Iron Sisters

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Izzy went to talk to Clary to talk about going to the Iron Sisters, "Luke will be fine. And so will you. It just takes time", she said.

"How's Alec doing?", Clary asked, "I can tell he still feels horrible for what happened to your mom", Izzy said.

"He can't keep blaming himself", Clary said and Izzy shrugged, "He's strong. He'll heal", she said and Clary looked at Izzy.

"I see you've healed. I've never stabbed a friend before, so I figure I at least owe you an apology, or...", she said.

"There's no need. You destroyed that demon. And besides, I'm all healed up now. Aldertree cleared me for mission", Izzy said.

"Are the Iron Sisters anything like the Silent Brothers?", Clary asked and Izzy explained about the Iron Sisters and Clary also wanted to go.

Isabelle went to ask permission from Aldertree who told her to spy on Clary and she for the sake of going and getting the yin fen from him agreed.

Alec who was in the institute got a fire message from Magnus saying to come home immediately and he left to the loft.

"Magnus. I got your fire message. What's the emergency? [looking at the bottle in Magnus' hand] Are those...", he asked.

"Fangs? Yes. Very potent. Good for digestion", Magnus replied and gestured the bottle towards Alec who declined.

He kept the bottle away and looked at his love, "I'm sorry about the emergency call, but it was the only way to get your attention", Magnus said.

"Baby!", Alec said, "I am sorry honey but I am not okay because you are not okay. Alexander... you've been to hell and back. And you haven't stopped for a second, taken a moment for yourself", Magnus explained.

"Magnus, we're in the middle of a war", Alec said even though he knew what Magnus said was true.

"There will always be a war. A mission. A– a problem to solve. Look, I speak from experience. If you fail to grant time for the things you care about, you'll forget why you're even fighting at all", Magnus said.

Alec sighed and held Magnus's hand, "What do you have in mind?", he asked and Magnus smiled and portaled them to Hunter's moon.

Izzy and Clary reached the Adament Citadel and Izzy got to know that yin fen wasn't a cure and learned that Clary was able to make new runes.

Yet when they reached back to the institute Izzy didn't tell Aldertree that and declined the yin fen, Alec and Magnus were having drinks in the Hunter's moon.

They were playing pool, "You see that? It's just like archery. It's all about the aim, Magnus", Alec said and Magnus raised his eyebrow.

"Who knew there were so many similarities", Magnus said and Alec knew that Magnus was not showing how upset he was.

Alec smiled and hit the next ball missing it purposefully and Magnus smiled, "Thank you Alexander", he said and Alec acted like he didn't know anything.

"What do you mean?", Alec asked and Magnus walked towards him, "I know you did it purposefully love", Magnus said and Alec laughed.

He kissed Magnus and went to get his drink when he heard Magnus goal, "Wait, did you do your... thing?", he asked and Magnus smiled coyly.

"Haven't you heard the saying? "If you can't find the one being hustled in the pool hall... then it's probably you."", he said and scored another one.

"Okay?", he asked and Alec looked at him in amusement, "Okay. Yeah. Let's play", Alec said and Magnus smiled.

They were walking back to their seat Alec's hand on Magnus's waist, "Do you remember our first date?", Alec asked as they seated and Magnus nodded smiling.

"It was here and I got to know that you never had any ex, but now you have considering Lydia and you were going to be married while being in a relationship with me and that's so weird", Magnus said scrunching his nose and Alec chuckled.

"That's weird? I got to know you had some handful of ex-es and handful is a lie", Alec said and they remembered the moment.


"You wanna know why I haven't been in a relationship? Because of this. 'Cause... I didn't wanna feel like there was something wrong with me, because I grew up in the Institute, because... I always knew I couldn't have what I wanted... until you came along", Alec admitted on their first date.

"Nothing's wrong with you. Far from it. But you're so... innocent", Magnus said softly, "In some ways, but... I don't want you to treat me any different", Alec said and Magnus looked at him.

"But you are different. And it's a good thing", Magnus said and Alec smiled, "What about you? I mean, you must have had plenty of exes", Alec asked and that's when it started to get weird.

"What do you mean?", Magnus asked trying to avoid the question, "You know what I mean", Alec said.

"Alexander, look, I've lived for centuries. I've been with men, women, Seelies, warlocks, vampires... a djinn or two", Magnus said trying to end it at that point.

"How many?", Alec asked again, "How many?", Magnus asked acting confused, "It's not a trick question. You can round down if you want", Alec said

"Okay. If you wanna know, I'll tell you. Seventeen", Magnus said and stopped himself, "Seventeen. That... that's... [Magnus is quiet] Seventeen... hundred? Seventeen thousand?!", he asked shocked.

Flashback ends

"And Camille was one of them", he continued huffing and Magnus smiled teasingly, "Oh is my baby jealous", Magnus asked and Alec looked away.

"Ha ha very funny", Alec said and got up as Magnus pulled him towards him, "If you don't want me I can go back to Camille", Magnus teased.

"I will kill you, you are mine and only mine", Alec said pulling Magnus into a heated kiss to which he responded.

"Public place honey", Magnus said and Alec pulled away with a smirk walking out of the bar, "Baby? Alexander? we can portal home and finish it", Magnus said running behind him.

"No let's take a stroll", Alec said and Magnus groaned, he knew Alec was doing this purposefully, "Don't do this to me honey", Magnus said and Alec smiled innocently.

"I don't know what you mean", he said and Magnus made a portal and pulled Alec through it and they landed on their bed.

"Magnus", Alec said laughing and Magnus started kissing his boyfriend, "Remember Jace stopped us from moving to the next step after our first date", Alec said as they broke the kiss.

"Well this is not our first date nor our first time", Magnus said and kissed Alec, both of them taking off their shirt when the bell rang.

"But Jace is the same", Alec said and Magnus groaned, "That cockblock asshole", Magnus said and went to open the door wearing his shirt and Alec followed him doing the same.

"Sorry for killing the mood. You got a spare room?", Jace asked as they let him in, "I am gonna kill you blondie, what did you do?", Magnus asked and Jace explained.

"Fine you can stay here", Magnus said as they finished hearing the story and Alec and Magnus went into their room after helping Jace settle.

Immediately Magnus locked the door with a spell and applied a soundless spell and pinned Alec to the bed, "Magnus", Alec laughed.

"Now no one is coming in between us", Magnus said and Alec flipped them so he was on top and started kissing Magnus.

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