Beati Bellicosi

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Izzy woke up in Simon's flat confused when Simon answered her question, "My apartment. Sorry, you kinda just passed out on the way back and I didn't know how to explain everything to your brother, so... [handing Izzy the cup of coffee] Here. How are you?", he asked.

"I'm okay. I'm just drained", Izzy said and Simon looked at her guiltily, "Izzy, I'm so sorry about that", he said.

"It was a joke", Izzy said trying to not make him guilty, "You could have died", he said seriously, "You would have done the same for me", Izzy said seriously and Simon sighed.

"But I don't have the same preexisting conditions", he said and they had an argument before both left to the institute.

They met with Clary and got to know about Jonathan and her twin rune with him, "I'll reach out to all the weapons masters to get intel", Izzy said when said about the sword.

"I'll draw all the ley line junctions in the city. If Jonathan moved the apartment, we'll find him", Magnus said and Alec looked at him a bit worriedly.

He has been ignoring this nagging sensation in him a sort of a sad one, which he was sure was Magnus's, but he couldn't confront Magnus too.

"All right, let's get to work", Alec said and all went to their own searching, Magnus was trying to make the computer work when Izzy entered.

"You know that's not gonna make it any better, right?", she said and Magnus turned to look at her.

"I don't know how you work with these machines all day. I could use some magic and a drink right now", Magnus said and Izzy smiled.

"You did a big thing helping Jace by giving up your powers, I know it means so much to you", Izzy said from knowing Magnus over the years.

Magnus smiled sadly, "That was nothing compared to the Blondie's life, he maybe a pain in the ass, but he is family", he said and Izzy chuckled.

She paused before asking Magnus for a root that's native to L'Isle-Adam and Magnus enquired whether she still had her cravings.

Izzy told her reasons and Magnus said he would check on it and left, Izzy went to Alec and told him about the meeting with guard in the Gard.

Alec agreed to go and Izzy left to get ready and Magnus entered Alec's office, "Hey", Alec said softly.

"Hey", Magnus said holding Alec's hand who made him sit on his lap and Magnus sat there comfortably.

"Are you alright?", Alec asked softly and Magnus nodded, "Struggling and learning but alright", he said and Alec nodded and kissed Magnus's cheek who was leaning back on his chest.

"I am here, if anything ask", Alec said and Magnus smiled, "I will, but I wanted to tell you something else, I know it's not my place to tell this, but I can't hide it from you", Magnus said and Alec looked at him seriously.

Magnus told about Izzy and what she did and what she asked, "You have all the rights to tell me this baby and thank you for telling me this otherwise Izzy wouldn't have told me this", Alec said and Magnus smiled and kissed him.

"Just doing my job", he said and Alec kissed his head, "I need to leave, you will be alright right?", Alec asked and Magnus got up from his place and cupped Alec's face.

"I will be perfectly fine, now go do your job shadowhunter", Magnus said and Alec smiled and kissed Magnus one more time before leaving.

He and Izzy left and was walking through the streets when Alec offered her candy, "Want some?", Alec asked.

"Since when do you eat candy?", Izzy asked and Alec tried to play it cool and failed, "Magnus told you, didn't he? You know, next time you try and help me with venom cravings, no coconut", Izzy said.

Alec asked why she didn't tell him and she hesitantly told the reason, "Because... I didn't want you to look at me the way you're looking at me now", she said.

"Like what?", Alec asked and Izzy looked at him, "Like I'm weak", Izzy said and he looked at her surprised.

"I wish I was half as strong as you on your weakest day", Alec said and Izzy smiled slyly and hit his arm.

"What? You can beat anyone or anything", Alec said and Izzy looked at him, "Except for this. It's always gonna be there, like a shadow, just waiting for me to let my guard down", Izzy said and Alec sighed.

"Okay, look. I did some reading about those mundane groups you go to. This isn't your fight, it's ours. No one does this alone. Izzy, look, I know you've heard all that before. Just... Please be honest with the people who care about you. Whether it's vampire venom or uncovering Clave conspiracies... I'm here with you, every step of the way", Alec said and Izzy smiled before the two went to meet the guard.

Heidi was on loose and Simon was helping the Praetors find her while Jace and Clary found out Jonathan was able to communicate to Clary by carving himself.

Alec was constantly looking after Izzy which made her irritated although a lot happy, which she didn't show.

As they found Greenlaw, he was dying and he died before Izzy could draw the iratze and this made her angry.

She had lost her only way to prove this scheme and that made her angry at herself at the same time the one behind this killing.

Luke and Maryse arranged her new bookstore and they connected in deeper levels, later Izzy and Alec told about this to Maryse who told them about the Heavenly Fire.

Izzy and Alec were more curios at the same time confused as they found out this so called Heavenly Fire project was going way back to their mother's time.

Alec decided to ask Magnus and left home, "Honey?", he called after refreshing and saw Magnus on the couch reading.

"Yes Alexander?", Magnus asked smiling as he looked up from the book, "Do you know anything about the Heavenly Fire?", Alec asked sitting next to Magnus.

"Heavenly Fire?", Magnus asked surprised and Alec nodded, "Well I only know that it is the divine fire of Heaven and the power that runs through the veins of angels, but no one has seen it or for the fact experienced it", Magnus said.

"Oh", Alec said and Magnus laid his head on Alec's chest, "Why Alexander? Is everything alright?", Magnus asked and Alec explained the whole thing.

"Gods", Magnus muttered, "Hmm...", Alec said agreeing to Magnus's reaction, "I can't tell you to walk away from this mad search, but please, please be safe for me", Magnus said.

"I will Magnus I promise, there are lot going on, but you are always my first priority and I will be safe for you", Alec said and Magnus smiled and kissed Alec.

"Aku Cinta Kamu", Magnus muttered in the kiss, "I love you too", Alec muttered smiling in the kiss.

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