Rise Up

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Magnus rushed in search of Alec and saw him on the infirmary bed with Isabelle, "Alexander!", Magnus called and rushed towards Alec who looked the other side pulling his hand away as Magnus tried to touch him.

"Alec", Izzy said, "Baby", Magnus said and tears formed in Alec's eyes, "Let me heal you please", Magnus pleaded and Alec let him, but didn't look at him.

"Magnus I know I can't tell you what to do, but don't make Alec marry anyone", Izzy said and Magnus looked shocked.

"Isabelle it's for you and-", he was interrupted, "I know I know, but even before I connected, I lost my soulmate and it hurt a lot", Izzy said and Magnus completed healing Alec's wound.

"Ah!", she grimaced holding her arm and the name which was once brown to white now turned red, "Simon?", Isabelle said and Alec smiled.

His sister got her soulmate back, "He is turned", Magnus said and Jace called, Izzy took the phone and went out leaving the couple alone.

Alec who was silent looked at Magnus who was looking at his wound with pain in his eyes, this pained Alec so much.

"Magnus", Alec said softly and Magnus looked up into Alec's eyes, "They are making me marry Lydia and I asked for some more time", Alec said and Magnus looked away tears forming in his eyes.

Alec was able to feel the pain, "I asked that time to research something and introduce you to my parents", Alec stated and Magnus looked at him swiftly.

"Alexander-", "No Magnus, when Lydia told me how she felt when she lost her soulmate and how much worse it was to losing a parabatai, I immediately thought that I must do everything in my power to not make you feel that for at least another 70-80 years", Alec said and Magnus smiled at him softly.

"But now you are telling me that, I have to let you go now and let you feel that pain, the pain of having your soul ripped out?", Alec continued and Magnus tried to interrupt him.

"I know I will feel that too, but you telling me to do this itself made me numb and I don't care how I will feel, but I love you and I am not letting you go", Alec stated and got up.

"I researched on the soulmate bonding and found that there was nothing related to Downworlder-Shadowhunter soulmate bonding, but there was something else", Alec said and paused.

Magnus looked at him expectantly, "Do you remember when we first... you know had sex?", Alec asked awkwardly even though when they did many times.

Magnus chuckled wiping his tears and getting up, "Yes I do Alexander", he said, "Do you remember that there was another two colors of swirl in it?", he asked and Magnus remembering the orange and yellow color.

"Those don't happen to everyone", Alec said and Magnus looked surprised, "If... when we finish the common seventh bonding, the orange and yellow will start working", Alec said.

"It represents... the orange will give us the ability to have kids", Alec said tears dropping in his eyes and Magnus gasped cupping his mouth and sitting down.

"But warlocks can't have kids and the child would be stillborn", Magnus said and Alec shook his head, "That's why it's new and different", Alec explained his voice breaking.

"And the yellow...", Alec choked, "It gives us... it gives me immortality", Alec finished chocking and Magnus cupped his face sobbing, "I know what we have to do to complete our bonding", Alec said.

"Alexander, don't please", Magnus said and Alec sighed, "You can't talk me out of this Magnus I will talk to Lydia and deal with you later", Alec said.

"But what about your siblings?", Magnus asked, "I will talk to Lydia for some sort of bargain for something else", Alec said and left but not before kissing Magnus on the forehead.

Soulmates; MalecWhere stories live. Discover now