Day of Atonement

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Alec, Izzy, Jace and Clary were in the ops center discussing after the shocking discovery of Valentine not passing out of the portal on the other side.

"The Clave isn't gonna let this go unpunished. The Inquisitor sent an envoy to assess the situation. Chances are, they'll be the ones replacing me as the Head of the Institute", Alec said.

"Not if we could recapture Valentine. Sebastian and all available personnel are searching. We already know Duncan managed to hijack the Portal", Izzy said.

"If he was Luke's accomplice, he could have been orchestrating the secret transfer all along", Jace said and Alec smiled.

"Listen, I appreciate the effort, but Valentine escaped on my watch. I deserve to take the heat for it", Alec said going back to his rigid self.

"This isn't your fault, it's mine. I was the one in charge of the transfer team", Izzy said and Jace shook his head.

"Hey, we both were. Look, Alec, you are a good leader. You can't just let Imogen fire you over something you didn't do", Jace said.

"Alec will do as he's ordered", said a voice behind them and they turned to see it was Robert Lightwood and found out he was the envoy.

Alec took Robert to his office and Izzy called Magnus telling him to come here since Alec may or may not kill their father.

"I never expected it to be you", Alec said sitting down and Robert sat on the couch facing Alec and Magnus walked in.

Alec looked surprised, "Magnus what are you doing here?", Alec asked, "Nothing Alexander just wanted to see you, you continue I will just be here", Magnus said.

Alec understood why Magnus was here and smiled at the protectiveness and looked at Robert gesturing him to go on.

"You're my son. I felt it way my responsibility to deliver your orders personally. Allowing Valentine's escape was a lapse in leadership, but our top priority is tracking him down. We believe he may still be in New York. And I convinced Imogen that you know this city better than anyone in Idris. You'll remain Head of the Institute", Robert said.

"That's it?", Alec asked, "For now. But Imogen is keeping you on a tight leash. Don't give her an excuse to give Aldertree his old job back", Robert said.

Alec nodded and got up, "I appreciate the help... but don't think this makes up for what you did to Mom", he said.

"Alec, your mother and I have always had a complicated relationship–", Robert said and Alec interrupted him.

"It's not complicated. You cheated on her. There's a reason she returned to Idris as soon as you got here", Alec said and Magnus kept a hand on Alec's shoulder softly and Alec took a deep breath.

"I made a mistake. I never meant to hurt you... but I fell in love. Oh, you of all people should know what it's like–", Robert was interrupted as Alec slammed the table hard rattling the things on it.

"Magnus isn't an affair. I love him infinitely more than you would even ever think of loving your mistress in your dreams", he said his eyes on fire and Robert paled.

Magnus held Alec's chest stopping him from pouncing on Robert, "Alexander honey it's ok", Magnus said.

"Magnus you heard what that man said, he compared you to-", Alec stopped as he looked at Magnus and immediately his body relaxed and sighed.

"I shouldn't have said anything. We can argue all about family drama once we find Valentine. But until then, I have an Institute to run", Alec said.

"Alec...", Robert started and Alec gave him one look, "You can go", he said and Robert left, Alec sat on the chair keeping a hand on his face.

Magnus looked at his love in sadness and softly brushed the jet black hair out of the shadowhunter's face.

Alec pulled Magnus close to him by the waist and buried his head there as Magnus slowly stroked his hair.

"Will everything be alright Magnus?", Alec asked, "Of course Alexander, but go easy on your father baby", Magnus said and kissed Alec's head.

"I need to go back to the Seelie Court, but I will be back soon", Magnus said and Alec nodded before the two kissed and Magnus left.

Izzy came in and the siblings walked to the ops talking about Robert when Alec felt different and realized it was the parabatai rune.

The two rushed to the library to see it a mess and found out Jace and Clary were in Idris and Alec demanded a portal for Izzy from Robert.

Izzy left and Alec went to check the paper and the things from Clave when the door knocked and Robert walked in.

"What do you want?", Alec asked as he looked at his father, "Just got word from Isabelle. Jace and Clary are safe. They'll be in Valentine's cabin shortly", Robert said and Alec nodded.

"That's good to hear. Hopefully, they can recover something we can use to track him. [pause and sighs] Dad... Thank you. Izzy never would have made it to Idris without your help", Alec said.

"Alec, you and Isabelle and Max and Jace are the most important people in the world to me. I know I've lost your trust. I hope I can earn it back", Robert said.

Alec asked about the fire messages and told him to keep Max out of it and Robert told Alec what the fire messages were about.

"But you cannot repeat this secret to anyone, not even Magnus. Promise me, Alec", Robert said, "I can't promise that. Either you trust me to be a leader, or you don't", Alec said.

Robert looked at the door and looked back at Alec, "The Clave lied about the Soul-Sword. They never recovered it from Valentine's attack on the Institute. They don't have it. They never did", Robert said.

Alec felt as if he did the ice bucket challenge as he felt his whole body freeze and Robert left without another word.

Alec was thinking about whether to tell anyone, especially Magnus or not, when he heard that the others were back.

He went to meet Izzy and told her this, "Even if Dad's intentions are good, these secrets only end up making things worse", Alec finished looking around.

"Trust me, I know the damage secrets can cause more than anyone. But if it got out there that the Clave lied about the Soul-Sword, it can mean the end of the Accords", Izzy said.

"Maybe you're right. I've gotta do something", Alec said, "Are you gonna tell Magnus?", Izzy asked and Alec nodded.

"Dad may be my dad, but he had lied and cheated and I can't hide anything from Magnus and I also don't want to", Alec said and Izzy smiled.

"Good decision big bro", Izzy said and left him and Alec left to the loft to see Magnus not yet there.

He made dinner and arranged the table as Magnus came back, "Hey", Alec said, "Hey yourself", Magnus said surprised looking at the table.

"What is the special occasion?", Magnus asked keeping his coat away and wrapping his arms around Alec's neck and Alec wrapped his arms around the warlock.

The two kissed, "Just, we haven't had a date for a long time and I have something to tell you", Alec said.

Magnus nodded and Alec helped Magnus to sit and sat next to his lover and as they had their date Alec told everything to Magnus.

"I know this is huge and you can't keep this away from your people but if you can hide it for a few days, the clave will do something soon and I will also put my best, but I also understand if you want to tell them because you are a head too. I didn't want to burden you but I wanted to tell you this because I have never hid anything from you and I don't want to-", Alec blabbered.

He stopped half ways seeing Magnus's look on his face, Magnus had the brightest smile on his face as he looked at Alec.

"What?", Alec asked, "I love you so much, you dork and don't worry I won't tell for now", Magnus said and Alec blushed, "I love you too", he mumbled and Magnus chuckled.

The two kissed and continued their date and had a wonderful night...

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