The Powers That Be

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Magnus and Alec left to Lorenzo's mansion for the party and entered to see a lot of warlock, "Well, here we are", Magnus said.

Alec looks around, "You're sure bringing me here was a good idea?", he asked Magnus who nodded.

"It's better than coming by myself. I'm joking. They'll love you baby", he said taking Alec's hand and the two interlocked their fingers.

"I don't think so", Alec said and Magnus chuckled and the two walked in, "Oh, just because you're the only Shadowhunter at a party full of warlocks doesn't mean you can't have fun", Magnus explained.

"Yeah, well, that's easy for you to say. You've known these people for centuries", Alec said, "You will get to know them for centuries too", Magnus said.

"Also you think that's a good thing? Trust me. I don't wanna be here any longer than I have to. But it's tradition for the outgoing High Warlock to pass the baton on to his replacement", Magnus said looking everywhere and saw Lorenzo.

Alec followed his gaze, "Is that him?", Alec asked and Magnus nodded bitterly, "The one and only: Lorenzo Rey, the new High Warlock of Brooklyn", Magnus said.

"Hey it's ok", Alec said and Lorenzo saw them and called them, Magnus tried to slip away but Alec led him to the new head.

Alec tried to introduce himself but got to know that he already knew him, "Who appointed him?", Alec asked after their talk.

"Nobody. There was a vote. And Lorenzo can be very charming, as long as you're into phony, no taste, egomaniacal pieces of sh–", Alec interrupted him as he saw Madzie running towards him.

"Language honey", he said and lifted Madzie in his arms and started playing with her, "I can't believe you brought him just to piss Lorenzo off", Catarina said to Magnus as he was looking at his boyfriend and Madzie.

"No, I brought him because he's my boyfriend", Magnus said with a smirk, "Ah. Well, he's good with kids. I'll give you that", Catarina said and Magnus smiled.

He suddenly felt a different magic and looked at his drink, "Something wrong with your drink? Mine tastes weak as hell", Catarina said.

Suddenly all the warlocks magic started going out of control and Magnus was the only person who was able to control his's.

Rufus who wanted to get out tried to create a portal which went sideways and burned him and the portal moved towards Alec and Madzie.

At that moment without knowing what he was doing, only thinking about his Alec, Magnus immediately jumped in front and banished that portal.

"What's going on?", Alec asked who got up from shielding Madzie, "I have no idea", Magnus said and all looked around confused.

All left soon, "Magnus what happened there? How were you able to keep your magic under control?", Alec asked.

"The disturbance was caused by a powerful magic in the ley lines", Magnus explained, "Much more powerful than warlocks?", Alec asked and Magnus nodded.

"More powerful than greater demons even", Magnus said and Alec's eyes widened as they changed and got onto the bed together.

"Do you think it's your father?", Alec asked as Magnus laid his head on the shadowhunter's chest.

"I don't know Alexander, it took a lot in me to control my magic and save... you", Magnus said, "Want to try your magic?", Alec asked.

Magnus shook his head, "I can't risk hurting you", Magnus said and Alec nodded as he had felt how Magnus felt at that moment.

~ Next Day ~

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