluctantly agreed and Lorenzo took his magic away again, Alec sighed and hugged Magnus, but he felt how miserable Magnus felt and decided to change it once and for all.

Alec went to meet his mother later and asked for the family ring, "Um... Magnus had a little health scare. He's okay. Everything's fine. But, when it happened, it made me realize how much he means to me. And that I... can't live without him", Alec said and Maryse smiled softly.

"That's what love is. I'm so happy you two found each other", Maryse said and Alec smiled, hoping he was doing the right thing.

"Me, too. And I need the family ring. I'm gonna ask Magnus to marry me", he asked and Maryse smiled brightly, hugged him, and gave him the ring, blessing him.

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