Bound by Blood

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Alec was in the balcony when he felt Magnus walk in, "How many Downworlders do you think live in New York?", he asked.

"I don't know, but they're not all your responsibility", Magnus replied, "But you are", Alec said and Magnus smiled.

"I can take care of myself", he said and Alec looked at him, "Maybe... but this is different. You may have lived through the fall of Rome, but even the Dark Ages couldn't have been this dark", Alec said and Magnus looked at him.

"Alexander... I know things may seem bleak, but nothing was as devastating as seeing you standing on that ledge", he said.

They never talked about the previous night's incident since Magnus was not ready and Alec respected that.

"It was the magic. I would never, never–", Alec said taking Magnus's hands in his and the warlock interrupted him.

"I know, I know. But magic can't create fears, only bring them out", Magnus said, "Magnus–", Alec started and Magnus stopped him.

"Look, you don't have to explain yourself baby. I've been through it myself. Just promise you'll tell me if things ever get that bad", Magnus said and Alec nodded and kissed him.

The door opened breaking their kiss and Jace and Clary walked in and Magnus saw her hand, he did a spell to find out what it was.

"La Chair Brûlée", he said,  "I'm guessing that's not a dessert", Clary said, "It means "the burnt flesh". It's an old blood oath spell", Magnus said.

"Then it must be Iris. She said you owed her a favor", Alec said, "At Max's party, she said I have to find Madzie", Clary said and Magnus nodded.

He explained that they needed to find her soon or else she will die and Clary and Jace left, Alec called Izzy and she didn't pick up.

"Magnus Izzy isn't picking her phone, I have to go check on her", Alec announced taking his jacket and his bow and arrow.

"Be safe", Magnus said and Alec left nodding and went to meet Aldertree who evaded him and Alec had suspicions that he was hiding something.

Magnus was called for a meeting for the Downworlders by the Seelie Queen and he went to that after messaging Alec.

At the meeting Magnus found out that Raphael was seeing Izzy and went to the loft after the meeting and asked Alec to come.

Alec immediately came, "What's wrong?", he asked and Magnus explained about the meeting and the fact that Izzy was meeting Raphael.

"Where is she?", he asked and Magnus opened the portal both of them going to Raphael's apartment.

Alec rushed in and started fighting Raphael when Magnus came in and stopped him immediately, "Alec, stop!", he said using his magic to pull Alec back.

"You know about Raphael Alexander he won't lie to you", Magnus said and Alec got up huffing, "She is my sister Magnus", Alec said.

"I know Alexander and she is like a sister to me too, but you can't just punch anyone and everyone because of Aldertree", Magnus said.

"You don't understand Magnus", Alec said and before Magnus could say anything else he pulled Izzy with him.

Magnus turned to Raphael, "I am sorry you and Alec had to fight because of me", Raphael said and Magnus looked at his wound.

"It's fine we sometimes have an argument and before we sleep we reconcile, but you are dabbling something you don't understand", Magnus said.

"Isabelle and I are no different from you and Alec. And I thought you of all people would understand", Raphael said and Magnus chuckled.

"If you truly believe that, see if you still feel the same when you're not getting high", Magnus said and left.

Izzy and Alec had an argument outside, "Fine do whatever you want, but think about it, do you really have feelings for Raphael or is it just some addiction and don't forget Simon", Alec said and left her.

Izzy thought about what Alec said and even though she knew he was correct she was too much high to accept that.

Alec went back to the institute and called Jace and found out that Clary finished the oath but Valentine had her.

"It's complicated", Jace said, "Yeah, what's that supposed to mean?", Alec asked, "It means we fulfilled the blood oath, but now Valentine has her. I think he's trying to activate the Soul Sword. I need everyone you have to be looking for her right now", he said.

"Yeah, that's not that easy. Aldertree dispatched every Shadowhunter we have to stop the attacks", Alec said.

"Well, undispatch them, Alec", Jace said and hung up, Alec made a plan and gathered the shadowhunters.

"The initial attacks were in South Brooklyn, so we're gonna focus on our search there and then move outward. Remember, whatever happens, our priority is to locate Clary", he explained and Aldertree walked in.

"Disregard that order. [to Alec] What the hell do you think you're doing?", he asked and Alec turned towards him.

"Stopping Valentine from destroying the Downworld", he said, "And yet from the look of things it's the Downworld that's trying to destroy us", Aldertree said and Alec gritted his teeth.

"Look, I don't have time to argue. Either help me, or get out of the way", he said firmly, "Or you'll do what?", Aldertree asked and Alec smiled slyly.

"Remember how I said that you were hiding something? Supplying yin fen to a subordinate... an ex-field medic should know better", he said.

Alec knew what Magnus said was correct, it wasn't Raphael's fault it was Aldertree's, "And you expect anyone to actually believe this ridiculous accusation?", Aldertree asked.

"Who knows? Idris loves gossip. And you're one Clave investigation away from treating frostbite on Wrangel Island. From now on, I'm calling the shots. Don't ever threaten my family again. Now if you don't mind, I need these Shadowhunters to go find Clary", he warned Aldertree.

A flicker of fear passed through the temporary head's face and he turned towards the shadowunters, "Do as he says", he said and Alec nodded smiling and left.

Alec felt good blackmailing Aldertree, but that smile dropped when he remembered he fought with Magnus for that and hit Raphael.

He was not close to Raphael as Magnus was, but he did like Raphael as a younger brother and the guilt started creeping on him.

As he was going to call Magnus the alarms blared...

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