Aku Cinta Kamu

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Magnus was walking down the streets thinking about Alec when Asmodeus came and gave his powers back.

Magnus told Asmodeus to leave but he didn't and Magnus now wanted to know why Asmodeus was really here.

The shadowhunters were trying to get Clary back and was working on it when Izzy and Simon thought on making a sword with the Glorious and decided to ask help from Luke's sister.

Magnus was thinking on how to send his father back and talk to Alec when he came across the street where there were love locks.

He remembered how he and Alec did one an year ago...


"Where are we going?", Magnus asked as Alec pulled him by his hand, "I told you, it's a surprise", Alec said and Magnus stopped walking.

"I don't like surprises", he said, "What do you mean? You're the king of them. You know, you start waving your hands around, I never know what's gonna show up in front of me. Okay. So... There's something... I wanted to do", Alec said and took a lock out of his pocket.

"Oh, you want to lock me up? I thought you'd never ask baby", Magnus said, "No... no baby. Remember that bridge you brought me to in Paris last week, the one where people put those locks?", Alec asked.

Magnus nodded, "To show their eternal love", he said, "Right. Well, they have a place like that here in New York too. Look, I don't know. I... I know it's silly. I wanted us to have a lock too", Alec said as reached the wall.

Magnus smiled and blew magic softly on the lock making an inscription, 'Aku Cinta Kamu' it said.

"What does that say?", Alec asked, ""Aku cinta kamu". Indonesian for "I love you"", Magnus said and Alec smiled.

The two kissed and Alec hanged the lock and again they kissed passionately...

Flashback ends.

Magnus looked at their lock and smiled touching it and left, he knew he had to talk to Alec, but whatever Alec had said was still on his mind.

Alec thought he didn't tell Alec all this because he didn't trust him, but the truth was Magnus couldn't and didn't want to see Alec in pain and didn't tell him.

Alec and Jace were talking about how to meet Clary and Alec gave Jace a seelie ring, he having the other.

"Now, remember, in order for these rings to work and remain invisible, it is imperative that you stay alert", Alec said and the two wore the ring.

"What, do you think I'm going to fall asleep?", Jace asked, "[in Jace's head] Stranger things have happened", Alec said.

"Yeah. Hey, um... Look, I know you said the timing wasn't right with Magnus the other day, but... why didn't you propose?", Jace asked.

"It's complicated", Alec said, "Is that why he's not here? Look, Alec... I can feel that there's something's wrong", Jace said.

"Magnus and I broke up", Alec said looking into Jace's eyes, "What? Why?", Jace asked, "Okay. You're gonna be late", Alec said changing the subject.

"Alec, there's something you're not telling me. What's going on?", Jace asked again, "Sometimes, life just doesn't go the way you want it to", Alec said his voice breaking.

"Alec...", Jace softly and Alec blinked and looked away, "Please, just... go", he said and Jace sighed and left.

Here Magnus was more than miserable as he kept on having flashbacks of him and Alec...


"Can I have some sprinkles, please?", Madzie asked, "Oh, they don't have those here, Madzie. [Magnus gives him a look.] I thought we were teaching her restraint", Alec said raising his eyebrow.

"I know, I know, but... that face. [kneels by Madzie] All right, sweet pea", Magnus said and Madzie used her magic.

"You know, you're gonna be a hell of a dad. [Magnus rises.] What? You don't think so?", Alec asked.

"Well, to be honest, I've never even considered it, even though I know we can have kids of our own", Magnus said, "Why not?", Alec said and Magnus waved his hand in the air.

"My father's a Prince of Hell. He's not exactly a good role model", he said, "Well, my dad's not perfect either. And look at us! We both turned out pretty okay", Alec said.

Magnus smiled, "So, one can be a horrible parent without messing up their kids?", he asked, "Anything's possible... Besides, when it comes to having a family... you wouldn't be doing it alone", Alec said and the two smiled at each other.

Flashback ends.

Izzy and Simon prepared for extraction of blood and were in the infirmary, "As, um, someone who stuck his fangs in your arm, I know it's a bit hypocritical to ask, but, um... how big... [Izzy pulls out the needle.] That's big", Simon said and Izzy smiled.

"Just don't think about the needle. Imagine... you're Superman. And Clary is Lois Lane. And you're gonna reverse the Earth's rotation to turn back time and save her", Izzy said and Simon smiled brighter.

"You watched Superman?! When did this world-shattering event happen?", he asked, "Well, you always go on about how great these superhero movies are. So, I wanted to see what the fuss was about", she said and Simon asked how it was.

"Just because Clark Kent had glasses, she couldn't tell he was the same guy? If I was Lois, I would have totally known", she said.

"See, that's the fun in it, though. The hot girl doesn't see the geeky guy with glasses, until the hot girl realizes that the geeky guy is totally awesome if she just saw him for who he really is", Simon said and Izzy thought about it with a smile.

"I guess Lois just needed some time to see what was right in front of her", she said and the two smiled at each other and Izzy finished her extraction.

Magnus kept on having flashbacks unlike usual and thought it was because of his magic, but by the end of the flashbacks he knew it wasn't.

It was because he was not himself without Alec and that was killing him more than the time he was when without his magic.

He decided to talk to Jem and called the silent brother, "My dear friend. I will always be here for you", Jem said as Magnus told about their break up.

"You're speaking...", Magnus said surprised, "Some words are too important not to be spoken aloud. Magnus... you've lost great loves before. As have I. And as painful as those memories may be, they are a part of who we are", he explained.

"I know. But Alec is different. Losing him, it... It's breaking me. And I want to go back to him, but something is stopping me", Magnus said.

"I owe you my life, and I would do anything to help you. For that very reason, I must refuse your request", Jem said.

"Find Asmodeus, see why he is doing this. Maybe that will help you talk to Alec again, he is a good person, sometimes I see Will in him, especially when he shows his love and passion towards you and his parabatai", Jem said and left.

Alec, Izzy, Simon and Luke finished the sword but Jace had lost Clary and Magnus baited his father.

He acted like trying to erase his memories of Alec and the so called 'father' came to stop him...

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