Love is a Devil

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Alec was in the institute watching the feed of the previous night, as Jace said that it was an angel they freed.

He and Izzy shared their opinion when Izzy asked about Magnus, "So did you do as I say?", she asked and Alec looked around.

"You did, didn't you? Start talking", she said and Alec looked at her, "There's nothing to talk about", he said and before she could respond their younger brother came.

Their mother was also there and got to know it was because of Max's rune ceremony, "Sadly, your father won't be able to attend. So, Alec, as the eldest male in the family, you will be in charge of Max's ceremonial party", she said and Alec looked at her.

"What do you mean he won't be here?", Alec said, "He's tied up with the Valentine task force in Idris", his mother said and Izzy and her argument started.

Alec took Max with him and learned that their parents were fighting and Max said it was because Alec had a warlock boyfriend.

Alec scoffed and went to his home, "My mother's back", he announced as he entered, "Which means I'll make myself scarce", Magnus said and Alec chuckled.

"Baby no, I have something else in mind", he said and Magnus looked interested, "How would you feel about throwing a party?", Alec asked.

"Have you met me?", the warlock asked, "It is for Max's Rune Ceremony", Alec completed and Magnus paused.

"I think I'll pass", he said after thinking and Alec held his hand, "Magnus...", he said, "I'm sure I'll love Max, baby. But Maryse? That woman hates me", Magnus said and Alec smiled.

"That's sort of the point of the party. So that she can see that this, us, it's not going away", Alec said and Magnus understood that it was because of Magnus's fears and smiled.

"You sure about this?", he asked and Alec nodded, "Why wouldn't I be?", he asked, "Then I better get to work", Magnus said and kissed Alec before walking away.

He gives an invite to Alec to give it to Maryse and she reads it, "At the residence of Magnus Bane? [turning to Alec] It's very kind of your friend to offer, but the Rune Ceremony is a solemn rite of passage. For Shadowhunters. Not some Downworlder rave", she said.

"Where does it say anything about a rave? And why is it only for Shadowhunters?", Alec asked and Maryse said it was a tradition.

"Traditions change, especially those based on ignorance. [Maryse chuckles.] Anyone who cares about Max should be there. And that includes me and Magnus. Together. If Dad were here he'd understand–", he said and was interrupted.

"Well, he's not. [standing up] Alec, I don't wanna fight with you. This dinner, it should be about family. Our family", she said.

"What family? You wanted Jace dead", he said and Maryse said that she was following orders, "You keep saying that. After a while, it loses its meaning", Alec said.

"You're right. Of course we'll be there. Thank you for going through all this trouble for us", Maryse said sitting down and Alec leaned in.

"Thank Magnus. Oh and also... Magnus is my family", he said and walked out leaving a baffled Maryse behind.

Jace was in rooftop when the cats came and he called Magnus who fed them and sat next to Jace.

"Well, I guess when you put your mind to it, you can win over just about anyone, huh?", he asked and Magnus narrowed his eyes.

"You're talking about Alec", he stated, "Look, I've been there. I know it's a whirlwind fling that burns so hot all it can do is flame out", he said and Magnus looked shocked.

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