This Guilty Blood

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Lydia and Izzy called Alec to the institute, "Magnus I need to go to the institute, we need to find Jace", Alec said as he was standing on the doorway.

"I am also coming with you", Magnus said and Alec nodded, Magnus had felt a sort of an empty feeling in him and he knows it was because of Alec who was missing his parabatai.

"Any word from the Clave?", Izzy asked as they walked through the ops, "Not yet and we've been trying for the past four hours. Something's up", Lydia said.

"Hmm, the Clave being unhelpful? Who's shocked? Show of hands?", Magnus said and Alec smiled before it vanished again.

Magnus was grateful for that small smile even, "I'm worried. I can't sense Jace through our parabatai bond", he said.

"We'll find him, Alexander", Magnus said and Alec smiled grateful at him, "When we arrested Hodge, he said Valentine was on a ship. They must still be over water", Izzy said and they looked at the waterways.

Magnus tried to find Jace with his jacket and couldn't find anything and this made Alec angry and he started commanding others.

"Why don't you just take a break?", Izzy said, "Not now, Izzy", Alec said and Magnus looked at him.

"Isabelle's right, and it's not a request. You're dismissed", Lydia said, "Fine", Alec said and tried to walk away.

Magnus walked towards him and held his arms, "Hey...", he said softly and Alec looked at him, "Don't Magnus", Alec said and walked away.

Magnus quickly helped the others and went to meet Alec on the roof, "I'm sorry for how I reacted before. It's not personal", Alec said feeling his soulmate.

"I get it, I can feel what you feel and it is okay to let your emotions out", Magnus said standing next to Alec.

Alec turned to look at him and smiled before hugging Magnus, burying his face into Magnus's neck who softly stroked Alec's hair.

"I miss him and his stupid jokes", Alec said, his voice muffled, "I know honey and believe me I never thought I would say this but I miss blondie too", Magnus said and Alec pulled away.

"Tell me what I can do?", Magnus asked tucking Alec's hair back, "Help me track Jace. I want to use our rune. I just need your magic for the pain", Alec said.

Magnus shook his head, "I can't help you with this", he said and Alec groaned, "Why not?", he asked and Magnus sighed touching Alec's arms.

"The last time you used a rune to track Jace, it almost killed your bond with him", Magnus said and Alec understood him.

"It would kill me if I find out later that I could have found Jace earlier", Alec said and walked away and Magnus closed his eyes.

Alec got the message to meet at the middle of the institute for an announcement and he went to find out that Victor Aldertree was the new temporary head of the institute.

"Did you know about this?", Alec asked Izzy, "No. But maybe this is why dad went back to Idris", Izzy said and Aldertree immediately put the institute under lockdown.

Alec sees Magnus walking out and ran to him, "Hey! Hey!", Alec said and Magnus stopped, "Are you going home?", he asked.

"Where else would I be going? My interview's over and I'm exhausted. Besides, at the loft, there's steak and vodka. I'd rather be there", Magnus said and Alec nodded.

"But what about-", "No Alec I can't risk losing you, I am sorry", Magnus said and before Alec could respond the alarms blared and Alec went to check it with Magnus following him.

"Is this everyone? Fantastic. First up, all Downworlders are forbidden from entering the Institute without my prior approval", Aldertree said.

Luke left after telling Jocelyn and he took Simon with him, "Magnus stays here, we need him", Alec said holding Magnus's arms.

"Magnus Bane", Aldertree said looking at Magnus, "I am sure you have some parties to attend", he said and Alec tried to advance but Magnus held him back.

"Alexander, it's ok I will be waiting for you at the loft", Magnus said and pulled Alec away from the crowd.

"Magnus don't encourage him", Alec said and Magnus smiled, "I am not honey, but our priority is finding Jace", Magnus said and Alec calmed down and kissed Magnus on the forehead and Magnus left as Izzy came to talk to him.

Alec leaves to find Magnus to try and persuade him when Maryse stops him, "Where are you going?", she asks.

"Magnus'. I couldn't just sit in there and not do anything. He'll help me find my brother", he said and Maryse said that Jace wasn't his brother and Alec told that Jace was closer than brother.

Alec opens the door to see Magnus practicing magic, "Hey", Alec said and Magnus stopped turning and Alec hugged him.

"What happened honey?", Magnus asked, "Aldertree stopped us from searching Jace and I am sorry I talked with you like that before", Alec said.

Magnus chuckled and pulled away, "Baby I never was upset with you and never will be and it's ok, we will find the blondie", Magnus said.

"But here's the thing... we're always going to face challenges. So when things get crazy, don't push me away", Magnus said and Alec nodded.

Magnus took his sleeveless jacket and wore it, "You don't need to get dressed", Alec said and Magnus raised his eyebrows.

"Okay fine", Alec said and Magnus chuckled and kissed him, "Now come on let's track the blondie", Magnus said and Alec looked surprised.

"What?", the warlock asked, "Did you just agree to help me?", Alec asked and Magnus rolled his eyes.

"It's not like I can talk you down", he said and Alec smiled taking off his shirt and laying on the couch.

As they started Alec stopped him saying he was able to sense Jace, " I sense him. He's on land", Alec said and got up dressing himself up.

"Do you need me there?", Magnus asked and Alec shook his head as he kissed his boyfriend, "No I need you here, safe", Alec said and Magnus nodded before Alec left.

Izzy and Alec went to talk to Aldertree but he still declined them, while Clary and Simon went for Jace.

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