Malec 2

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Magnus was looking at a picture of Camille, "How I loathe that photograph. I must remember, chin down, eyes up. Otherwise, I look like a squinty toad", Ragnor said.

"You're here", Magnus said surprised, "You didn't think you'd be rid of me that easily, did you? Oh, my dear friend, I will always be here for you. Now, please, put away that horrid photograph. It commemorates a night I'd rather forget. Oh, how I had to comfort you", Ragnor said and Magnus chuckled sadly.

"How I loved her. I prayed she would love me the same, but she just laughed. To Camille immortals aren't supposed to feel true love. She was so cynical. Camille broke my heart", Magnus said.

"You let her break your heart, my friend. You're immortal, but she killed you", Ragnor said and Magnus looked at him.

"Touch your heart and tell me honestly whether what you felt for Camille is even one percent of what you feel for your soulmate, the shadowhunter?", Ragnor asked and suddenly vanished.

Magnus took his phone realizing what Ragnor said was true and called Alec before he changed his mind and hung up, Isabelle here took Alec to his 'bachelor party' and left him with Jace.

"I don't know how things got so messed up between us. But I do know my life has been a lot harder not having you to talk to", Jace confessed when they decided to talk.

"Mine, too", Alec said, "I know it seems like I've been making a lot of crazy choices lately. And I know you think that I was only thinking about myself... and Clary, and I wasn't thinking about the consequences to anyone else. All I can say is, I've been going through a lot. But I only ever did what I thought was right, Alec. But I never wanted to hurt you. I'm sorry", Jace said genuinely and Alec smiled.

"You know, it's like, you have this plan for your life, right, and you know what you need to do and what your responsibilities are. And you think, you know, if you follow the rules, everything's gonna be fine. Then somebody comes along and... pushes you off that path. You just...", Alec said remembering Magnus.

"Hey... I get it... Are you going to be okay?", Jace asked and Alec shook his head, "Without Magnus in my life, it is never going to be okay", he said and Jace patted him sadly.

Alec smiled sadly and asked Jace to be his suggenes for his wedding tomorrow, "I would love to Alec", Jace said and they hugged.

In Magnus's apartment he was looking through the things and found the charango, when the talk of Camille again came.

"And though I know you don't remember me telling this to you before, someday someone will come along, who will tear down those walls you've built around your heart. And when that love comes back to you, you must do everything in your power to fight for it", Ragnor said.

"I know you found that someone, I hope you do everything in your power to fight for him", he finished.

"Even in death, you give the best advice", Magnus said and got up as Ragnor faded and the wedding started.

"All right, you're ready for this?", Jace asked, "No", Alec said and Jace smiled sadly, "You can stop this Alec", Jace said.

"I don't even know whether he will come today and stop this nonsense", Alec said looking at the doorway.

"At least I am glad you are here with me", he said and looked at Jace, "Wouldn't be anywhere else", Jace said and they took their places.

Izzy walked in first and Simon looked at her and his first ever thought was, Wow, he thought, She is beautiful, he thought and snapped out smiling at her.

Lydia came in and the ceremony started, as Alec wore Lydia the necklace the place rattled and the lights started blinking in and out.

"I feel resistance from the Angel, this has never happened", the silent brother said sounding surprised for a feelingless person.

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